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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I agree. I have 2 cell phones and my home phone on TMobile and my bill runs around $120 per month.
  2. Being denied is normal if you have been terminated/fired. A layoff is entirely different.
  3. Since several were looking last week--just thought I would let you know that I just saw them on the ereaderiq.com page.
  4. Honey---that has been going on forever at that complex. My son and his family lived there about 7-8 years ago and his truck was broken into 3 times. Then they had a drunken/drug brawl right outside their door (neighbors that lived upstairs and didn't make it upstairs). There son wasn't quite 2 yrs old at the time. They had requested to be moved several times and the complex wouldn't help. They give up and moved out, of course breking their lease. The company sued them for the broken lease. I tried and tried to get them to go to Court with the police reports and proof of the breakins. They woun
  5. tbird

    urgent care

    ER won't do anything unless the bone is broken in two or protruding through the skin. Best to just splint it and go to Ortho on Monday. Save the ER bill. Been there done that--years ago. Between 3 kids, they had 6 broken arms between baseball, football, slipping on clogging shoes, skating, etc. I learned to just wrap them in ace bandages and put them in a make shift sling and wait for the ortho to open!!
  6. Use the website www.ereaderiq.com and you can get all kinds of free Kindle books. You can go on there every day and just look at what was added in the last 24 hours. I am using that site primarily now for all my books!! And they do have the weightwatchers books on there--got a few of them myself!!
  7. Ummmmm--haven't you/you husband owned 2 out of 3 of those????
  8. A friend of mines husband caught a guy in their subdivision last week and he was casing houses. He had noticed this car several days and it was just sitting in the subdivision every morning around 6:00. Well, he went to chase/talk to him and the guy tried to take off. Fast thinking, friends hubby blocked the main road with his truck and guy could not get out of subdivision. Called cops and when they got him and searched his car--there was a notebook where he was casing houses. He had street numbers, what kind of car, what time they left, etc. all in that notebook. And this was in Paulding
  9. For some reason I want to say that it is criminal offense not to pay the wages. I know that the debt can be discharged in a bankruptcy, but I think you can still go after the person criminally???
  10. tbird

    Begging for

    Yeah right??? You have one of the blindest hills on Hiram Sudie and idiots want to use it for a turn around??? I especailly like the ones that pull in and want to back out with the rear of their car facing Hiram---talk about an accident waiting to happen!! Heck--even the garbage truck doesn't stop in the road at our house--he has permission to pull in the driveway to avoid a wreck.
  11. tbird

    Begging for

    That would be me. And no where in there did I say they were being bullies--you got that one on your own. When you live right on a main road--you get a lot of "undesirable" visitors. At some point you just really get tired of it and since my son knew about this lady and the fact that she was a scammer----he did the right thing. We have stuff stolen, damaged, etc. and have got to the point that we don't want folks pulling in the driveway--and our house seems to be a favorite spot for folks to try and turn around. After fixing spots where they have torn up your yard and driveway--you just ge
  12. Tidwell has a good service center also. They serviced my Mustang a few times and then I had Thunderbirds from 1991 til last year (motor finally went in the 97) and they did all the service on them.
  13. That is who I was going to suggest!! They have always done me right, but then again, my nephew used to work there and did most of the work!! Too bad he's a cop now. But I still take my Escape there and they have always been really nice--even though I did not buy it from them.
  14. Maybe call some different dealerships and talk to their service managers and see if they have any other ideas????
  15. Hiram PD is really bad to sit in the gores at 278 and BC Pkwy at night. I have often thought that it was pretty dangerous to just sit there with no lights at all. Even if they had their parking lights on---it would be such a short notice time that they could still write the tickets they are looking for.
  16. Me too!!! I will probably get beat up over this, but I smoked and drank a lot of coffee with all 3 of mine--30+ years ago. Back then the Drs. wouldn't say much about it. My MIL kept telling me that they would come out looking like alligators from all the dry skin--never did--they were all perfect!!All were big healthy babies (smallest was 8lbs 15 oz and the largest was 10 lbs). No health problems at all and they are all still very healthy, well, maybe except for the oldest who is very accident prone--and always has been!!! I do think that alot of the problems kids have now days is rela
  17. I had to go several years ago and I was let go on the first day. They did have a couple on the list that did not show, one of them being a business man in PC that I knew. The Judge told them to issue a warrent for him because it was the 3rd time he had not shown up. Don't know what happened with it??? I kindof got the idea that the Judge thought the guy just thought he was too important to show up.
  18. I watched a program several months ago about the Hybrids. It gave an example of the Ford Escape (which I have one, but not the Hybrid). It said for the average driver, it would take something like 5-7 years to make the money back. I know when I first started looking, the Hyubrids were running well over 30K and my plain little Escape for around 20K is just fine with me!!! So sometimes, Hybrid is not always the way to go!!
  19. tbird

    Begging for

    We live right on Hiram Sudie--no subdivision. It just so happened that day that there was a wreck up around Davis Mill and traffic was becked up and at a stand still in front of our house. She sees these 2 guys standing out front and just whips it in. My youngest son was living with me at the time and he had heard me talk about the lady and he had seen her at Buddy's several times---so he knew exactly waht she was doing. Both of my boys are hard working guys. The oldest has had his own business going for a little over a year and his money is tight--trying to build his business. They were raise
  20. tbird

    Begging for

    She has pulled up in our yard before--right on Hiram Sudie. Asked for money and my 27 yr old and 30 yr old sons just laughed at her and told her to get the hell out of our yard!!
  21. Whatever you do---do not pay anybody to help you get a loan mod. I have not seen one of these companies that is legit. They take your money and do exactly what you could have done yourself. We have folks come in all the time that have paid these folks $850-$2000 and got no results and none of their money back. At the very last minute--they would have to file Chapter 13 with us to stop the foreclosure.
  22. This site just seems a little easier to me. When you look at Amazon--they five you 40K plus and you can break these down much easier. Or maybe it's just me!!
  23. www.ereaderiq.com is a website that gives you hundreds of free Kindle books!! You can search by genre or the book name and then just click on it and it takes you to the Amazon site to download the book. Sorry if this has already been posted--but it has just really excited me to be able to get all these free books!!!
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