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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. What a cutie~~I liked hispicture. Good Luck!
  2. Wow, it's worth repeating~~so, so beautiful! Congrats!!
  3. Here is a quote from something I just read on ajc.com (I googled tate execution delayed?) "But Tuesday, Tate had a change of heart. He signed his petition for habeas corpus, which is expected to take months, if not years, to be litigated."
  4. I'm so confused. Since when does a prisoner have to be ready to be punished? Has this always been the case or is this something new?
  5. lol~I used to think the same kind of thing back when I was single. Ahh....the illusions I had about being part of a couple back when I was single . I do love Valentines day though and try to do fun stuff for the kids and my husband. I usually get him something or do something for himor make a point to go out to lunch or dinner around that time but apparently reciprocating stresses him out~lol. He is in the restaurant business so he always works that day anyway.
  6. I think we will price out both but are leaning toward purchasing the unit and then paying someone we know to install it.
  7. Thanks y'all. Ragsdale was one of the places that I first thought of. It is always nice to hear from people who have experience with a company though. Good to know. We do have heat in the kids rooms upstairs and one space heater for our room. We are planning to pay cash which means waiting for our taxes to come in. In the mean time we may get another space heater or two to get us through until then.
  8. Well, our furnace has gone out so we are shopping around for a new one. If anyone could PM with any place they DON"T recommend I would appreciate it and if you have a place or person you do recommend feel free to post it here or PM me. Thanks!
  9. You sound like a great guy and I wish you the best. I don't live in Hiram so I can't vote for you personally but I will suggest to those I know who do to consider voting for you.
  10. Thanks for that. I just now opened this thread. All week I kept thinking it said Saturday Night Live and I finally had to open it up to see what Drew Peterson had to do with tonights SNL.
  11. I was just reading a few minutes ago how serious his condition is. If he isn't in fact dead yet the title should be changed. My heart about dropped when I read it after having just read how ill he was. It did sound like he didn't have much longer though.
  12. We've had Season Passes thier for the past 8 years and last year we only got to use our passes once before the closed. The last couple of years we tended to go on the weekends once school was back in session and maybe once or twice before then. We hadn't planned on getting passes this year but I was hoping they would honor the free passes from last year that we didn't get a chance to use due to the early closing. As my kids have gotten older more of their friends have gotten Six Flags passes so that is what we are going with this year. I still would hate to see them close. We have
  13. Thanks for posting this. We've been praying for the family every since my daughter read on FB over the weekend that he had died. She didn't know him well other than to have him in one of her classes but it is still very sad when a person dies especially someone so young.
  14. At Abney (at least for my older two kids~~I also have a 5th grader this year) they have done an Awards Ceremony with a cake reception. This is in additon to the 5th grade walk. Sometimes they have a 5th grade picnic as well and so far every year they have had a 5th grade talent show~this is not for the whole school but in addition to parents and friends the 4th graders are invited to come watch. The end of the year is quite busy. This Friday is D.A.R.E. Graduation for the 5th graders.
  15. I don't know why I keep opening this thread. The thought of those Tate brothers and what they did just pisses me off. I only have to see their name and I feel sick to my stomach.
  16. I got an e-mail from my husband today. It didn't have the usual gibberish and actual had a decently written message about his life getting turned around or something and what a help or inspiration this was. Of course there was a link. I deleted it immediately but it was actually somewhat convincing. Typically the virus e-mails I receive only have a link in them or contain info that to me atleast is obviously not something a friend or relative would be sending me about.
  17. I'm going to miss you and your quick replies to all of P.comm's legal and criminal concerns.
  18. Last night was really good. Not sure if she really loves Daniel or not. I thought she loved the bar tender/owner guy (name escapes me just now). I hope they wrap it up. Not sure how they could do another season with just these characters but I suppose it's possible. Whether her father is alive or not I would hate to see them bitter and vengeful for another year. Let her (or them) get their revenge and move on. Not sure what you mean about the writer being a cover for her Dad? How so? I definitely think the writer had a thing for Nolan. It seemed obvious to me by the way h
  19. I'm so glad about the outcome and that you were able to get things handled or taken care of so quickly. I was expecting to have to follow this thread for at least a week or two . Anyways, am I the only one confused by the name Georgia Transmission? It sounds more like a business that would work on cars as opposed to trees?
  20. Two places come to mind that you haven't mentioned~~the Animal Shelter and the Warehouse of Hope. I am sure there are others as well. I have a student who volunteers with the younger kids at our church. I know that is on the weekends but they are always looking for help during the week with other stuff as well. Lastly you could check with the library. My oldest goes back to her elementary school to help out once in a while with special events and that might not be an option for you but it did make me think of the library~ I know they do story times and stuff like that. Good Luck~~we
  21. This is a great thread~~thanks for starting it. I got an 4s i-phone last month and am still trying to figure it out. I have been debating about Angry Birds but will download it today. Right now I am downloading Gas Buddy. I recently downloaded the Bible which has been awesome when I want to look up a verse or different versions of a verse or passage. I like the FB app and the weather and Flixter. I did get a few games but am not too wild about them. I do like Plants VS Zombies and play a few levels most night before I fall asleep. So far it is slow but I remember playing it on my
  22. really? REALLY? sigh....... I wish him the best. This is our first year at EPHS but it is obvious how loved he is and I know he will be missed.
  23. Yes they did! I didn't have a dog in this fight but really enjoyed watching Alabama play. And as far as attending the school you are a fan of~~it's just silly to suggest that you can't be a true fan if you didn't attend or play for them. My Grandfather was the HUGEST Notre Dame fan. Unfortunately he was the oldest of 9 kids. His mother died when he was 16 giving birth and within a year his father died. He was left to raise his 8 younger siblings (no adult moved in but they were checked up on on a regular basis). He was college bound before this happened and the fact that he never mad
  24. My 5th grader and I watched the marathon from Once Upon a Time this past week and now we are hooked. I really hope it gets wrapped up this season and isn't one of those never-ending plots.
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