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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I don't think there are more "evil people" now we just hear more about it because of the non-stop media. I can assure you that when I was a kid, long ago, there were some pretty bad guys out there then, but they weren't on the news unless they killed someone. A teacher hitting a student wouldn't have been a news story at all. A child being molested wasn't a news story even. There had to be a murder to make the news then. To be honest, teachers hit students quite frequently when I was a kid. Probably not like this woman did, but maybe even harder and with wooden objects most of the tim
  2. The american Kidney Foundation calls me all the time to tell me that there will be a truck in my neighborhood on "whatever" day. Anyhow, she called yesterday and I told her that I didn't have any clothes or small appliances right now and she asked if I had any old magazines because they are collecting them and taking them to people now.
  3. I had a sputter a couple of times this week myself that I have never had before. I was going to take it in to have it looked at. I may have to mention this in case.
  4. You will know if there is a problem, but if the school system is suggesting that there might be then tell them by all means to go ahead and do the testing. That is what they have school psychologists for. However, whatever they come up with take it with a grain of salt and still seek your own answers through your own doctors that you trust. Why let the school test then? It gives them something to do while you are taking care of business. You do not have to agree with their findings. In fact most people don't, I'd say. You probably have nothing to worry about. You son is just proba
  5. I grew up with an sister (7 years older than me) who had grand mal seizures. Back then there were not as many medicine choices adn she was on some pretty strong meds. During the week when she was in school she did well but on the weekend and summer vacations when the medications were not taken at the same times every day she would have I saw them so frequently I don't remember being scared by them but I am sure to someone who was not used to seeing them they were very frightening. Once on vacation she had one while having a breath holding contest in a pool and she almost drowned. Actually
  6. Of course it was the right thing to do. He said that is what he was going to do so it he did it. I find it sort of funny that the question is even being asked, but I understand why. We are certainly not accustomed to always being told something and seeing it follwed through with.
  7. If they win this lawsuit it be a crime. People will start "saving" people just to make money from it. What has happened to this world?
  8. Should have put a BASS Pro Shop in there. Lord knows my hubby would have kept them open on his own!!!!
  9. Thanks Postman! I'll fly my grape plucking flag with pride!!! You can always pluck with me!
  10. Nope, I'm a one grape plucker. I figure one is enough to know if it's a good bunch. I have never given it any thought, now I guess I will. I will now be a closet plucker.
  11. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I have to come clean and come to LPPT's defense....OMG yes...yes...I "sample" the grapes before I spend my money on them. I do not eat one if I do not intend to buy them though. Germs smerms... I should probably be mnore worried about that but there is no telling what I have eaten in my long life on this Earth and if I die from that stolen grape then I guess by golly I deserved it.
  12. My brother in law works at Logan Aluminum. It is one of the few good places to work in Logan County. Small world. It is pretty country though, I love the farm land.
  13. Mike the headless chicken lived quite a while. http://www.miketheheadlesschicken.org/index.php
  14. That's right. I can't imagine why anyone would go there unless they have family there, since there is really nothing there except farms. I was born there but only lived in Logan County until I was 4, raised in Bowling Green, Kentucky, a few miles up the road.
  15. Why is everything happening in South Paulding? Sheeze...we've got gangs and now crazy salespeople preying on the elderly. We are going to have to up our game over here and scare these losers off.
  16. When you just put 1 or 2 tsp. of Gerber rice cereal (the dry kind in the box) in a bottle of baby's formula you can't even see it in there when you shake it up. It is not thick at all. It is just enough fiber to help keep the baby full and satisfied for a little while longer.
  17. Isn't that the truth LR? These days I would have DFACS called on me for listening to my mama and my grandma. God love 'em, they knew how to raise some children. Look how good I turned out. Whiskey shut me up and made my gums feel better, and I don't like it at all now. I don't care much for rice cereal either...less you make rice krispie treats out of it. Dang...maybe that's why I like those so much!
  18. Three weeks old for my first. I put one teaspoon in his bottle and he was much more satisfied. My mom recommended it, not the doctor. I was already doing it when we went back to the doctor and he said that it was okay. Second baby breast fed a little better so he was about 2 months old when I started giving him a bottle with a teaspoon in it. This has been years ago and I am sure it is not dr. recommended, but it worked. In this case mama really did know best. The Dr. didn't recommend rubbing bourbon on his gums when he was teething either.
  19. I agree and am not arguing that. Isn't everyone supposed to be entitled to their day in court? That is the question here. But I do have another question...surepip...if you go to court and the judge rules in your favor will they have to pay then or can they put it off even longer? I ask that because I know the just just told them to pay "instanter" and they have not paid. I am really not savvy in the legal field so I don't know.
  20. It seems Surepip has spent the last several years collecting evidence for a trial that the county will not let him have. So I do believe that he has proof of his accusations. I think that PCom should stop trying to be his jury and start trying to get to the bottom of why he has not been allowed to show his case to one yet. He needs his day in court...that is all he is asking for, and he is entitled to that.
  21. Thank you, Pubby for shining a light on the REAL issue here. Now, what can we as a community do to stop this from happening?
  22. No, I think she meant Maroons. I've heard that before, Bugs Bunny used to say it all the time..."What a maroon!"
  23. YUp...and then they should include it all in their law suit against that neighbor and AC. The way both those parties handled that situation seems they were just waiting for someone to take legal action. BTW...I am normally not a law suit type person, but if something isn't done here someone may end up being seriously hurt or worse.
  24. Something about the fact that the courts continue to rule in surepip's favor makes him believable to me. It is politics at it's worst. I do agree that we will not hear the other side of this case from the BOC but I don't believe it is because it is an ongoing case, it's more likely because it is a coverup of the wrong doing.
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