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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Agreed. And she said they approached her. Who says approached? I'm not saying people don't, and I certainly tend to use larger words in my conversation, but those two things do seem...odd. I'd have said something like they came up to me all of a sudden, or they snuck up on me from behind, or plainer language, considering the stress of the situation. She also went into a lot of detail about why she didn't have any money (it's expensive to raise a baby). And I'm still not saying things didn't happen the way she said. I'm just saying it just seems a little bit...off. The dry-eye cryi
  2. If a reporter tried to talk to me after such an occurrence, he would be summarily dispatched with a flea in his ear, and he'd be doggone lucky nothing worse happened to him.
  3. I would note that her older son who died wasn't just innocently standing on the street and somebody killed him. He was in the process of attacking someone else with a knife, and the person being attacked turned the tables and stabbed him. No less tragic, but just pointing out that it wasn't as she made it appear.
  4. As in, the events didn't happen as she said they did. As in, perhaps she was involved in some nefarious activity with the kids and things went awry. I am NOT saying things didn't happen just as she said...I'm just exploring possibilities.
  5. Hmmm. Well, I observe two things first off - no tears (although she came close to tearing up once), and her lipstick looks freshly applied. I draw no conclusions from this, because as I said, different people grieve differently, and perhaps she was still in shock at what had happened. If I were LE, in the absence of any other oddities, I'd just file it away. I do know myself, though - had that been me and somebody had just shot one of my nephews right in front of me, I would be a basket case, sobbing and throwing up, my head would be stopped up, and my face would look completely swoll
  6. Yes, I do believe pure evil exists. Also, http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/299740-baby-shot-in-his-stroller-wth-is-wrong-with-people/page__pid__3783409#entry3783409
  7. IIRC, it's that property just across from the back entrance of Lovett on Paces Ferry. Just across the river and on the opposite side from Canoe.
  8. Damn skippy, Postman. This is one topic on which you and I are in absolute agreement. I also think they should have been tried as adults. I do think, however, that the Richmond kid has more of a clue about the gravity of the situation, etc. I hope he uses this as a life lesson to help him succeed after he gets out of kid prison.
  9. I can see this. After the hell of something like that, my thinking would be, hey Siberia would be better for me than that.
  10. Amen to that, sister. You are so cute because you're always so positive and nice, but there's no place for positive and nice for monsters like these. IF something is amiss here, I hope the popo find out and act accordingly.
  11. Absolutely!!! It's a fantastic place, and soooooooooooo laid-back. I went for the first time when I was 5 or 6, and I can still remember the smells and the sights of the marina, and the campground where we stayed. RE: where to go to heal from an abusive marriage - Hmmm...gotta think about that one. Key West (or Islamorada or somewhere nearby slightly less touristy) would be an excellent choice. I would only want to be around people who support me unconditionally. The beach (one I love, not just any beach) or the mountains are always my default places to go.
  12. Well said, chica. (I'd make a joke about monorail, but I just can't muster up any humor for this topic. ) I haven't seen any video of her...but my radar always pings when people are immediately on TV after a horrific crime. Of course, she could have just been in shock and wasn't taking everything in yet. Let's hope that's what it was.
  13. What a dumb-arse (whoever reported it). Geez Louise. I don't have a good feeling about this kid's chances. I could be wrong, and pray that I am...but he is just so severely injured.
  14. THUMP. Welby seems like a decent guy. At least I haven't heard that he's a Druid (as is the departing Arch. of Cant., Rowan Williams). However, I do love the name Rowan.
  15. Yes, I know that. I'm just saying that they don't have anything to do with the Christian meaning of the resurrection of Christ, nor of the week of Passover that comes before. But to be actually correct, I'd prefer that Easter be disconnected from the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. I think it should be Resurrection Day. I'm pretty sure He invented Cadbury eggs. :drool:
  16. Wow. I'm sure that'll carry a lot of weight with gun owners. Esp. criminal ones.
  17. For 30 years, de Waal has authored books about apes and monkey that open our eyes to the bottom-up origins of our human behaviors, ranging from politics to empathy. In this, his 10th volume, he extends that perspective by writing, "It wasn't God who introduced us to morality; rather, it was the other way around. God was put into place to help us live the way we felt we ought to." Well, bless his heart...it's a free country, and he can have whatever views he wants. I just happen to disagree with him.
  18. No idea, but it's a free country, so as far as I'm concerned, he can do what he wants. Could be just a land investment, to hold till values go back up and he can sell to make some money. 'Course, it is in Douglas County...
  19. It wasn't in the story I read, but I can believe it, esp. if the DFCS worker were pushing the issue. I loved that she wouldn't give her name (in the story I read) and never came back with a warrant.
  20. Fine by me. I've never understood what eggs and rabbits have to do with the resurrection of Jesus.
  21. Have you talked to the police since the initial report to see if they have any leads or have heard anything? Sometimes they have confidential informants who can give information on stuff like this...
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