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Everything posted by tbird

  1. But it was just a prank???? Whatever. The extent of the damage was ridiculous.
  2. OMG folks. Mean spirited???? WTH??? You got a kid (that should have known better) that helped do thousands of dollars of damage to school property???? If they had been older and done this to an employer--do you think they would have got off with a slap on the wrist?? Heck no. And as the validictorian--he should have definately known better. If all (or most) of them are in the top percent of the class--they all should have known better. I guess it just goes to show that a person can have all the book smarts in the world and not have a lick of common sense. And yes, this is just anot
  3. I think it is pathetic that he and his family have taken things this far. If your "oh so perfect and smart" kid had not majorly screwed up---you wouldn't have to be doing this. He screwed up MAJORLY--get over it. Take the punishment and be gone. And then again--I think it would be kind of funny if everybody just boo'd him when they call his name. Why in the world some folks think that the rules don't apply to them just amazes me!!
  4. A little bit of a drive--but Red Bar is worth it!!!
  5. The www.ereaderiq.com website that I use isn't any type of "stealing site". When you click on a book--it takes you directly to the Amazon site and the book is downloaded free from there. They update each day with their free and discounted books.
  6. I have the Kindle keyboard 3g--and I love it. I also use the website www.ereaderiq.com and get a lot of books free. But the funny thing is--I might get one free, but then I like it and it is part of a series and then I will go and buy the rest of the series.(example--from 1 free book--I bought the other 11 of one series and absolutely loved them.) So, to me, it is just a marketing tool for the authors. I probably would not have ever found them and their series if it had not been on the free website. And that same website also gives you daily markdowns of book prices. I have found it much
  7. NOPE. Even the more expensive suits have very little support. I have tried for years!! I usually have better luck at JC Penney, look, fit and price wise. Macy's usually has some really nice ones, but the really nice price goes with them!! Best of luck.
  8. Sad. Dorothy was just like another aunt to me growing up. All the times she was at Aunt Marvines house.
  9. Never heard of the coffee thing--but I will definately try it!!! I usually marinade mine in a mixture of beer and Dale's (low sodium) or Worcheshire (sp). Also mix Worcheshire (sp), apple cider vinegar, butter, and seasonings.
  10. I think most of that on her face is makeup??? I don't see how you could ever get your face that color!!!
  11. Aiken Construction was sold to Plateau over a year ago.
  12. If you have a Kindle--go to www.ereaderiq.com and you can get free books daily. It also tells you which books have been marked down on Amazon. I rarely ever buy books now!!
  13. Well, I will just have to go look out my bosses window!!! You can see the planes taking off from Dobbins and sometimes they look like they are headed right for his window!! But I love it. I miss watching the planes from Lockheed!!
  14. Not much difference that the constant talk about Joshua singing in the church and his daddy being the preacher??? I know that there are a lot of good singers this year, but in my opinion, Phillip is the most genuine of all of them. Skylar is kicking it up--trying to prove herself--and doing a pretty good job. Elise is awsome and needs to really kill it next week. And I do agree that Jessica is a good singer, but she is beginning to get on my nerves. I am hoping to see the final 3 be Phillip, Skylar and Elise!!!
  15. Yep--couldn't even begin how many Saturday afternoons I spent watching American Bandstand!!
  16. I have never had coverage with Progressive, but in the past, my parents have had property damage from other folks accidents--and Progressive was at their house the next day writing checks. I did have a little old lady hit my car a couple years back and she and I both had Geico. It was her fault--she backed into my car. I reported it, told them where I was taking the car to get it fixed (Hunters) and everything was fine. They paid for my rental with no problem and the car was fixed to perfection (which is what Hunters is known for). After I called it in--I never had to speak to them again.
  17. tbird

    Need advice

    My bet would be that you are dealing with The Bortalazzo Group (or something like that). I see bills for them all the time, along with emergency room bills. I have never had to deal with them personally, but they are a pain to deal with when I have to call them for clients.
  18. My oldest son saw Dr. Pollard for many years and we absolutely loved him. He was cross eyed from birth, but never had to have surgery. He wore bifocal lenses from about 4 yrs old til middle school and they strengthened his muscles. Every once in a while, you can barely notice his eyes cross, if he is really tired, but other than that--they are perfect. Not sure if anybody else could notice it, but Mama's always notice that kind of thing!!
  19. All this sounds pretty darn fair to me. They did the deed--now take the punishment and walk away with the charges dropped.
  20. There have been kids that lost their walking rights for less than this. Just like the folks last year that couldn't graduate because they did not pass the graduation tests---IT WAS A RULE. Considering that some of these kids that did the damage were atheletes and such---they should not get any favors at all. As has been said many, many times--they knew better, chose to do so anyway and now they got to pay the piper.
  21. Agreed!!! I am sure that they are getting the same punishment. Hopefully most of their parents aren't so full of themselves and their kids to put it all out on the news and such. I know that I wouldn't be.
  22. There is no way to prove that this kid only did the road--unless somebody has video from the whole time they were in the area. I think what the school board did was great. Maybe next time, kids will think before they do something so stupid.
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