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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I think she did try to leave but one of her kids ran back in and she went in to get him. That is what one of the stations was reporting.
  2. Yes, I do know a couple of people who live that way. Well, one who used to and is now reformed...praise jebus!!! My cousin, who I will preface this by saying was raised in a very clean house, is NASTY!!!! Not clutter or messy, but nasty. There is a huge difference in being messy and being dirty, and her house is dirty. In order to clean it I think it might have to be gutted. The second person...is (was) my sister. She is 7 years older than me and was a very rebellious teen. Our father was killed in a car accident when she was 12 and I was was only 4 going on 5. My mom remarried a y
  3. I second this suggestion. However, he has a nurse practitioner named Cappie that your father would probably like. She is an older lady and she takes her time which means that sometimes you have to wait on her, but she will spend time with you too. She is very personable and not at all like many psychiatrists.
  4. How awful this is. I read the statements of some of the survivors. One said that some of the kids tried to play dead once they wear shot but that did not work because the shooter shot each one of them a second time in the head to be sure they were dead. These were teenage kids. There are no words.
  5. If I want to do what? respond to this thread I can do it in another thread? huh?
  6. I saw it on TV this morning and it looked awful. An island full of teenagers at camp, someone dressed as a police officer calls them all together then starts shooting. It was 90 minutes before the real cops arrived. CAn you imagine what those kids were going through?
  7. I am flumoxed. I baffles me that some of you read the title of a news story and begin to argue about the politcal implications of the title instead of responding to the horrendous story that is being reported.
  8. It is sad, but technology is making the paper book obsolete. I love my kindle, but there is just something about going into a book store and browsing and finding that perfect book taht you just don't get from online shopping.
  9. Diana's Banana Babies....yummy! But my happy of the day was booking my trip to Biloxi for just me and my oldest son. Fun time to be had!
  10. My children spent most of their adolescent years as military kids. Their father and I did all we could to stay in one place for as long as possible but they were still subjected to several moves. However, they spent the most formative years in Louisina and the years that they remember the most in Biloxi, Mississippi. The latter is where we were stationed at the longest and also the last place we werestationed before my husband was offered a job at Lockheed and due to the boys medical circumstances we chose to move here. If you ask my kids where they are from they will tell you Biloxi, alth
  11. Yes...give me the pertinents. Just the bones of the story. I have been reading it so long I am not sure I could could put together a legible letter at this point. I want help. I will fire off letters to the BOC, AJC, ABC, CNN and FOX. I just want to know the facts.
  12. When we were camping she would tell us that if we played in the fire we would pee in the bed. I am sure that was just to keep us out of the fire and it worked.
  13. The teachers are not bad the system is the problem. The GA Law enforcement system needs to take a good look at themselves before they start trying to find the problems in other institutions. I also don't understand your African American reference.
  14. fishnthec


    You seem t be one of the few who understood what I was trying to say. I am not pointing fingers at any particular poster/posters. I have been a reader and occasional poster on pcom for many years. I have been on the bad end of the attack in one of my first posts. Unbeknownst to me it was a pcom sore subject. After that I learned to sit back and read and watch much more than post. I don't thinks the behavior on Pcom is much different from other forums except for the fact that many of the posters are aquaintances in real life. That puts a new dynamic in the mix that makes it even more int
  15. fishnthec


    Why do is seem that there are some people on her that are predators? The love to jump quickly on the weak or the new when they post something that is well known as a "touchy" subject. All of us who have been around a while know the touchy subjects, PC Sherriff's Dept, Pc Schools, Parenting, Miss Jesse, etc. you get the just of it. But they not only prey on the weak they wait, quietly, sometimes for long periods waiting for the stronger ones, the pack leaders so to speak , to say something that they feel they can pounce on. Then they jump, like a jungle cat. Sometimes they are success
  16. I do not work in or around downtown Hiram. I am also fairly certain that I am unrelated to the owners of the old coffee house or the new business as we are from out of state and have only been here for 10 years, but hey ya never know. SOme of you guys might check me out on ancestry.com to be sure just in case. I am going to try the cupcakes and maybe even the chicken salad beacause I am quite finicky about my chicken salad. I will report back sometime, hopefully in the near future with an unbiased (as far as I know) opinion.
  17. Thank the Lawd for the Geogia Law Dawgs Keepin' them gals honest
  18. Yes, do tell. What dja have?
  19. THe way she was looking at him was frrrreeeeaaaky. I like the quote from her parents, "Despite the way she looks she is a devout Christian."
  20. I think she will change her name and look and live somewhere with her new identity. Like it or not, she was found not guilty. The talking heads said that people are sending her money and I am sure she will be able to get a fresh start somewhere. As for the Zenaida Gonzales case, i think it will be hard for them to prove that she intentionally targeted that Zenaida Gonzalez, so she will probably get away with that as well. I know that the seach team is considering a law suit as well, but look at OJ, he managed to get out of paying his law suits somehow. I am sure there is enough red tape
  21. I will see it Sunday afternoon with my entire family. It is a bittersweet end of an era for me. When the books first came out I was living with my family in Biloxi, MS and I worked in a library in the Biloxi Public Schools. Scholastic would send me some of their new books at the beginning of each year and I would read them and the do book talks with classes so that when the bookfair came to town they would be excited. When I read HP I was hooked! My oldest son was 11, just like Harry. He wanted so badly for an owl to bring him his acceptance letter to hogwarts. I read the books with my
  22. I was born in 1965 and I was an overwieght child. Probably not overweight like kids are today but by the satandards of the 70's I was overweight. I didn't have video games and TV to blame. I played outside. My mom worked but she came home everyday and cooked a meal with meat at least 3 veggies and usually cornbread. ( I never liked cornbred so I didn't eat it) I have always been a healthy veggie eating personbut yet have fought with my weight my entire life. It is not always the fault of the parents. But sometimes it is. Case in point. (I apologize if this was you but I am using
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