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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, y'all are so cute with your outrage. I feel certain that the PTB will rush to assuage your concerns. :sigh:
  2. Ze twin, he has the excellence of insights.
  3. Don't have access to my pics right now, but my fat black beast looks like Ashley, only bigger.
  4. So you and I are 2/3 of triplets? Nobody never tells me nothin'.
  5. I was thinking HWAM, WFAL, or NC. So since you remember it, HWAM, I'll go with that. And it was indeed funny.
  6. You know, I used to be the veriest optimist. No more. I will not miss the frustration of this County government when I'm gone.
  7. You are correct, sir. We ain't skeert. But that helps keep congestion down in our section. ;
  8. The money is there??? Now that's a stunner.
  9. You are correct, sir. Blondiega1 and I are in charge of that particular section of the tunnel complex.
  10. Oh, I'm so sorry, precious baby. Rest safe in the arms of the Lord.
  11. Holy crap - stradial and beats working know things!
  12. Most men I know would kiss the ground the woman walked on who got him a bike.
  13. I don't any longer but I used to go to Atlanta Allergy Clinic. Offices all over. Anyhoo, I am allergic to the same things, low. I take Zyrtec year round but no shots. I had the skin test which showed everything I'm allergic to but they are controlled enough by the med that I generally feel horrible a few times a year. My doctor said Atlanta is the allergy capital of the world because of a confluence of different things. Joy.
  14. Stadler and Waldorf! I love them! I guess it's OK if. you don't like them. We'll just pray for you.
  15. Who - I ask you, WHO - does not like the Muppets???
  16. Eeeeeee!!! I went there...you can spend untold hours looking at everything. I believe the Eagles are fairly close to the main campus but somebody at the gatehouse could tell you as you go in. Three miles from the main campus is the old academy campus, now the WinShape campus...leased by Chic-fil-A for dorms for their scholarship students, three children's homes, a center for marriage retreats, day camps in summer, and more. Two lovely chapels are on the main campus, but you really should see the stunning Gothic architecture of Frost Chapel on the WinShape campus. Also on that campus is th
  17. We're looking to buy new garage doors with completely new everything. The old ones are past worn out. Who do you recommend (or warn me away from)?
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