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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's ok. We got the Propeller Investment peeps that Gwinnett didn't want.
  2. That looks like it'll be a good show. He has a good bio and I'll bet he's good. Elvis was da man. Say what you want about Priscilla, but she has managed his legacy better than anyone could have ever hoped.
  3. stradial is one of the funniest persons I have ever known. True story. He just doesn't think much of this topic, I think.
  4. I tend to agree with the talking head part. Esp. when you see him on air with Brad Nitz (a nerd's nerd!) who knows things. He's been around forever, people like him, Channel 2 loves having long-term people that viewers like, so there you are.
  5. So basically what you're saying is if we can't expect to get anything out of the debate, discussion, and lawsuit/settlement, then we should just shut up and let Those Who Know Better govern as they please? How very North Korea. I haven't brought up any of those other topics, but they are relevant to this discussion inasmuch as they show past behavior by the PTB, and a pattern of what some consider untrustworthiness with taxpayer dollars.
  6. HYAM and Lady Raider - thank you for hte information. I'll keep her/them in my prayers.
  7. K, that is a little weird. Maybe it is the peeing on your territory you men do. IDK. My brother fell into a frozen-over pond when he was 2 in weather just like this, so it is a real phenomenon. Thankfully, the parental units were there with us, snatched him up and took him to the house immediately, with no harm done (except to their nerves). Anyhoo, I agree - strange.
  8. Hey, I'm glad to hear you say that. I have an outside spigot leak that needs an elbow joint replacement and I got one of those Shark thingies for it. Good to know they really work.
  9. I like Linda R., but Desperado is strictly an Eagles song.
  10. My mother had that kind of flu once...and it is NOT the thing people mention casually. She said she had to hold onto the walls to make it to the bathroom, and it lasted for two weeks.
  11. Scathing is right. If I still lived in Cobb, I'd be wantin' some answers...
  12. I personally think that certain members of the BoC/AA/IBA could do with a couple of years' hard labor in the tunnels. Then maybe they'd think twice about spending other people's hard-earned money on frivolities. JMHO.
  13. Oh, dearest - I am just so terribly sorry!!! I'll pray for you to feel better really quickly!
  14. I'll swing by and pick you up the next time I head over there. I thought you already knew about it, or I'd have been over sooner. Cain't let my bestie languish like that!!! :wub:
  15. I know a couple of Freds in Rome. That knowledge, along with the tunnel access, is what has saved my sanity.
  16. Oh, that is just fantastic news, TJB!!! I'm so thrilled for you!!! :wub: :wub: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping:
  17. That one thing has kept me from going insane.
  18. Stop all this talking! AND GET OFFA MY LAWN! :goingbackintohideyhole:
  19. Fine here...just all huddled up in the house. I swear, even besides the weather, I have turned into a veritable hermit the last year or so. And now with the weather...I'm a true hermit! :shiver:
  20. I reckon I've been through it, because I've been down that side of Florida any number of times, but have absolutely no recollection of it. I hear they do have good camping down that side of Florida, and the rivers have manatees, doncha know.
  21. Me, too, me, too!!! I want the DO NOT USE list! I'm having some stuff done here pretty soon. I'll give the two a call that have been mentioned. I'm glad C. Mark chimed in...he knows things. Oh, and Ms. Storm - completely agree about Paulding.
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