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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I like it anyway I've ever had it. OK Cafe used to have a fabu tofu burger...they still may...haven't been there in awhile.
  2. Awesome. I look forward to a good resolution of this stupidity for you. I have a new commish coming in (Barnett), so I'll ask him sometime after the first of the year.
  3. GAH!!! What did I ever do to you, missy? That would HURT!!! And HWAM, no, nothing so exciting...I was sitting here at home ('cause I read the weather forecast and got home afore anything happened) trying to figure out how to work my new phone. Which I still don't know how to work much, but I got tired of looking at it and checked back in here to see the drama I missed.
  4. Oh, I am so sorry to read that, Chelle. And yes, God bless the SO and FD folks...whatever they make, IT AIN'T ENOUGH. May God send His angels to protect them this night.
  5. I call shotgun in the Mustang!!! And I just want everyone to know that I'm hacked that I missed out on all the drama in the hostage-on-Dabbs-Bridge thread before Pubby locked it.
  6. Well, once you said AGL said those guys worked for them, I think everybody felt there was no real danger. Then Freebird's comment about the cigarette sort of started us all to snickering. We didn't mean to be disrespectful. I agree with being cautious these days, but it sounded like those guys were legit, even if they were a little strange.
  7. I remember during the blizzard of '93, our power was out for a solid week, and we would be reading at night by oil lamp and candles...THAT SUCKED!!! I'm thinkin' how did people in olden days do it?!?!? Of course, many/most of them were dog tired from farming all day and just fell asleep after they ate.
  8. Agreed. I don't care what you believe, but where the safety of other people is an issue, you gotta behave.
  9. Waffle House. I'm a weenie. Yeah, I've been there with scarves before.
  10. Some lawyers will make a boatload of money on some random settlement. sigh
  11. I like most NPR shows except for their news. Which I can handle until they get into some of their long essay-type things. But Prairie Home Companion, Wait Wait, Car Talk, all faves.
  12. What is with that? I'm no gramma driver, trust me, but if the weather is iffy (very hard rain, icing, etc.), I slow down. It ain't rocket science!
  13. I just drove Brookstone to Pickett's Mill and didn't see any icing, including on bridges. Wonder if it's just south of here at this time?
  14. Ditto. Sam Walton drove his regular old pick-up truck till he died, and Truett Cathy (I love that man!) lives in the same regular, smallish house their kids grew up in.
  15. mei lan

    Potty humor

    Potty humor frowned on, and certainly not at mealtime. Got it from my mother, who is a classy Southern lady. She's funny as all get-out, but does not appreciate potty humor. Agree with Lucky64 - we are usually too busy talking about other stuff at the table.
  16. Yep. And then there's my parents, who both grew up poor, but both were hard workers and conservative spenders. They wound up with more money than all their siblings put together because they were wise, instead of being idiots like the others were. Funny old money story: I know some folks who live in Scotland, but the wife (recently deceased) is from Georgia...OLD money from Georgia. Their Atlanta house is in Buckhead, but if you saw it, you'd think "tear-down". It's a fine house, but one of the older ranch style homes...the kind that is really lovely...not the new tackpot McMansion th
  17. Ditto everything you said. My 3-year-old nephew's favorite color is orange, and he is the ONLY person I have ever seen who looks good wearing orange. My favorite color is green, with blue coming in second.
  18. When y'all say "plot" are you talking about the survey you got at closing, or are you talking about the sheet you get from the Health Dept. showing the information on your septic system? Mine didn't show on my survey, but when we put in a pool, I got the one from the Health Dept. (they faxed it to me) showing where everything was, and it was correct. I don't have any other sheet from the county.
  19. Yeah, I'm with you there, sister. I'd be way surprised if this chick's money was real. And even if it is, a) it's new money, 'cause old money does not act like this, and 2) she won't have it long the way she's going.
  20. I abhor any and all mistreatment of animals. But honestly - I think this dude has paid his dues to society. Let him have a dog already. (And hey - even the HS guy thinks he'd be good with one.)
  21. Awwwwwwwwww...we love the big ol' baby. I don't have any kids, so no advice here. But sending you hugs and kisses for the tiny one. :wub:
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