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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Forget Dolly and Kris...I wanna see Queen Latifah! I love her! Edited to add that her real name is Dana Owens. She seems like such a regular person.
  2. I've been sitting here thinking about this, and I stand by my earlier statement. It really doesn't matter if surepip did anything wrong, and here's why - HE brought the lawsuit against the county. They haven't brought one against him, nor has he been arrested for misdeeds concerning this matter. As far as I know, they haven't said he did anything wrong in any manner. They are perfectly free to do so, of course, and that matter should be promptly adjudicated as well. But let's say he did do something wrong in this situation. That is what trials are for. For the judge and/or jury to de
  3. I banned myself from ever visiting WebMD again after decided I had six different dread diseases at the same time.
  4. this is EXACTLY my point in this whole mess. Regardless of the outcome of the Morrisons' case, this should have been adjudicated EONS ago. This delay is an affront on every level. Oh, and BTW, in response to Epiphany's scoffing that Surepip never did anything wrong - it matters not whether suerpip is a serial killer in this matter. That's not what's being argued. What's being argued is whether the developers took his land unlawfully and with the county's approval.
  5. Might not hurt to talk to another real estate agent. C. Mark has a reason for not accepting it as a listing, but that might not be the case for another realtor. Some realtors like to work with certain types of properties, and I'm guessing there's one out there that would take your unusual listing. I can identify with C. Mark...if I were active in RE, I wouldn't do well with that sort of property, either. But there are those who would.
  6. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! I am SOOOO picky about "home cookin'", and this place is DA BOMB!!! Pert near good as my Mama's, and that is sayin' somethin' right there.
  7. Well, dearest, I have nothing to add to the excellent comments others have posted. Just know that you are NOT the only person who's been through this, that many/most of us have been through the exact same thing, and even though it (seemingly) destroyed us at the time, we not only lived through it, but have gone on to have FANTASTIC lives, and in my case at least, great things that would never have happened if the breakup hadn't happened. After thinking about this for a few minutes, I will add this one thing - RESPECT YOURSELF. Do not start thinking oh I deserved this, or oh I'll just b
  8. GAH!!! Can we not just have ONE GOOD STORY out of Paulding instead of 49 child porn stories??? GAH!!! :bangingheadagainstwall: Oh, and thanks to Ms. O'Halleran for the info...I'll be checking that out.
  9. Aw, now, see? I like you and you have to go and remind me of this stupid song. BULLET for you.
  10. Ok, I am def. whack, because when I saw this, I thought of the late Benny Hill (hilarious - if bawdy - British comedian). HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
  11. Not first-class mail stamps; just other postage. Linky: http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2011/pr11_003.htm
  12. Check these folks out and see if they're what you're looking for: acworthckd.com
  13. Pubby posted his tome while I was writing my note, and his version is much more complete than mine.
  14. I believe you can do a search on the forum and find all manner of documentation as to what happened, when, where, etc. As I understand it, the tractors dug into his property with markers clearly showing it wasn't their land, and the planning/zoning/whoever wouldn't stop them. In such a case, I don't see how they could have offered him money up front. BTW - just because most people might cheat (which I will not acknowledge, but just for the sake of argument) doesn't mean everyone does or would. I cannot speak for surepip, but I would bend over backwards before I would ever knowingly chea
  15. Great news about your job! Don't know anything about the housing thing, though. Sorry. Talk to DFCS?
  16. Excellent advice...NC knows things. OP, I certainly wasn't thinking to cast aspersions on your motives (the financial hardship thing didn't occur to me since I am not a numbers person). Believe me, I know how folks can fall on hard times, and it does take awhile to climb out of it. I pray that in five years, all this mess will be a distant memory in your new and happy life.
  17. I'm confused as well. Not being a smart-aleck...I just can't figure out what you're trying to say.
  18. Diesel Mercedes...can't kill the darn things. Volvo was (or is in the process of being) purchased by the Chinese. Also, I used to own one that was the biggest piece of CRAP I have EVER had, and they wouldn't make it right. I traded it for a Toyota. But even if I still liked them, I wouldn't buy them now because of the Chinese thing.
  19. A home is worth exactly what a person is willing to pay for it on a particular day. Period.
  20. mei lan


    Great song. I love that old music.
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