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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Don't get me wrong - I love animals, and I would NEVER condone mistreatment of any animal. It just seems in this case he really has paid his debt to society, and has learned from his stupidity. I mean, society grants more leniency to some murderers than to this guy. And that is the real crux of the matter. Why on EARTH with that talent woudln't he work at learning everything he could? I'm guessing that is tied into the dog fighting thing - pure arrogance. He was always told he was awesome, treated differently, and he believed the crap. Sad, sad.
  2. Well, that would not be me. I swear, these days I am a sloth. We should have a contest to see who moves the slowest. You will lose, baby.
  3. I wish he would, if only to prove that he can still play well. He has a lot of talent, and for the love of humanity, he paid his debt to society.
  4. Pretty much guaranteed. This was not a forceps issue...this was strictly a doctor issue.
  5. Ohmygosh!!! I think that's just about the nicest thing anybody's ever said about me! :sniff:
  6. Where is the mother of this deserving young person? Mayhap y'all could explain things to her as well.
  7. First, according to traditional etiquette, family members do not host showers of any sort. Reasoning is that it looks like a gift grab. Second, I wouldn't mind a shower for a second child IF the two children were several years apart. Third, I'm with jgb...the gender reveal showers are just plain silly and annoying. Talk about a first-world stupidity. JMHO. Fourth, I'm with lowrider - if you wanna have a talk with her about the appropriateness of being genuinely thankful instead of greedy and demanding, she might learn something. Or not, but you will have vented your spleen.
  8. Be interesting to see if my aunt's thing about fog in August is true this winter. Something about for every fog in August, there's a snow in the following winter. We had at least 5 foggy mornings in August, by my count.
  9. DG - that's awesome! JTH - I've heard good things about those things.
  10. Oh, I'm so sorry, DG. Sounds like good advice here...I have heard the cereal before bed thingy. I hope things get better soon. Lack of sleep SUCKS.
  11. Prolly little to no accumulation, though. HOWEVER, low Monday night is 8. As in, EIGHT. Degrees. GAH!!!
  12. Like the Trinity movies, but my favorite spaghetti western has to be Support Your Local Sheriff. James Garner is DISHY, and Walter Brennan, Bruce Dern, and Harry Morgan are all hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiFLTtjeuDc
  13. Crap, man. I'm sorry. I just heard today about a friend's passing in Virginia a couple of days ago. He was a good man. :cray:
  14. Eh - convention, conference, whatever.
  15. So to the BoC/AA/IBA crowd, my opinion matters not (according to Blake Swafford in that video posted several weeks ago) and we just need to let them handle everything without question. Then another poster in this thread called those of us who oppose the convention center hicks. Now you call those of us who oppose the convention center uneducated voters. Well, y'all are certainly not varying from your game strategy, that's for sure.
  16. I am perfectly happy to hear all sides of each and every issue; otherwise, I cannot make an informed decision as to whether to support it (or not, as the case may be). What I take exception to is being blatantly insulted and talked down to in such discussions. Such behavior does NOT endear me to those parties' positions.
  17. Inasmuch as I attended a publik skule in another county where the major emphases were on football and recreational drugs, and all of my social sciences teachers were coaches, no, I did not learn much about history. I didn't learn much from my one college history class, either, however, and that was at a private college. I've learned much more since I got out of college since both my parents are major history nerds. Amen, brother.
  18. Feel free to ask my nephews if we practice using good manners at home. Woe be unto them if I happen to see chewing without a mouth being closed, or heaven forfend, one of them allows a door to close on me as we're entering a restaurant! They roll their eyes, but they can't say they've never been taught better. I am appalled - APPALLED - at the lack of simple everyday manners I see in young people today. But then I meet their parents, and then I realize the apple just fell near the tree. It doesn't cost anything to be nice, and to act in a manner that makes others feel at ease (w
  19. It would appear that the poster went to the same school of Public Relations as the BoC, AA, and IBA folks. Awesomeness.
  20. This NE Paulding resident appreciates being called a hick just because I oppose what I consider to be a dumb idea (on so many levels). Thanks for that. I appreciate it.
  21. That just hacks me right off. Thieves suck. I hope they find hte stump grinder quickly. I'll pray towards that end.
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