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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. We be holdin' down the fort for you. Hope all is well.
  2. So sorry, dude. I feel your pain...was in the same spot with the same company 20 years ago. They are determined to ruin that company. I wish you the best on finding something new - and MUCH better!!!
  3. mei lan


    Pubby's just yankin' conservatives' chain. He has to keep up the facade, doncha know, because he really is a closet conservative. Oh, also - it's totally on account of he don't like me.
  4. mei lan


    pubby knows things,
  5. Oh, my heart hurts for you. I think I would do much better with teens than small children because at least they know what's going on. I do know whereof I speak because my parents were foster parents for several years and both my wonderful siblings are adopted. My parents were fantastic at it. I'm just not sure I'd survive. Please allow me to give you a hug. :hugeembarrassingglylonghug: God bless you.
  6. What she said. I'd be a mess with a kid leaving for a good home. I can't imagine my insanity if they were sending a kid back to a bad environment.
  7. it's my fault. pub by don't like me so he made the board all wonky.
  8. We can only hope. 'Cause the thing Hiram needs most is more fast food. :snort: ('Course, I'm only there two times a year, so what do I know.)
  9. Oh, goodness. What grief. I pray God's comfort and blessings on their hearts.
  10. Steve Martin plays a mean banjo...and his atheist anthem is one of the funniest things ever. Billy Crystal is kinda meh fo r me. Better at sketch comedy than acting.
  11. I think griping is much more fun than paying.
  12. Awesome on the Mint/whatever. Thanks for the info! Just to clarify - the only one you have is for non-carpet areas, correct? I will have both non-carpet and carpet areas, so the info is very helpful. Uh-huh. Sure. :noddingmyhead:
  13. Pubby don't like me, so he made the board all wonky so I can't send PMs right. So I reckon we'll have to air our dirty laundry and gossipy gossip in front of God and everybody. So, here's what I was gonna say in my PM: I hear that dana and stradial got arrested for public drunkenness, that Pubby is really a closet conservative, and that you and Papi are sleeping together. Any of that true? Didn't you get one of those robot vacuum thingies awhile back? How do you like it? How often do you use it? How much did it cost (if you don't mind my asking)? Or anybody else can comment if th
  14. I wish y'all would quit griping...since we have our great reservoir, I don't mind if the PTB want to spend a little money. Oh, wait...
  15. Dang it, Nina...don't traumatized the boy!!!
  16. I refuse to click on the link on account of I don't want to lose IQ points (see also: Kardashians, Dumb & Dumber, etc.). And this board's quirks are going to drive me to drink.
  17. Why couldn't they be cadavers? As in, used for teaching purposes, and then buried (albeit not in a genteel manner)?
  18. mei lan

    Rod Stewart

    I adore Mr. Stewart! I esp. love his more recent big band stuff. I'm a total big-band-phile.
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