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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I got nothin'. I'm so not a gourmet ( ), and I always love the simple stuff. Can't beat sea salt/pepper, olive oil, lemon.
  2. This is beyond true. Unless you've been there, you have NO IDEA the stress in every single manner possible. Things that would normally not bother you become massive crises. The stress of him being sick, the stress of not being at home, the stress of not being able to sleep well, the stress of paying for meals and parking and other things you wouldn't normally have, the stress of the family nto being together every day...it is just a huge, huge stressor. And that's if things go well. In this case, they are on such a roller coaster, and have been for four months. I've seen it up close
  3. If she's in her right mind, nothin' anybody can do. I ADORE old people, and despise the thought of them being taken advantage of, but being stupid isn't illegal.
  4. mei lan

    Flea market

    There's one at the corner of 41 and 92 in Acworth.
  5. I do agree with this as well. It's like an addiction to me - if the person isn't willing to change, there's nothing anybody on the outside can do. You have to WANT to get out. And as with Eddie's daughter, if somebody else does intervene, they will not be happy. I will say this, and Gavin deBecker says this (in different words) in his book: Bullies bully people they can bully. Gavin's words are that men who cannot accept "no" choose women who cannot say "no". Abused persons must learn that they are valuable people and are worth more than being treated like crap.
  6. The same thing I always add when this subject comes up: Shepherd's Rest Battered Women's Shelter shepherdsrestministries.com HOTLINE 770-443-5213 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Also suggest reading Gavin deBecker's book The Gift of Fear. It has a lot of information on domestic violence.
  7. Night before last I dreamt that Dave Ramsey was a real obnoxious nerdy sort and he had decided we were gonna get married. I kept telling him no, and he just kept sending lists of people to invite, etc. I painted my toenails bright green and my fingernails bright blue, and on the day of the non-wedding, I stomped over to the church to tell him off. Then I woke up. I often dream I can't run fast enough, or if I'm dialing 911 for help, I can't remember the phone number, or the dial pad doesn't work right or it's some foreign-looking dial pad. GAH!!! I've been shot and stabbed before, a
  8. OK, big surprise here, but TWINS!!! I don't get it, either. I mean, I get the refreshing part, but dang, that sure seems messy, and cold, and well, messy. And if you shower/bathe regularly, cleanliness shouldn't be a problem. But whatev... Edited to add - Good heavens...how did I miss this originally? Musta been sick or somethin', because I don't remember seeing it at all. Lucky me to have found it today!
  9. Or were you in a Sheriff's car and blocking the lawn & garden exit?
  10. I dream in color. The first time I thought about it was when a friend who has led a very troubled life told me she always dreams in black and white.
  11. I can confirm the four months of clearing an infection. However, this is if it's just stubborn, or a very bad infection, like MRSA. My dad had a regular staph infection (regular SA, not MRSA), and he was on IV antibiotics three times a day for four straight months. Thankfully his insurance paid for home care, so he wasn't hospitalized that entire time. However, he did also have three surgeries in a row to get rid of infected tissue. Lord willing, this won't be the case with this kid. These kinds of things are just so tough, because everything affects everything else, and any little th
  12. I don't consider it a privacy issue simply because it's out in public. I don't necessarily like it, but if I don't want somebody takin' pictures, I can stay home, I reckon.
  13. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you quitter people are my HEROES!!! :wub: I've never smoked, but if I had ever started, I can guarantee you quitting would be incredibly hard for me. Magic Mommy, et al - DON'T GIVE UP!!! So what if you have to quit 759 times before it sticks?!?!? When you really quit, you will be so thrilled!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Bless your heart. I know a number of people in the same situation, and my heart goes out to you. I'm so glad you're building a different kind of family than the one you grew up in.
  14. I agree here. And it sounds like the entire facility is a DNR facility. I'm guessing that would be made pretty darn clear up front to the residents. Also, perhaps it is an end-of-life/hospice-type facility. I'm also guessing this has happened before. What I don't get is why the staffer called 911 in the first place if it's a DNR facility. At any rate, the daughter of the lady (who is also a nurse) said she was satisfied with the facility's response and her mother's treatment, so I don't have a problem with it. Would be nice to know how it got to the media, though.
  15. IF you have a good agent and the price is RIGHT (what the actual market value is, not what you think it might be worth), when you put it on the market and whether you stage it won't be nearly as important. JMHO. I do agree with it being very clean. My current house was owned by a relo company after the previous owner's company transferred them and it didn't sell. The relo people repainted, did repairs, and cleaned it to within an inch of its life. It was in great condition when I moved in. That was a very good experience, and it showed very well, even being empty. BUT the price was exac
  16. I had the same experience this very week. I've been with CVS for YEARS. I take three common meds (all generic), and with CVS they were $119/90-day supply. I checked with Walgreen's, and their price was $67/90-day supply. CVS's prescription discount card is $15/year; Walgreen's is $20/year. As to the OP's original question, ugadawgs88 is correct - R&D on drugs is insanely expensive. Edited to add that zoo is also correct that the cost to the consumer will be affected by insurance and its agreement with providers.
  17. ME, TOO!!! We used to go to the library as often as the grocery store! Ours back then was in an old, musty building...if I close my eyes and think back to the way the stacks looked, I can still smell the books. :wub: :wub: :wub:
  18. I had a running hissy fit with State Farm once over a body shop that did this to my car once (it was one of their preferred places; not Maaco). They dug in their heels and said it was fine, but I raised such cain they allowed me to take it to the shop of my choice (best guy I've ever seen, but he's way retired now) for a re-do. I totally agree you get what you pay for in stuff like this.
  19. AGREED. Now, it's my understanding she took them out of school, but the school should have an acceptable list of people who could pick up kids, and she should NOT be on it. 5yo nephew's other grandparents were sick a good bit before they passed away. They were on tons of meds, and the gmother esp. was a bit whack. They were on the list to pick up nephew from preschool, but after they got worse, sister took them off. Not because they weren't good-hearted, but because their health just wasn't conducive to their having a toddler in their care. Sad, sad, sad story.
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