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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Great news, surepip! Congratulations.
  2. That story was just awful beginning to end. What a sicko. (However, I do not mean that in the legally insane way. )
  3. Agreed that if whatever she was smoking is legal where she was smoking it, then there's no problem with it. I believe DGITW's original point is that persons who don't want to be seen doing something stupid should take care not to be recorded as doing something stupid. My point was not that there was a problem with her actions OTHER THAN I've heard a lot about her family recently, and it seems that she is headed down a path of destruction with little guidance from anyone with sense. She's talented (not the best I ever saw, but duh...that matters not in show bidness these days) and has made a
  4. Well, dearest - you're making a big ol' assumption there...namely, that anyone there had a single brain cell fluttering about. Trouble is, like LiLo and BRITney, she's of age (or nearly so), and the time to parent has come and gone like the wind. sigh
  5. PM me or lowrider if you need to talk. I'm sure lowrider agrees.
  6. If you don't object to the videos themselves, I'd probably let her keep watching them. At some point she will need to learn the difference between real life and what she sees on TV.
  7. Ye gods. Heading south at a fast clip on Lindsay Lohan/Britney Spears Parkway.
  8. So, basically...get there a little after 1.
  9. HAHAHA As my mother says, you've heard that saying, "She enjoys ill health"? heh
  10. I could have said it differently, but as they were holding what was OBVIOUSLY inventory stuff and having a conversation about inventory, I figured it wasn't really rude to mention it that way. I did say it extremely nicely, and now that I think about it, what I actually said was, "If you don't already have it noted, you might want to add some 2T sizes to your list; these are the only 2Ts in the entire section." I always try to think if I were the person being spoken to how would it sound, and I personally would want to know if a customer of mine couldn't find something they were obviously lo
  11. Good heavens...it never crossed my mind that going into an unlocked church to pray would constitute trespassing. I've done it often in various places, and never even thought to find someone to ask permission.
  12. IIRC, didn't they get into trouble several years ago by funding a new HQ for GBP on 10th or 14th Street (wherever the heck it is) with lottreh money? I think y'all are correct - it's HOPE, then pre-k, then reserves, then whatever else. And just for the record, I am uber-conservative, and I don't watch Fox News.
  13. I KNOW!!! My mother would have my head if she ever thought I would behave in such a manner.
  14. My tiny awesome is this FAT squirrel I just saw out my window eating a pine cone. It was hilarious...it was like a person eating corn on the cob in SUPER fast motion! Chips from the pine cone were flying everywhere, and he was just gnawing away back and forth, back and forth. Then, when he had nibbled that one completely to death, he tossed it aside and picked up another. I had to laugh. Pog - OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
  15. :snicker: I was at the Acworth Walmart (the newish one) the other day looking for a couple of shirts for my 3-year-old nephew. After looking in EVERY stack and on EVERY rack, I found only THREE shirts that were 2T. A couple of employees with inventory-looking stuff in their hands wandered over and were standing there talking. So when they looked my way, I said (very nicely as I held up the three shirts), "Y'all might want to add some 2T sizes to your list; these are the only 2Ts in the entire section." Again, an eat shiot look with no reply. Then they turned and looked at each other w
  16. Oh, criminy - I have a friend just like that...she's a VERY slow eater, and she talks A LOT. And yes, she would be one to cry if you were having dinner with her and got up to take your kids to the car. Because it's all about her, doncha know. (And all about them, too, IMHO.) Please.
  17. mei lan


    Ugh...I think that'd make my eyes water and my nose run.
  18. Good gravy - what is he...like 14 and in a skateboard contest? Sheesh.
  19. No, or Denny's, either. I keep forgetting them when I'm trying to think of somewhere to eat. Ah. Happy Wife & Mom in the other thread says that Denny's has gone bye-bye.
  20. I know...the bank, Birdie's, the hair salon, the bike shop...all gone bye-bye. I think the bike shop is up in that weenie strip next to the Chevron station. Or was...I never think to look over that and don't stop in there.
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