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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. That's awesome! I'm so glad they were able to track it down for you.
  2. The e-mail account I have connected to my facebook receives copies of all my messages so you might want to check there. I used to keep them all in a file but I have started just deleting them lately. Good Luck!
  3. I just got back from there. Besides the two free Krispy Kreme donuts I got one of those $7.99 trash cans, 5 of the $1 energy efficient curly cue looking light bulbs, a can of wasp and bee killer, some bleach and 6 of the 34 cent paper towels~~my total came to just under $20. My daughter will be there tomorrow with the rest of the EPHS band students giving away (donations accepted) hotdogs and something else (you can see how on top of things I am right now~~lol one day at a time people). I am sure my husband will be stopping by as well if he can get there before work tomorrow. I
  4. I am not familiar with either car but I would definitely google them to see what kind of common problems people have had with them. I would also say wait until you see them both. When we were car shopping a few years back it was amazing how different cars are in person. Not to mention you can't tell if they smell bad~~like smoke, pets, etc... Good Luck~~car shopping is one of those things I hate (I might actually enjoy it if I could take price out of the equations). Last time we bought a used car we got a Toyota Corolla. We thought we had gotten the deal of the century and then a y
  5. We've only had experience with the traditional braces. My suggestions would be to go to 3-4, maybe even 5 different Ortho's and get their opinions. I also don't know the cost of invisalign so I'm not sure how that compares. When my daughter needed (or we thought she needed braces) we went to 4 different places and not even one of them charged us for the consultation so if someone tries to charge you don't go there. We also, at at least two of them got to keep the X-rays that they took. It sounds like you have the same insurance we had at the time~$1,500. We also ended up get
  6. WADE BLD Waste Industries American Disposal Trash Taxi That's all I can think of for now but I think there is one or two more
  7. I don't think so~~lol. I'm 43 and pretty crazy about HP. I may even dress up if I don't think my daughter will die of embarrassment~~seriously why is it okay for her and her teenage friends to get dressed up for the midnight movie but it's sooo very wrong if I even think about it. I've taken that girl and any parents crazy enough to entrust me with their kids to every midnight movie for the past 5 years. I was reading those books before she could even read. In fact she was only a growing fetus when the first book came out. LOL~~I am a pretty huge fan. You should check out some of the fa
  8. Maybe but that is not what this thread is about. And to be honest you are being kind of an A**. What good do your comments do? Are they going to change the situation? I learned a long time ago if my input isn't going to help things and isn't positive then I should probably keep it to myself. If the Mother had waited until the kid was 10, or 15 or 18 to tell I'm sure you would have found something wrong with the timing then as well. IF the guy was messed up the LAST thing she should have done is bring him into the childs' life. It sounds like she did the right thing and did tell him
  9. I've read The Help a couple of times and Catching Fire. Very different but I loved them both. I am currently reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It has been slow going for me. I am used to reading a book in a day or two but I've been at this one for almost a week and I am not even half way through. I also started reading A Wedding in December yesterday because I didn't want to take A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to the beach (It is a mint condition very old hardcover). As soon as I finish these two I plan to reread the Harry Potter books. Last time I reread them all it took @ 10 days bu
  10. Thanks~~this would actually be for my youngest brother (@25 years old). He lives in Austin, TX and his FB status are often time telling what club or restaurant he is at and what beer he is drinking (and band he is listening too). I don't think he is a big craft beer enthusiast but he does seem to enjoy it. I may think of something else to get him. I just wanted to do something different for his birthday. I'll still try to feel him out to see how serious he is about his beers.
  11. Keeping in mind I know every kid is different but here is what happened with my two. My oldest (14) was referred when she was in 2nd grade. The first guy thought she needed to have them. We decided to get a second opinion and the Ortho we saw next asked our daughter how she felt about her smile and she said it was fine (it wasn't~lol). He said she COULD get them know and in fact another Ortho might suggest it but that if she was fine with her smile to just wait until she lost all her baby teeth. He said if we got them then she would have to do it again later. We waited. When it was ti
  12. Has anyone ever gotten or given one of these as a gift? I am wanting to give one as a gift and wondered which place was the best. There seem to be a handful of them when you google "beer of the month club" and they all look similar but vary on price. I didn't think I could post a link to a non paying merchant. Is there one you recommend? Or not? Thanks!
  13. That's awesome! I was wondering who won~~congrats and enjoy!
  14. My daughter gets paid $5-$10 a day. She gets $5 from the neighbors whose dogs are in an outside area and all she has to do is feed and water them (and stick around while they eat to make sure one stays away from the other while they eat). Every other job she has done where she has had to walk the dogs or they stayed with us or at their house she has gotten $10. She is going into 9th grade but started her pet sitting biz back when she was in 3rd grade.
  15. Aww man... I don't want to think about George and Izzie. That just makes me sad and then I start remembering Denny and oh boy his death and George's were just heartbreaking.
  16. I wish I could give you a +1 for that~~too funny! I am afraid to even look. I still can't get that blue breakfast thing out of my mind that y'all (I don't remember who exactly) said we should google. (pucks in mouth just thinking about it)
  17. I don't usually read your topics but I do think that they are very creative. I haven't been to your store yet but I am sure I will sometime. I tend to get my books through paperbackswap or on sale and through ebates.com I say keep it up!
  18. My oldest two went to overnight camp when they were in 4th adn 5th grade (rising) so I am guessing they were 9 & 10. They had a blast. I was able to meet both their camp leaders at a parent meeting a week or two before and both of them assured me the kids could call on their (the camp leaders) cell phones each day if they liked. I don't think they called everyday because they were having so much fun and were exhausted by the end of the day. As parents we also gave little notes cards to the leaders ahead of time that the leaders would stick under their pillows or something a couple of t
  19. What a completely adorable, cute, beautiful baby you have. Thanks for sharing those pictures. One question~~What, no Michigan onsie? Edited to add~Michigan as in UofM, he does appear to have a Detroit onsie on though so I guess that's an acceptable alternative .
  20. The beach balls sound like fun. When I graduated I remember our principal was a huge Michigan fan. As we shook his hand we all gave him some small thing that was from MSU~I don't remember what it was but he kept having to slip them in his pocket~it was funny. It didn't take away from the importance of the ceremony but just added a little fun to the occasion. I'm not even sure my parents realized what was going on. I also don't see a problem with the "hooten and hollerin" as long as it is quick and over before the next name is called.
  21. I grew up going to Cedar Point every Summer which boasts some of the best Roller Coasters in the Nation (I even think they have one ranked in the top 10 world wide). I love, Love, LOVE Roller Coasters. This looks right up my alley. I see a trip to Six Flags in my future.
  22. Just wanted to say "Hi" and "welcome" I hope you like it here, I sure do!
  23. I can see both sides of this situation. I was at an honor ceremony this week and the same instructions were given. The students actually did really well but there was one parent that cheered and clapped loudly for each and every student. On the one hand it was nice that she did that but it totally frustrated me that she was doing the opposite of what was asked and eventually the kids joined in with her. From the parents or family perspective I think that they just get caught up in the moment and can't help but scream. Whether your child got all A's or just barely made the graduation re
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