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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. And you pretend you're not hip to new technology.
  2. Yeah, love Kevin Bacon and his character. I like the kid FBI agent, too. The police dude with Hardy should have had on a red shirt, 'cause I knew he was gonna die. (Star Trek reference for those who aren't geeks like me. ) I'm ready for this storyline to be done and them move on to some other nefarious crap the cult is pulling. It's good to show them making mistakes, like the chick who was supposed to contact them but kidnapped Hardy's sister instead. I LOVE the kid Joey. What an adorable child! I can totally see 5yo nephew being that sharp and figuring out how to get out lik
  3. So clue me in...how's it gumming up the works? What happens when you dial 112? OK, read the story, got my answer to that. Are there really that many morons who feel they are being pulled over by police impersonators?
  4. OK, who's still watching The Following? I have a problem with it now. First, they need to resolve the kid situation, but that seems to be well on its way to being resolved. Second, I loathe Joe Carroll, which means that dude is a very good actor. Third, and my problem with tonight's episode - both Claire and the appeals attorney are dweebs. I'm sorry - Claire KNOWS waht he is, and she STILL snuck out of the restaurant and willingly got into a car, believing they were gonna take her to Joey? How stupid is she? If this were her 10 years ago and she was just finding out what he is, I could
  5. All this happened as the plane was landing.
  6. I've been in the darkest depths of depression, too, and you're right - suicide IS the easy way out. A couple of factors that make this not the normal depression situation, though...a) if she really did kill the boyfriend and felt the police were closing in on her, that would be a huge motivator, and 2) she had a loooooooooooooooooong history of not just depression, but addiction and self-sabotaging behavior. I mean, what kind of inner turmoil must she have had to have a 10-year affair with a married man (Roger Clemens) starting when she was a teenager? So I'd say that most people AREN'T in
  7. OK, yeah, I get where you're coming from. I probably wouldn't do the media circus thing, because I am a VERY private person. However, if I thought the case were being mishandled (which I don't get the idea is the case here), I might be persuaded to thump some heads in public. Otherwise, no...I'd let the criminal justice process work (and be glad he's been fired/suspended/whatever from his job). I think what you discuss here points to the willingness of people these days to lay bare their lives for the world. Hence, the rise of FB, etc. Which is why I'm not on FB.
  8. Yes, indeedy - my thoughts exactly. And yes, there were a number of witnesses, many/all of whom gave statements to the police when the plane landed. I don't care what the kid was doing - he's 18 months old, for crying out loud. Oh, yeah...he woulda been hurtin' when he woke up if he'd done that to my kid. Yeppers - they are all up for some sensationalism.
  9. That Corsera program is fabu. I don't have time to take anything right now, but it's on my list!
  10. The father of the older boy lost custody when he tried (allegedly) to kill McCready. Her mother had custody of him until last December when McCready finally won it back. I wish she could raise both children...it would be nice if they could stay together.
  11. She has not been cleared in her fiance's death, and the police are not even ruling it a suicide. The investigation remains open. Those poor babies...such turmoil in their tiny lives.
  12. Oh, wow...that really is a lovely car.
  13. The 32-deaths one was the Costa Concordia off the coast of Italy where the captain abandoned ship. Agreed...if that didn't break them, this certainly won't.
  14. I doubt that. They made $4 BILLION year before last, and they haven't gone broke from the Costa Concordia stupidity (although that one isn't over yet, either). It would certainly be poetic justic if it did go under, but I doubt it will. I hear most lawsuits against these type incidents don't go anywhere.
  15. Thank you! By fourth issue, to what are you referring? With this ship? Or the other situations like Costa Concordia (owned by them) ship passing by stranded fishermen off coast of Galapagos Islands and two of them died ship excursion robbed at gunpoint in Mexico another ship disabled by fire in the engine room Ain't NO WAY I'd ever sail with these yahoos again. I had to for a company I worked for once (customer conference), and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Serious bidness. And nothing even went wrong with that cruise!
  16. Very interesting. No price info listed, which would affect my opinion of the service. Awesome concept, though.
  17. Tabby - I don't know anybody in Texas, but I do know how to pray and I have been doing so. Please know that I haven't forgotten you and I will continue to pray until there's a resolution.
  18. Yeah, I loved the dating thing, too. Have mercy. And they won't contain them...they'll get several years (if that) in juvie, and then after they're 18 and murder one or many people, they'll wind up in prison for life. :sigh:
  19. Ten years old and already a sociopath. Be interesting to know his family history, although we probably could recite it by heart...
  20. You don't have to call me "darlin' ", darlin'...you never even called me by my name...
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