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Everything posted by marteenj

  1. They are responsible (negligent) if any item comes off their truck, just as you would be held responsible if the spare tire bounced out of the back of your pickup, or that couch flies off, etc and was hit by another motorist. No matter what that sign says that they put on the truck, if they they failed to secure that load per state law, they are responsible. State law also requires the load to be covered. If the cover is not on, it only helps prove your case. You'd have to call the cops and file an accident report just as you would any other car accident. It can be hard to identify the
  2. staged or somewhat scripted, etc so is auction hunters, the towing shows, etc. --- even the "makeover" type shows too. ----Ironic that most of the fake shows are on Tru TV.
  3. "Research published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health on May 9, 2009 documented the cases of 16 infants who were suffering with colic or acid reflux and got complete resolution of their symptoms with chiropractic care" Link: http://www.infantrefluxdisease.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46045
  4. no problems with at&t uverse
  5. well, with all that being said, how do cigarettes apply to your design flaw theory?
  6. The end-of-the-year holidays are a stressful time for those that were already on the edge. There is an increase in homicides and suicides too in December.
  7. They used to charge per page, but office max / office depot / staples print centers did them for me a few years ago. Also, call the UPS stores around town. Recently, i did use fedex kinkos scanners, but that was not local (atlanta)
  8. where does jesse jackson and al sharpton stand on the issue?
  9. some people like to share their paranoia, want to believe, and feel it is their duty to protect you --- at least i have found that on their psyche when i get those "LSD smeared on the gas pumps so they can rob you" emails
  10. I was on bakers bridge road approx 2 years ago and saw a cobb p.d. officer not stop for a school bus with lights flashing and kids getting off. I called it into paulding 911 and the lady said "maybe he was on a call" --- really? cobb pd in a marked car in paulding county? (no lights flashing on the cop car)
  11. so i guess the windows "blue screen of death" really means something there
  12. kind of similar story, names changed (to protect the innocent), etc Link: http://www.whychristmas.com/customs/poinsettia.shtml
  13. lockheed credit union does all that you need ---- lgeccu.org
  14. any high speed ride that is almost 4 minutes long has got to be worth it! sure beats these one minute roller coasters around here.
  15. power cord and brick at sears for $19.45 plus $7 shipping link: http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM4058506201P?sid=IDx20101019x00001a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=SPM4058506201 amazon: $3 plus $7 shipping link: http://www.amazon.com/Power-Supply-Cord-Dell-Latitude/dp/B001MQ6FDM
  16. I second the warehouse of hope -- hunter road, douglasville (hwy92 at the paulding line) --- good place to volunteer too!
  17. Depends on your budget. From $99 system at wally world up to $3k+ at the pro stores. You are looking into a world where a quality speaker cable is $50, and $1000 speakers. Of course, generally speaking, in a system, the more speakers the better (5 or 6+) and the more watts in the amplifier the better. Stick with the brand names such as sony, klipsch, polk, yamaha, etc A few beginning questions: How new is your TV and does it have connections on the back for external speakers? Do you want real surround sound? (additional speakers behind your head) Wireless speakers are more
  18. not trying to be a smart butt -- were they real airplanes or remote controlled ones? (some of those can be quite large and unusual shaped) also, are there any fly-overs planned for the dallas parade saturday?
  19. apparently not, back to work at the CDC 12/1 ...... Link: http://www.ajc.com/news/dekalb/cdc-exec-charged-with-1246948.html
  20. First, you do realize we are talking about state employees here as far as the administration of this program is concerned.... The typical state employee (especially the ones i have dealt with in the past from various agencies) could not take on the additional responsibilities beyond their current assignments. (those in the metro area, anyway) --- so there would be state jobs created to implement and support the online or telephone logging of hours, and the auditing/fraud prevention of volunteers and host companies. Second, just as it is in community service in the court system, non-profit
  21. It depends on which tree you want --- white pines are at most all the nurserys and run approx $60 for a 5 foot one. If you are calling around, ask for a B&B (ball and burlap) tree. If you are looking for a spruce or fir, then you may have to go to the state farmers market in forest park. A high percentage of the B&B firs and spruces do not survive the georgia heat the first summer due to the small root ball (makes them lighter to carry and ship), so the reputable nurserys usually do not sell them, especially with a guarantee, etc
  22. It is all rolled into the cost of doing business --- the same way that we all pay for the lousy drivers that cause accidents even though we never had one, the same way we pay for the cost of people shop lifting, the way we pay for the spoiled meat thrown out at the grocery store, and so on, etc.
  23. I agree, as long as it is accredited by same regional organization that the state colleges in the same area are, then it will be recognized by future employers, etc. and you will not be considered someone that bought their PhD from a fly-by-night school. In the southeast, SACS is the accrediting organization Link: http://www.sacs.org
  24. Our teen recently went to a birthday party at the circus arts institute in atlanta. The host paid approx $35 per child for a 2 hour group session teaching them how to juggle, tight-rope walking and trapeze, etc. Very unique and memorable birthday party. here is their link: http://www.circusartsinstitute.com/
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