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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. You'd think, but somebody got a worm into the computer system of Iran's nukular program, which is completely disconnected from the internet (for the reason you state). Whoever did it (Mossad?) had the worm go to computers in the area, hoping one of the workers at the facility/whatever would take a flash drive or similar to work from home, and sure enough...BOOM. Set them back for a long time. Here's the Wiki summary of the worm itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet
  2. I am NOT for higher taxes unless and until somebody shows me PROOF that crap can't be cut anywhere else. However, I agree re: the HOPE thing. I thought the same thing when I saw the remark about cutting HOPE.
  3. GAH!!! Yeah, I'd be wantin' some good firewood YESTERDAY! As it is, I'm agitating until the time when I can buy a wood-burning insert for my fireplace. Then, wood people, look out, 'cause here I come!
  4. Agreed. In Georgia, certainly, we are eat up with trees, and as you said, they replant as soon as they harvest. I don't have a problem with it. What I do have a problem with is just silly wasteful behavior, but that is in regard to EVERYTHING. I grew up on a farm, and we conserved water, electricity, food, paper, you name it...it's just instilled into me. So when I see waste, it just hacks me right off.
  5. Yeppers. But the list is GREAT. As any LEO will tell you, most crime committed is that of OPPORTUNITY. Deny these goobs opportunity and they'll move on to someone else. Little things, like keeping your garage door closed if you're not home (or even if you are but aren't going to be going back outside for awhile). I haven't seen it on in awhile, but I like that Discovery/TLC/whoever show "It Takes A Thief". They show just HOW LITTLE TIME it takes for them to gain entry to most homes. If somebody wants to get in, they're going to get in. But if you make it tough for them so that they
  6. And this goes double triple quadr quintuple for you if you CAN'T wear these things and look good doing so. About where the adult toy store is. I said I'd heard it was at 278/61 across from Kroger.
  7. Read Gift of Fear by Gavin deBecker. There's usually a REASON for that feeling, even if we can't define it at the moment. Women are very used to this sort of thing - it's called "women's intuition" and is scoffed at by many men. But most women understand exactly what I'm talking about. You just know something isn't right, even though you cannot articulate why. deBecker says NEVER EVER ignore this feeling, either. AGREED. This is why I like that saying, "When seconds count, police are only minutes away." IOW, be prepared to take care of yourself in case the police can't be there
  8. Me, neither. I think I heard 278/61 across from Kroger, but I could be wrong. I haven't been down that way in awhile.
  9. That sounds like it should have been the name of that new adult toy place. Edited to add not the pizza part of it.
  10. Back during the blizzard of '93, my parents were living in Rome, and they got 20+". I was there with Daddy for the weekend because he was getting older and Mother had to work the weekend (at the hospital where she stayed for four days till we could get to her). Anyhoo, they had a black lab mix who NEVER wanted to be inside during cold weather. We looked outside the morning after it had been blowing snow all night (and was still blowing snow sideways and the skies looked eerily threatening), and here's dog running out in the road (which you could only tell it was the road because the drifts
  11. Agreed. Although I am a reptile and become practically motionless in cold weather, I do love our seasons. I would be most out of sorts living somewhere that was the same all the time.
  12. I think if I were your parent, I'd have been there with you waiting on the morons to come home. Bet that would have made them call the next time. Edited to add I'm thrilled that the parents are ok. I guess. I hope they gain some sense and provide this child with a good, loving, stable home.
  13. RE: cmorg, Thoughts, SPORTS SOURCE's Daddy - :wub:
  14. Gotta love it. 8-track, esp.
  15. BTW, I was not implying that a shower curtain as a gift would be grounds for divorce. Just sayin'. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What great parents!!! :wub:
  16. Well, now, see, I was talking about just me before. Some moron shows up and there's even a REMOTE possibility of them hurting my kids, OH, they don't even WANT to imagine the pain I would cause them. They might want to mess with a lot of people, but they would NOT want to even THINK about messing with my kids. And I would definitely convey that to them. I'd nip that one in the bud. NIP IT. Some hills are worth dying on, and that is one.
  17. I get what you're saying, and I used to be the same way. But I've seen a lot of crap in my days, and it's made me a little lot meaner than I used to be. Somebody in this situation shows up and gives me crap, I'll meet 'em at the door with my don't-give-me-any-of-your-cheeze attitude, and let them know I'm willing to do whatever necessary to make sure they don't involve me in their doo-doo.
  18. Yeppers, I'm with both of y'uns. DER..........
  19. CPS (and APS, for that matter) can come out at any hour; someone is always on call. Those of you offering car seats and/or help are AWESOME!!! I can't help right now, so you are da bomb!
  20. I'm one of those strange birds who think his music is crap, but I certainly didn't want him dead. I was standing on the very sidewalk where he was killed not two days before, looking up at the Dakota. Weird feeling when I heard the news.
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