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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. OK, you said it way better than me. You get a cookie.
  2. Not till they start killing people, I'm not. Then all bets are off.
  3. Sr. citizen had bed sores, according to latest AJC update. Which anybody can get with the best of care, but you don't keep them, and they aren't multiple ones. Knowing the condition of the kids, I can't bear to think of the condition of the mother. 50 years would be too soon to let these two losers out. And then they'll have to answer to God, who does NOT take lightly innocents being mistreated. I just pray for the kids and the grandmother.
  4. I figured that was the reasoning. But it's good to know the Paulding Taj Mahal is protected from all those damn seniors on walkers.
  5. Paulding landfill also has a free recycling section up front before you get to the dump itself. But I'm guessing if you don't have time to go to D'ville, you don't have time to run up here. Oh, well.
  6. You bet your bippy you need a good attorney for something like this. I'm a pragmatic sort in situations like this, so I wouldn't cut off my nose to spite my face (i.e., spend $800,000 to avoid losing a family home on 20 acres or some such and lose anyway), but I would make sure I did everything possible to see that compensation was correct both for the land and for the loss of use of remaining land. RE: Kelo eminent domain case - you remember this Supreme Court ruling (a travesty, IMHO) about the folks in CT who lost their land to some company or other who just HAD to build on that sit
  7. AH...now we're moving in the right direction.
  8. I dunno...I think I'm probably right up there with you. Looooooooooooooooooooong-time lurker. Edited to add - Welcome, MM! Forgot to say that part.
  9. Yeah, I hear you. Some things I just can't handle. This is one. This is like that thing with Momof3's special-needs granddaughter not being found by the school in over an hour. In 20 years, they'd still be talking about the hell I raised over this.
  10. Well, for me personally, the road-side cross memorials don't do it for me because I wouldn't want to remember where a person died. I would put any memorial stuff at the grave site, or have pictures around or something. RE: crosses - LTD is correct, I think. If I lived in a mostly-Muslim country, I wouldn't be suing to get the crescent removed from anything. Live and let live, I say.
  11. What she said. Only I don't bother with the oven part. I just fry it till it's nice and brown and then take it up, putting it on a plate with a papertowel on top of the plate to take off the grease. The other thing I do is only fry one layer the pan at a time...for me, having a whole gob in the skillet makes it hard to get all the pieces to turn out well.
  12. Neti pot afficianado here!!! I have had HORRIBLE allergies for years, and suffer the same drainage crap that you do with them, but year-round. I discovered the neti pot thingy about three years ago, and I'm telling you - I feel better than I have felt in a long time. I don't have to do a nasal spray anymore. I don't do it all the time; just when I'm feeling gross in the sinus area, but it would probably do me better to do it every day to clean out crap. If you can't figure it out, you can find YouTube videos on how to do it. It's pretty disgusting the first couple of times, but once you
  13. Ugh. Those are the choices, huh? I don't like either, but I dislike Saget more than Mencia, I guess. I think I'd prefer doing something really fascinating, like watching paint dry. At least I wouldn't be losing brain cells. Do let us know what you think after you go, though. I don't know anyone who has seen either of them live.
  14. Are you my mother? This sounds just like her! :D She is the sweetest, kindest, most caring and compassionate person I have ever met, but she does not like to be around too many people, and ESPECIALLY before she's had a couple of cups of coffee!
  15. What I noticed the two times I've ever been there is not only the strange layout, but that even the handicapped parking is far away from the buildings (esp. the courthouse building). Dang...if you use a walker, get ready to have a good workout.
  16. Very well put. My parents always told us that if we ever got into a spot and needed to come home (for whatever reason) to just call them and they'd come get us, no questions asked. We took that to heart (probably because they said it fifty-eleven times every weekend we went somewhere...), and stayed out of trouble.
  17. BTW - I forgot to add that a discussion about the imperatives of seat belt use would be a good idea, as well. Lord, how I hate this.
  18. GREAT news on the job front! Keep us posted. I do hope this works out very well for you.
  19. You are so correct, NC. Get a little high, have a little fun, and then what? Is it really all that hard to decide not to drive if you're gonna drink or do some weed? I am still sick to death about this.
  20. I think Dollar General has been absolutely GENIUS with their bidness plan. Low prices and you can get in/out quick. Very smart move. And they can put them in every dinky little town across the countryside without the mega$$$ a WalMart would cost to build.
  21. Yes, I agree...it's more unusual for a man to threaten suicide, but those who do commit suicide often have talked about it (either sex). Wonder what the domestic dispute was about? The dude needs some serious counseling. I understand his life fell apart, but it was his own damn doing, and he needs to get help before he really does take his own life. He's far too young and has far too much to offer to think that this is the right answer. I pray somebody will be able to get through to him. Edited to add that I speak as one who has experienced the utter depths of depression. UTTER dept
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