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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I wrote it in my calendar for 6:15 but now I don't see a time on the PSCD website. Can anyone confirm the time and does anyone know what is on the agenda? I assume the budget will be discussed but you know what they say about assuming....
  2. This is good information to have. A few years ago all I wanted for my birthday was to get my car detailed. I don't remember where my husband took it but they did the same job for the most expensive package as they had done for the least expensive package we usually got. I was very disappointed. I'm glad to hear so many glowing recommendations. Maybe I will ask for one again this year but be specific about where/who I want to do it.
  3. There are a lot of consignment sales in the coming weeks. I know some of them carry prom dresses and they are usually just as cheap if not cheaper than what it might cost to rent.
  4. Has anyone been to Wellspring Treasures? It is in Kennesaw~ I think in the Micheals strip mall area. I haven't been myself but have heard great things about it. The proceeds go to helping victims of Sex Trafficking~ apparently Atlanta is one of the biggest areas in the country for it. I don't remember all the statistics but I was shocked that something like that goes on as much as it does so close to home. Anyway, I may head out there this weekend~someone gave me a coupon that lets you fill a bag for $25. I think maybe they are trying to clear some winter stuff out but I'm not sure.
  5. Due West Treasure Chest is next week. It is open to the public beginning on Thursday morning. If you are able to volunteer at all you get to shop on Wednesday evening. I always find nice quality stuff there. You can go to www.thebargainwatcher.com to find a list of upcoming sales by date or county.
  6. I think if it saves money and creates more openings for kids it's a good idea. When my kids were in Kindergarten (I have three that range in age from 10-14) it was obvious when I helped out in class if a kid had not gotten and Pre-K education. It didn't have to come from an official preschool. Some parents were able to teach there kids the basics. I don't remember their being very many kids at all that hadn't gone to preschool or had a parent or both work with them before starting Kindergarten. Now the changes to the HOPE Scholarship. That is what scares me!
  7. Over the course of the two nights I voted for 14 different kids. Everyone in the top 10 received my vote as well as one of the judges picks (Stefano). It's not that I didn't like the other two girls I just couldn't vote for everyone. I'm really happy with the top 13, of course that is going to make it really difficult as they go home. Hopefully in the coming weeks I'll be able to narrow down my favorites to a more reasonable number~lol.
  8. I watched both nights. I ended up voting for 9 different guys and 6 of the girls. It's going to be a rough night tonight as I am sure some of my favorites will not be in the Top 10. Does anyone know how many judges picks there are going to be? I thought I heard Ryan say that tonight they would announce the Top 10 and the judges picks so I am wondering if the judges will know ahead of time who made the Top 10 based on America's vote or if they will have to decide during the show.
  9. We had pancakes. They were yummy. Even the kid who doesn't like to admit he likes them scarfed them down in about 2 minutes.
  10. I had a hard time deciding who to vote for. I think I voted for 9 different guys. It was very easy getting through. Then I went online and voted for each of the nine as well. When the show started I thought the first few guys had a bit of a rocky start~nerves? Anyhow then things just kept getting better and better. Besides those that have already been named, I thought that Jacob blew it out of the water. That guy has an amazing voice and I thought what Jennifer said about losing Luther but now having him was touching. Then Randy saying how proud Luther would be. My daughter
  11. Conference week is usually just a 1 hour early release. They do have sporadic two hour release days throughout the year but never for a week.
  12. Mine went and contrary to what my 7th grader kept saying not that many kids were out. I subbed on Friday at the middle school he attends and had anywhere from 3-7 kids absent in each class. More than usual but not nearly what everyone has been saying. My fourth grader only had 2-3 kids out in his class and they may very well have been sick.
  13. Don't spank and never will. I just don't see how it's logical to teach a kid something by hitting them. It doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't you should teach a kid not to do something because it is the wrong thing to do and not because they are afraid of getting hit? I get sometimes they need to be punished but there are other ways.
  14. Just googled blue waffle....I think I'm going to be sick. I sincerely hope I can get that image out of my mind. Eww...eww....ew....
  15. I had a horrible night trying to sleep and saw the text about 1:30. I must have slept some though because I totally missed the weather but my husband said it did in fact come through. He got home from work about 5 minutes before it started and was up for an hour or so before going to bed. He said his the wind was really whipping when he was driving home. I don't know the exact time but it was some time between 2 and 4 am.
  16. Just finishing up a pack of frozen Swiss Rolls as I read. Yum Yum!
  17. I wanted to add that you could try posting your items on here or craigslist to save on seller fee's and shipping. Most sales do have a minimum # of items and it is usually 25. I have heard but never done the sales that are only big ticket items (little tikes playhouses, stuff like that) but I think they may have a smaller minimum). I have been doing consignment sales for @ 10 years now and would be happy to share with you what I have learned. I will say that I have gotten the best deals by far when I volunteer and get to shop the earliest. Also the more sellers the more items to choo
  18. We use Dr. Singleton and love him. When my daughter was getting ready to get her braces on we went to 4 different Orthodontist before deciding. I was also impressed with Dr. Justice and have heard great things about Dr. McLendon. My daughter got her braces off last year and now we are getting ready for my youngest to get them in the next year or so. Even though I am fairly confident that we will go with Singleton again I do plan to visit a few different Dr.'s. I'm a firm believer in shopping around. Dr. Singleton has two soon to be three locations. One across from the avenue, one of
  19. Really? Because I saw a picture of him recently and thought what is everyone talking about. His hair was not long and in his eyes and looked neat and clean cut. People are always telling me my son has Justin hair but in reality I thought Justin's hair style was shorter when I saw the picture.
  20. Is this one of those sarcastic comments or is this true? I was sorry when they closed. We had just started getting in the hang of heading there before going all the way to Home Depot when we needed something. Every time I drive by there I wondered if they had been able to hang on a little longer would they have done better with the Dollar General now open.
  21. Hi, I am about to order another Dell laptop and thought I might splurge and get a colored one this time since the laptop I am ordering is 45% off (Presidents Day sale). We have two black ones and I was hoping someone could tell me if they are happy with the colored one they have. The colors I can choose from are Tomato Red, Peacock Blue and Promise Pink (with a portion of the proceeds going to Susan G Komen for the Cure). I was also curious if anyone had ever used one of those laptop covers/skins? One of the kids schools was selling ones that you could have made out of a photograph for
  22. My 7th and 8th grader got them just before they started middle school. Both had gotten all A's K-5th and that was their reward. IN all honesty though I probably would have gotten them one anyway. I have a 4th grader who wants one and who I would love to get one for but I am trying to hold off. Our fourth grader recently got an I-pod touch and has an app on there that lets him call and text for free so we are going for that for now. If we did get him a phone he would pretty much only call or text family members. I don't think very many of his friends have cell phones however in car r
  23. I found the article interesting. Yes it makes me sad but it also makes me stop and think. I don't usually see who is posting before I read a post. If it looks interesting I open it and if it doesn't I just scroll down. If whoever it was (I don't feel like going back and checking) is so unhappy with the things the OP posts why do you open a thread by that person? Just curious because there actually is one person that if I notice they have started something (About PCHS) I try my best to ignore it and go on to something else. I wouldn't be surprised in more than 1 in 3 people suffer f
  24. I didn't click on the video because my sound doesn't work but was this in California? My brother lives out there and posted on FB the other night asking did anyone just see what happened with a reporter out there for one of the news stations. I read an article today that didn't say anything about the why of it just that she was okay. How scary though.
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