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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I always like to watch the HGTV special on the White House decorations. Haven't seen it this year yet, but I'll probably catch it online.
  2. I am sorry to say that I don't necessarily believe it. I hope it, but I don't believe it.
  3. 10-4. If I were the caller, I'm virtually positive if I had seen the same thing that I would have said "this looks suspicious; it might not be anything, but I don't feel good about it, so I thought I'd call". Sounds like they wouldn't respond to it as frenetically. Good deal, then.
  4. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! OK, of all those - who terrorizes whom the most? Cats and a chi...man, that could get ugly quick!
  5. Of course, lest the men get all uppity in their obvious-to-them superiority, I would refer y'all to the classic Andy Griffith episode where Aunt Bea and the other little old lady barely planted a seed of doubt about the identity of a newcomer to town, and the men went WILD with their conjecture and speculation. Truly hilarious. I would also note that in the community where I grew up, the BIGGEST gossips were my Daddy and three of his farming buddies. If they didn't know it, it didn't happen.
  6. So, honest question here - would the SO have responded differently had the caller stated suspicious activities instead of burglary in progress? I agree the caller probably doesn't know the homeowner if he was one of the ones with the pillowcases, but maybe they're new to the area. Or the neighbors are unfriendly and haven't made themselves available or whatever. I'm just curious given the SO's directive to the neighborhood watch folks what the proper response would be if I saw someone toting stuff out of a neighbor's house in pillowcases. (I know my neighbors, but assuming I didn't, or tha
  7. Took the 3-year-old nephew there awhile back for an ear infection, and we were pleased as well.
  8. So should they not have called? The SO has instructed neighborhood watch people to call any time they see something they consider to be unusual/suspicious. If the caller deemed this so, wouldn't that justify the call?
  9. The fat black beast doing what she does best. She was an abused (this was obvious) stray who adopted me, and I love her dearly. Her name is Gracie.
  10. Totally disgusting. I'm pretty libertarian (little "l"), so I don't know if there should be laws against it IF IF IF the parties are of age. BUT yes, she should be held to the same standard. And again, DISGUSTING.
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA That right there is pretty darn funny. HAHAHAHAAHA (I'm only laughing to keep from crying because I have worked in the most gosh-awful workplaces with catty women. Men are MUCH better to work with, IMHO. If they have a problem with you, they just tell you to go to hell and then offer to buy lunch. ) Still funny. hahahaahahaha
  12. I'm so grouchy I'm getting on my own nerves...does that count?
  13. Hey, thanks for the directions. I know where it is generally, but this makes it easy!
  14. I saw a stunningly lovely girl (in her 20s, I guess) at Lenox years ago wearing a man's white dress shirt, a red belt, red high heels, and she looked fabu. However, that does not sound what these chicks look like. Ugh.
  15. I'm pretty sure this is true (the Floyd part, anyway), and I can guarantee you the clannish old-money (as old money as anybody in Rome can be) crowd was NOT gonna let anything near that would bring in outside influences to dilute their little power structure. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair.
  16. Good for you!!! Have a great time chillin' with the fam. And Merry Christmas!
  17. I officially have no opinion on DADT because I'm not in the military, although personally I don't see what it matters who a soldier is. BUT as I understand it, under the repeal, gay soldiers will be forced to identify themselves as gay? If this is true, how do the gay soldiers feel about same? I personally wouldn't like anything like that because I just feel it's nobody's bidness. But that's me. Have y'all heard anything along these lines?
  18. I've often thought how much like Floyd County (Rome) Paulding is. Floyd also passed on 75 when it originally was designed. Now they've been whining these last dozen years because there's no easy access to 75. Morons. Agreed. I've thought that looked like a Bridge to Nowhere project since it began. No offense to the Old Alabama crowd. It just didn't track.)
  19. Yeah, I'm sorta with you there. Why is the PD portion of this so irksome? Good guys trying to do good for kids with the assistance of a government entity and a NGO (West Ridge). Whatever. Me, I like it. (Also, anything that gives kids a good experience with cops is a good thing, IMHO.)
  20. But it's the ATLANTA AIRPORT! The sign says so! :rollingeyesseverely:
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