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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I've always heard it in the reverse - cold hands, warm heart. And it makes just as little sense that way. I think it must be a silly wives' tale.
  2. Uh...I hate to tell you, but the brick/stone big ol' honker mailboxes won't stop them, either. Many of my neighbors have the big brick/stone mailboxes, and in the last year, four of them have been taken down (one of them three different times). Only one of them was knocked over intact, and that was by a neighbor who repaired it quickly. The others were reduced to sheer rubble and had to be completely rebuilt. don't know if the people stopped who hit the others, but the one that was hit three times the last guy had to stop because it caused his jeep to overturn. We have pretty long drivewa
  3. Well, at least he's being a thorn in their collective side, and is causing them pain and frustration. Good for him. Me, I just let Thunderbird filter it and automatically delete it. I check my junk folder every so often to make sure nothing's there that shouldn't be there, but it hasn't falsely filtered anything in a good while. AT&T filters way too much, so disabled my spam filter with them.
  4. My tree's stayin' up. After all the hubbub has died down is when I really enjoy looking at it.
  5. Well, maybe I'm the one who's nuts. I don't remember anything like that in the late 80s. But apparently the weather service does, because they reported a "dusting" of snow in 1989 (I think it was). But an official white Christmas with measurable snow is the one dating back to the 1880s.
  6. I'm guessing 61 and Cedarcrest are fine. I'm in Pickett's Mill and just after I wrote the last post, my sister decided she needed to leave. So we checked the roads; there are still some really slippery spots between us and the highway, but 92 is completely clear. I'm thinking if you have any trouble, it would be on Dabbs Bridge.
  7. Yeah, I think writing down her description, etc., was a very good idea.
  8. I'm in Pickett's Mill and the roads are AWFUL in here. No way am I going to try to get out to the highway. I agree with Jenilyn - the reports of clear roads are interesting.
  9. Hear, hear. I know northerners are better at driving in the snow than we are, because they get a lot more practice at it, and their cities are equipped with equipment for dealing with snow. But down here, snow is almost ALWAYS mixed with ice, and I don't care what kind of vehicle you have, it won't drive well on ice. But whatever. We're in Pickett's Mill and the roads are really bad. Not about to try to get to the highway.
  10. Oh, and Subby - your CD sounds marvy. I'm having to cut WAY back right now (as I'm sure you understand) or I'll be all over that. I will keep it in mind, though, when I have more money.
  11. Whatever happened to Doug Stone? He has SUCH talent! I lost track of him after his heart surgery and divorce several years ago.
  12. Oh, like you don't have 413 gazillion mayberries, anyway. You just hush.
  13. There is, but you need to look around and prepare to spend a few bucks. I would also ask for opinions of friends, etc. I concur with the Rooms to Go opinion - everything I've ever seen of it (I helped my old boss furnish his house) was CRAP. He stuck with Rich's (this was a good while back, of course). If I were buying furniture right now, I would check out LazyBoy first. I LOVE their designs these days, and it's good quality. I would also search online, but only from sites that have a GOOD return policy. Hard to do that, IMHO, for chairs/sofas that you really need to see how they fe
  14. I do not disagree with you here. A divorce is a very personal decision, and BELIEVE ME - I am the Queen of if you don't love me, get the hell out of my life. For instance, the man in the story went back to his wife and left again several times over six months. If I had been she, I would have said after the second time he left and wanted to come back - oh no you don't. You can't make up your mind, I'll make it up for you. I would have had the locks changed after the first leaving, too, and would have only let him return home after some long-term counseling. Assuming I even wanted his sorr
  15. God bless this fine young man, and all the others like him in the world (and they are legion...we just don't hear about them). http://www.boston.com/yourtown/melrose/articles/2010/12/23/a_teenagers_simple_act_elevates_all/?camp=localsearch:on:twit:rtbutton
  16. It's gotta be shameless. Just regular ol' groveling might not be enough.
  17. I don't care what they do as long as only adults are involved. But when you're talking about screwing up the lives of five small children who didn't ask to be brought into the world, THEN I have a problem with it. And again - in this particular case, it was the whole IN YOUR FACE aspect.
  18. I've heard of redneck decorating; that's redneck mechanicing (Motto: "That'll do.").
  19. I really like this guy. When those morons stole the camping equipment from the Boy Scouts awhile back, he gave them a check for way more than new equipment would cost. I love that. And I gotta tell you - his movies have depth, contrary to what some might think.
  20. Interesting that even with all our modern technology, they still can't accurately predict the future. heh
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