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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. Smoltz is turning into the Brett Farve of baseball. He is a legend....bow out gracefully....his age has caught up to him.
  2. The business district of Hiram is not 'trashy' at all.
  3. Notify store management and let them make the complaint.
  4. Lots of factors go into sentencing....not just the charge. Judges look at the offenders character, past record and numerous other things. The only way to solve the problem is by enacting mandatory minimum sentences. However that has as many bad things associated with it as it does good. Discretion in sentencing is needed....that is why we have judges.
  5. Yes it used to be Sudie Crossing....I believe the property changed hands and the owner has renamed the complex.
  6. Call them or stop by and pick up a flyer....they are always near the front door.
  7. Exactly....and by being reinstated he is not being "given" anything. It is only letting him the chance to compete for a job. If he is hired by a team it will be because he earned back what he once had. This man was punished harsher than some who have killed humans.
  8. Normally there are several different positions in a communications center that the employees rotate through. While some are answering 9-1-1 calls, some are dispatching LE, some Fire/EMS. The person answering the calls is responsible for asking the right questions so that help can be sent....sometimes it is because the neighbors grass clippings is on their property and sometimes you may be explaining to a hysterical parent how to perform CPR on their 5yo. The call goes to the dispatcher.....they must relay the information to the responder so they can decide how to respond and the c
  9. It is funny....there is more hatred here than there is for a released murdered or child molester. He did his time....he lost more than any of us will ever know. Let him live his life. The role model issue should not be of concern.....that is a parenting issue.
  10. Yup....he could be arrested but LE will do nothing until a victim comes forward wanting to file charges.
  11. That is awesome. It fixes the main deficiency in the current models....one shot before a cartridge swap.
  12. Vick has extraordinary skills that are not common....that is not in dispute.
  13. Doubtful it will have an effect on him. I believe he reportedly is the father of 25+.
  14. There was a home in there which had a lot of problems around it. They have moved and everything is quiet again. I think it is a nice neighborhood.
  15. The is NO excuse for leaving a child in a 90 degree car for over 30 minutes. None. Children die from that BS all summer long.
  16. As above....most parents only pay a fraction of the cost it takes to educate their child each year. Even if you refund all their school taxes in a voucher most will not be able to afford private school.
  17. It is just 3 days....other parts of government including Police/Fire are taking harder hits than that. They can take off 1/2 hour per week and cover it during the school year.
  18. The vast majority of the time that is not true.....out of the hundreds of theft from a vehicle reports I have taken not one has been forced open. Most of the thefts happen at night and the thieves are relying on making absolutely no noise. They basically hit subdivisions and go through every car that is unlocked.
  19. It would dramatically cut down on theft if people would not leave valuables in sight with the door unlocked. It has become a nightmare for law enforcement all over the nation because people are making it so easy for the thieves.
  20. I really do not care. He is a professional athlete....not a role model. He is paid to showcase extraordinary skills which he utilizes in his chosen sport. He has paid his debt to society and has lost about as much as a man can.
  21. Federal judge rules against Georgia in water litigation By Bill Rankin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution A federal judge has ruled against the state of Georgia in the tri-state water wars litigation, but he’s not turning off the tap at Lake Lanier just yet. A federal judge overseeing the high-stakes case ruled that the Corps of Engineers should have sought congressional approval before allowing water from Lake Lanier to be reallocated for use by the metro area. But U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson is allowing Georgia, Alabama and Florida to decide the issue in the politic
  22. I don't agree. NASA's total budget is around 0.5% percent of the total government budget. There are plenty of other fat which can be cut out before we stop exploration.
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