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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. It doesn't. The closest connector is Due West which runs into Mars Hill.
  2. Nearly no pressure in the Rose's Store area.
  3. As poor as the Sprint/Nextel service is to begin with I cannot say I could tell a difference.
  4. No....the business should not be required to pay them for work not performed.
  5. I always do mine a few weeks in advance just to prevent problems such as this. They mailed my renewals out a couple of months in advance.
  6. No...Paulding has a couple of small boats plus several inflatables which are ideal in situations like this. People seem to think large boats like those Cobb County has for their large lakes are the answer....its not.
  7. Paulding has two boats that I know of.....anyway most rescue boats are inflatables.
  8. Because it is a massive waste of tax dollars in a county when the vast majority of the population live in unincorporated areas. In an emergency you just bring in the Sheriff and FD Chief to a command post and let them coordinate things. Yes...they have been using boats all morning.
  9. In my opinion 50% are good 35% are only good because they are afraid of punishment 10% would commit crimes if/when opportunity arises 5% are pure evil
  10. Yes....DirectX is a Microsoft program which runs games on Windows.
  11. If it gets really bad then the off duty people get called in. No matter if it is LE or FD.....there are twice as many people off duty at any given time than those who are working.
  12. Unfortunatly when dealing with the criminal element a tag number may not get you very far.
  13. Magnolia Creste also did a percentage of their apartments income based at one point.
  14. The main problem is a good portion of this county is still rural. Ambulance services cannot run as many ambulances as they like in rural areas due to finances. There is no way a dedicated unit could remotely pay for itself in some of the remote areas.
  15. Those security features will not be completely effective until all the new models have them. Once it is common place it will be a deterrent.
  16. Decide what options you will use. I found the cheapest Garmin Nuvi did exactly what I wanted....great maps, touch screen, voice directions. I could have spent $200 more for a bunch of features I would never use.
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