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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I like them both. 5Guys is a little greasier and they put the toppings on for you. Bobby's is not as greasy and they have a topping bar. Like I said I like them both but the grease at 5 guys is sometimes too much for my stomach.
  2. The Publix at New Georgia has a limit of 10 items on all of their B1G1 items. It is still hard sometimes for them to keep the items on the shelves if there are coupons because people will buy 10 and come back in and by 10 more untilt hey have them all. CRAZY Only once have I bought 10 of anything and that was PopTarts. They go pretty fast at my house. Honestly I would be embarrassed to clear a shelf of something. There is a fine line between saving money and hoarding when it comes to couponers.
  3. I think about it often, but I know the people in this house would be dysfuctional at best if I was gone. I get tired though, for sure, tired of taking care of every one and making sure that their lives run smoothly while mine often feels out of control.
  4. Simon- "You look good." To the 45 year old woman dressed like a stripper. WTH?
  5. That was a cute little duet couple with very good voices. I do think they are dating though, not that ie matters.
  6. “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” ― Kathryn Stockett, The Help
  7. I think West Ga Tech in Douglasville does. Chattahoochee Tech might. I know htat KSU does, but that is a little further away.
  8. You're right that medical assistants don't make much money, (generally 20-25,000)but the school itself is not very expensive and in most cases it is covered in part by the Hope Grant. Nurses are really needed right now but the hospitals are hiring more RNs than LPNs. It is good money and job security though.
  9. My father in law used to live on a country road where tis happened all the time. Fortunately he owned a machine shop and the machinists make him an indestructible mailbox. He said he wanted to make it strong enough so that when those boys came driving by at 30-40 miles an hour and took a hit it, it would break their arms.
  10. Well, Postman, at least you know who the carp are.
  11. The difference between you and me (one of them anyway) is that you must find those questions inappropriate and I see them as a teaching/learning experience. You know what though, we can go back and forth on this forever and nothing will change. So I am going to agree to disagree and move on being thankful that we live in a country where we are free to believe what we want. (as long as we don't expose any of the Southern Christian children to those beliefs. ) Leaving now.
  12. From where I sit I can see that the uniforms are being compared to burka because kids will understand it. Middle school kids are all about finding their identities through clothing and such. When uniforms are brought up the kids ALWAYS argue that it takes away their right to express themselves. This article could show them what it is really like to not be able to show themselves through their clothing, making school uniforms seem less restictive in comparison. In order to do that, one muct explain why the women have to wear the coverings which in turn, of course, leads to religion and in t
  13. Count me in. I get it. What I don't get is what everyone is so afraid of. In the snipit of the story the word Muslim is not mentioned. It mentioned only shariah, which is a set of laws written from the Quran but that they use in the Middle East as laws. Their culture is largely ruled by their religion so it would be impossible to talk about the rules and laws without referencing the religion. I don't think that any of our children would read that and think 'I have got to live like that'. Seriously, it is ridiculous.
  14. As long as you are over 3 (21 in animal years) and you have not got any unusual lumps popping up down there, I think you're safe.
  15. Heaven forbid the kids learn a little something extra during the lesson then what is on the plan. Edited to say: Sorry, that sounded mean when I read it back to myself and I try not to come off that way. I am just going to agree to disagree with you (and MANY others it seems). Obviously I have a very different take on the things that I am okay with my kids knowing and learning than others.
  16. I agree. I was born and raised in the South and I love me some southern folks, but the ones with the most closed minds always have the most open mouths!
  17. Nope, I didn't miss any off that. I'm a pretty good reader. The fact that it is a fictional person is irrelevant. It is a piece of educational material that someone wrote to provoke thought in school kids. The children have been studying other religions in middle school for a long time. The text books that are/were used have many dramatizations of lives of others. You don't really think that every little anecdote in the text books is truly written by the people they are teaching about, do you? If you find that offensive then I would tell you that you should consider asking for any
  18. No kidding Blue. There have been a great number of attacks against people in the names of MANY religions...including Christians. Education is not a bad thing!!
  19. I do not see what the problem is here. What is wrong with our kids learning the cultures and religions of others around our world? Learning something does not make you want to be that. From what I see of the article the kids were exposed to, it looks like an excellent teaching tool for comparing and contrasting cultures and religions. Do you not believe that a Muslim child sitting in a classroom would find some of the Christian traditions just as crazy as your kids are going to think theirs are? Oh, and it seems a good time to break the news to some of you...Not ALL of the children in t
  20. I agree with that but if the OP is worried about how long it takes to get the degree or how much it costs, NP is definitely the longest and most expensive. It requires about 6 years post high school education. If nursing is your calling my instructors are telling me that hospitals are primarily hiring RN's instead of LPN's when they have the option because they are certified to perform more test and things without the assisstance of a doctor so it is cheaper in the long run. There are several jobs out there for CNA's but they do the work that most others don't like. Just something to t
  21. I am taking Phlebotomy classes now at Kennesaw State University (Continuing Education Bldg.) When I decided to start taking classes I did a lot of research and found that there are several job availabilities for phlebotomists. The only problame I see is that most places are looking for someone with a year of sxperience, so I will have to let you know how I do when the time comes to job hunt. I will graduate Oct. 4th and take my National Exam Oct. 6th. At first I was taking classes at West GA Tech in D'ville. I really liked the college and it was definitely closer than KSU but it was
  22. Thanks...I need all the connections I can get.
  23. CAn you please find out for me how to apply. I went to the website and the link does not seem to work. He might know some inside tricks.
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