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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Dearest, you are presupposing that entitlements already do not pay for this care. You would be SURPRISED at how many patients of NHs are now on Medicaid. I don't have any stats, but in a former life I had to deal with some of this, and it was shocking to me. I will say that the lower age stat is probably due - at least in part - to the focus of NHs moving to short-term rehab care vs. permanent residence care. Insurers (including Medicare/Medicaid) are beginning to push BIG TIME the care of folks at home instead of in NHs.
  2. Yowsa. The kind of cold you're talking about is where you can throw a bucket of water and it freezes before it hits the ground. Geez. God bless you, though...I'm glad y'all found a good place to move. Funny comments about the people, though. I've heard similar.
  3. If you don't get any responses, bump this again Sunday and Monday for those who might not sign on during the weekend. I think you are Great. :wub:
  4. Mornin'. Still feelin' punk from the code in my node which is leaving, and now fighting a stomach virus. Blech.
  5. Doesn't Utah law provide for hanging or firing squad as options as well?
  6. but did y'all see that Obama/Clinton press conference yesterday? WTH?!?!? I just had to laugh.
  7. We pray for the men and women in uniform serving in Afghanistan and Iraq and in faraway places who can’t be home this holiday season. And we thank their families, who will mark this Christmas with an empty seat at the dinner table. Amen and amen.
  8. On a lighter note...a friend of mine in Nashville sent me this after their flooding earlier this year.
  9. Well, I may as well weigh in here. I have guns, know how to use them, and have known how to shoot since I was 10. (Daddy made sure we all knew how to shoot and care for his weapons. We always knew where his guns were and where the ammo was - never together - and they were always unlocked. It would have NEVER occurred to one of us to take one of the guns on our own. NEVER.) At any rate, I choose not to carry. It's a personal decision, and one I am comfortable with. I may change my mind in the future, and I reserve the right to do so. I see what former member is saying, but it's not
  10. If it were guaranteed to be a lifetime bulb for as long as I owned the house, I'd consider it. As it is, no. Also, I haven't seen anything out of the LEDs that impress me. No offense to any commerce members or anybody else, but they're just a cheap-looking pasty version of the CFLs to me. When somebody can make a light bulb that is WARM - warm-looking and warm, let me know. Then we can talk. (Of course, there is halogen, but somehow I doubt that would be cheaper or more energy efficient or somebody would have already done something with it.) Edited to add that what I mean by warm-loo
  11. I'd wait for Subby to chime in...he ought to know somebody. Failing that, I'd call this guy and see what his rates are: http://www.atlantapianotuner.com/index.htm
  12. The father said "the devil won" the battle for their kid's life. Yeah - he won because YOU DIDN'T TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR. Listen, I'm all for these folks believing and acting as they want AS LONG AS it does not harm anyone else. And in this case, it not only harmed someone else, but it harmed the someone else they were supposed to be protecting. I feel for them, but I feel for that baby more. I noted that the prosecutor said he/she didn't know if he/she would ask for jail time. Sad story.
  13. Found it on YouTube! I love this guy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyQb192-CPQ
  14. Oh, yeah. Well, I figured if you give your husband notice for NEXT Christmas........
  15. Oh, pshaw! :scuffingtoeindirt: I saw a Designed to Sell the other day where the condo (in Decatur, I think it was) had a strange high-ceilinged living room, and the guy had the carpenter build built-ins for above the regular ceiling height, and then he had him make a ladder and rail like this. I was ready to go looking for that condo.
  16. Zombie girls? Show girls? Zombie show girls?
  17. I gotta tell you, zoo...I like you. I don't always agree (I have no opinion on this one), but I really respect you for hanging in there when debating someone. I haven't seen you get ugly or mean, and I like that as well. You go, girl! And hey - this story isn't from NPR!
  18. I love him! I haven't seen this commercial...I'll have to start paying attention. I also like Kyra Sedgwick, and they've been married for like ever. I LOVED him in Beauty Shop...he was HILARIOUS!!!
  19. Here's a present you can ask for next year! http://littlegreennotebook.blogspot.com/2008/09/day-my-life-will-be-complete.html HUBBA, HUBBA!!! :gazingwistfullyatpics:
  20. Felix Family Lights, Oliver Place (on 381 near intersection with Mt. Tabor) - house is in cul-de-sac, so be prepared for tight turnaround Atkisson (sp?) Family Lights, Riverwood (New Hope between Bobo and East Paulding) Pickett's Mill and Pickett's Lake (north of Crossroads on 92) both have a fair number of houses with good decorations This isn't in Paulding, but I've heard that Pettit Creek in Cartersville has a great light display. Web site says, "Drive Thru - $15 per car load includes the petting zoo and visiting Santa Claus and the live Reindeer!" Here's their web site: http
  21. PC, I have been thinking of you all afternoon. Please know that my family and I are praying for you.
  22. I can relate. Not that I don't celebrate Christmas, because I do, and it's very special. I just hate what it's become. It - like so many other things - has become SOOOO commercialized, and we as a culture have allowed ourselves to be herded like sheep into believing we can only be happy if we have x gift, or that Christmas will only be special if the person we love gets y gift. And if you don't have and/or are invited to myriad parties, your life is worthless. And then, if you don't go to certain places during the holidays, you are just not with it. Blah blah blah. Please. I HATE all t
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