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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, with things bein' the way they are, I don't think drumming up bidness for prisons is really a major problem. Also, it is not the purview of the owner/operator of a prison to deter crime. That would be the function of society at large, working largely through law enforcement. I don't know of any city/county jails that are privately owned. Edited to add that I personally don't have a problem if somebody wants to use a private facility for their area/state/whatever. As long as they operate it according to the guidelines set forth, and as long as it benefits the area economically (i.
  2. Just about any tire shop can do it, and I'm guessing prices aren't that far apart. I use Goodyear at Brookstone; there's NTB at Mars Hill/41, and a Napa place at Crossroads.
  3. If I'm not mistaken, the local DA is the mother of one of the boys who was there. I believe she only resigned from the case (asking the gov. to help, who assigned the state atty. gen. to prosecute) when the details started to be noticed nationally. Truly a horrifying case, and the defenders of these punk football players (where football is king, apparently) there in town make me sick. Edited to add that IIRC, the DA also counseled the girl against pushing for prosecution of the guys. I have heard nothing about this case that is not strange.
  4. I personally like to either break even, or owe them a little bit.
  5. NO QUESTION. I would file for divorce and turn him in simultaneously. Prior to filing for divorce, I would also open up accounts only in my name at a different bank and sock away a good bit of cash from our joint accounts, to get me by for the time being until the divorce ruling on assets. I would also immediately remove myself from the house, because if he's a serial killer, he ain't gonna have any compunction about doing away with me. I would hire the best lawyer (and PI if necessary) I could find for the divorce, and make sure he/she protected me to the fullest from any fallout of the c
  6. mei lan

    Cant Wait

    I'd be excited, too. I am such a dork.
  7. The topography/terrain of the two lots will determine where the house is located as well. I have two acres, but only the front acre is buildable. I'm assuming since you already have lots in mind, you have walked it and found that the middle doesn't contain like a 100' high rock bluff.
  8. Wow...I really do wish you the best with this mess of a situation. What a loser he sounds like.
  9. Agreed. I have a life principle that I live by (and I'm sure many will disagree), but it is this: Nothing is ever gained by pretending things are not the way they are. I'm like Blondie...if I know what the situation is, I can deal with it (whatever that means); otherwise, I am acting/reacting to something that is a lie.
  10. True story. They are the debil in the northern climes in summer. GAH!!!
  11. That is a fantastic tip...thanks!
  12. Read the directions?!?!? That is heresy, my friend!
  13. Old Geyser's Room - like Old Faithful? Or perhaps you meant Old Geezer's Room.
  14. Agreed. Also, how is she going to live with him if he won't give an address? Also, is this trouble legal trouble? If so, I should think she can't outrun it by going to another state.
  15. Srsly? I would never think to look there! Of course, I am not a criminal, either.
  16. We've been with DirecTV for 10 years, and I would NEVER go back to cable. The picture goes out only occasionally in VERY heavy rain, and then only for about five minutes, usually. I hear that if you have a lot of trouble with this, then it wasn't installed properly. IDK. I can't remember the last time I had to reset the receiver. Our package (not the base pkg, but not premium channels, either) is $78/month, I think. The customer service folks at DirecTV also cannot be beat. I have NEVER had a problem that they didn't handle politely and cheerfully. And you can get them on the phone 24/
  17. First, that is GREAT that you got a car! And second, what a fantastic thing to be said about someone! It is very good to know that so many people think highly of these folks. I would pay them a visit based on your remarks.
  18. This is true, but the first-time traveler may be a bit timid to do this. I would love to do it, however. I did think of two additional ways to travel - you can drive the Al-Can highway (goes up through Canada and down into big Alaska, but plan well and read everything you can about it. Also be prepared for road construction, because summer is the only time they have to repair the roads from the winter before. You can also take the Alaska Marine Highway System, and either drive your car aboard or not. I've never known anyone who did this, so we were hesitant to try it. I might go for i
  19. True more on older ships than newer ones, I believe. Either way, I prefer upper deck cabins. Which does bring up a valid point - if you're never cruised, TAKE DRAMAMINE WITH YOU and take it as a precaution! My mother had been on smaller boats before, but never a ship. She figured she'd be fine, so she didn't take anything. The minute hte ship moved away from the pier, she was hit with violent nausea, and it took her a whole 24 hours to recover. Also something to note - any cruise line (even the best of them) can have a spell of the norovirus sweep through the passengers. Our ship had
  20. I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!! We sailed several years ago with Princess, and it was FANTASTIC. I definitely want to go back. Several things to consider: - Do you want to cruise the Inside Passage or go to what I call big Alaska? We cruised the Inside Passage (the skinny southern part bordering Canada), and it was beyond beautiful and majestic. We saw the Tetons on the way back, and I was like meh. I hear big Alaska is beautiful, but if you are into doing something like seeing Denali Nat. Park, be advised that Mt. McKinley is shrouded in clouds/fog something like 2/3 of the time. If y
  21. Section 8 is a federal program that gives low-income people money for rent.
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