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Everything posted by tbird

  1. And I am told that this will be a "family affair" with his daughter, brother, sister and possibly mother there. His brother Dean and his wife Marianne are friends of mine!!
  2. She did not look too upset in the pics on AJC--wonder if she was expecting them??? And I wonder if she crapped her pants when all those cars pulled up???
  3. What time was this??? I come through there a little before 7:00 and everything was clear???
  4. All this sounds like it is an under handed way for the state/counties to make money. I was married in 1980--have no clue where my marriage license is, mainly because I divorced the idiot after 5 years. So, if I have to have a certified copy of my marriage license, I am going to have to trek to the courthouse and pay a few dollars for this. Same thing with my birth certificate--cause heaven knows I don't have a copy if it (although my mother might).
  5. Dang---wonder if they will take divorce papers???
  6. I was going there--but when I rode by--they were backed out onto Cobb Parkway!! And they have 3 drive thru lanes!!! I usually just run through CFA at lunch because they are so quick there!! So I had Schloyzsky's instead.
  7. And here I thought you were going to say you were making fried pepperoni spaghetti!!! That's OK--I can fix it as good as it used to be from the Italian Kitchen on Roswell Street!! Now if I could just figure out how they made their Chicken Pasta Supreme!!
  8. And to top it off--she is really an ugly child???? Can't these folks see that she doesn't look like the pretty little model type???
  9. In my opinion, you have really hurt Jeff's campaign here. Knowing Jeff all of my life, I cannot say that he would agree to what is going on here--at all. Shaking head.
  10. I don't get why folks get all bent out of shape about the tax free weekend??? It is not worth it to go out in the massive crowds of people to save a few dollars on sales tax??? It is very much like black friday in the middle of the summer!!!
  11. If you shop around and watch the sales--you can get the basic stuff for little of nothing. And I always buy extra paper, folder, composition books, etc. while they are on sale. If you wait til the middle of the year and have to replenish--it will cost you a fortune. When you can get folders for 10 cents--buy as many as you can!!
  12. I like the Dannon Oikos better than anything else!! Where did you find the Key Lime?? I got some last week in Florida and it was wonderful--haven't seen it around here!!
  13. Yea, makes a lot of sense to live in Hiram and have a "vacation home" in Dallas???? If the "vacation home" had been in Florida or something, and they were saying that he lived there more than here--that would have been a little easier to swallow--right???
  14. I know that this is a good program, but it is also abused by many. Some parents just think that everything is for them--so they can spend their money elsewhere. Man--I could be rich now if I had thought that way when my kids were growing up.
  15. They used to come in my office all the time. One of our partners did their legal work for them. THey were always very nice--and used to bring us girls an assortment of deserts!
  16. If the taxes are 3 yrs old or older, they can sometimes be discharged. See it all the time. However, if they have filed a lien--an IRS lien is the only lien that cannot be avoided in bankruptcy. It will survive the bankruptcy, but by filing she will certainly stall some time.
  17. My bet is that if they call in the contempt action--she will file a personal bankruptcy. That will stop any arrest actions. It would be a messy case as I am sure that the Xerox folks will try and get the bankruptcy stay lifted to continue their actions. Since the business is shut down, all they have is her personal guarantee to go after. But, in past cases, I have witnessed many where the stay in left in place. The taxes would be gone, since they are 3 years old (or older) and can be discharged.Unless she has some unexemptable assets, she will walk away, only with a bankruptcy on her record.
  18. Haven't heard anything , except for his radio commercial this morning. Almost wrecked the car trying to change the station!!! Almost as bad as those "we love ya, we need ya" commercials!!!
  19. Yep--mine was $85 and my home is plenty cool. And I have a window unit in my bedroom that stays on high from the time I get home in the evenings til I leave the next morning.
  20. You will just have to call a mobile home moving company. THere used to be several in the Temple/Breman area, but not sure anymore. Or maybe call that big park on 92 towards Douglasville or that big one on Powder Springs road in Marietta. The laws are really strict about where you can put a mobile home these days. And even if you are moving it into a park--most only take them if they are only a few years old now.
  21. Well, it's real nice of ya to want to put the "little guy" out of business???? Being that my son is one of those "little guys".
  22. When I interviewed for my job last year, I wore a nice pair of black dress slacks and a dressy summer top. After I was hired, I found some notes on my bosses desk about me and another girl he interviewed (who was younger than my 50 yrs old) and he noted that her jacket fit poorly, her hair was messy and she had on too much make-up. His notes on me said very neatly dressed and overall neat appearance (thank god I had my roots done a few days before!!!) He had also commented on the fact that I had no kids at home, which I assumed meant that I would not be calling in sick all the time.
  23. I am sorry, but I cannot stand to see these women running around our office building with these ugly, white, pasty legs. I know that most folks don't wear hose anymore, but if you choose that route, tan those legs--please wear hose(for everybody else!!). It just makes you look sickly.
  24. I have a recipe for something similiar, that uses Hershey's Cocoa Powder. It is really gooey and wonderful with Breyers vanilla bean ice cream!! It come off a box of Cocoa. Very simple to make, but it is made in a square pyrex dish.
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