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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. And that equates to the modern-day tea partiers how exactly? (I won't argue your point about what the Birchers opposed because you may be entirely right...I just don't care enough to read up on it.)
  2. Dear Lord - there is a tear in the universe and the end is near!!! Bill Maher agrees with me on this Mozilla thing. :faintingdeadaway: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/04/04/bill_maher_there_is_a_gay_mafia_if_you_cross_them_you_do_get_whacked.html
  3. Oh no you di'unt just say Tea Partiers are racists because of their belief of lower taxes and smaller government!!! Crazy is in the eye of the beholder, and I admit to being slightly warped, so I shan't quibble with that one. Of course you didn't use the vulgar term many people use, so there is that.
  4. Twins! I do not watch ANY news. Fox is so dadgum sensationalistic that it grates on the nerves. I liked the CNN of old when they actually did fantastic reporting. Like 2 decades ago. I get all my news from the interwebz now because I not only choose what to read but I can go more to the direct source.
  5. One of only 2 Democrats I have ever voted for (on the national level...I have voted for any number of Democrats on the state and local levels). As an aside, I gather that the Birchers have rather gone off the deep end in the last 20 years or so.
  6. I liked what you said because I agree with it. I think companies have the right to hire/fire people at will; however, I agree with Andrew Sullivan that holding a person's personal views against him when he has done nothing to discriminate or behave badly as an officer of the company is heading down a slippery slope that we really don't want to go down. We saw the result of that with Nazi Germany.
  7. I can not click through but I will share my thoughts.It is one thing to have an opinion on these types of things. Just like it is ok for people to hate people of different races or cultures. When you send the check it becomes an act against gay people. Same as burning crosses on lawns it becomes an act. One is illegal of course. The perception of those that support same sex marriage see it as an act against gays. Soooo, giving money to the Baptist church or Catholic church is an act against gay people? There is a qualitative difference between giving to the Baptist and Cathol
  8. FYI - Nathan Deal is not conservative. But even if he were, right is right and that woman got the shaft.
  9. I want to make th at trip but starting in San Diego and going up all the way to Seattle via the PCH. Oh, Subby - when you return let us know what you thought of the water retention structure.
  10. They agreed with her and gave her $700K compensation. heh http://www.ajc.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/verdict-possible-today-in-state-ethics-trial/nfRxP/
  11. The nest is in a stand of trees near the gatehouse at the main entrance (the guard will point it out to you). If you take the first left just in front of the gatehouse and look to the left before you get to the big parking lot ahead of you, it's in the stand of trees. There's a culvert near it; you can walk out to it. Dallas Red - Those three babies are precious!
  12. I like 'em. And THANK YOU for making me not the only person in the world who hates beer.
  13. OK, you peeps can be jealous of me. I paid a visit to mr. ugly Butt today. Well, the base of his tree, anyway. The nest is in the near-top of the tree and looks to be about a yard in diameter. Didn't have time to wait around but will try next visit to see if I can catch a glimpse of somebody through my camera zoom.
  14. satellite, what do you use? I'm pretty computer-savvy but know nothing about linux. Your thoughts?
  15. Make the drive to Hoover Dam and take the hard hat tour. You being a civil engineer will be fascinated. https://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam
  16. You are correct about yonder. But your being from s. Fl. makes you a Florida yankee.
  17. Still hilarious. Completely plausible.
  18. Rurnt and mamanem. As in, "How's yer Mamanem? I hope their whole crop wadn't rurnt by th' drought." Hey - we love y'all northerners. You got down here soon as you could. Bless your little yankee hearts.
  19. Which being translated means Pubby don't like me.
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