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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm guessing with the colder air in place now that the early scouts might stay where they are and go into a torpor till the next warm spell. I'm still puttin' the feeder out, though.
  2. Hmmm...I can't remember the order of things, so I'll recap as best I can. Did you see where Jacob and Paul were holed up at Jacob's parents' beach house? His mom was a nurse, and she looked at Paul's wound, and told Jacob it was infected and he had to get him to a hospital right now or he would die. Also, Jacob's father was on his way there, and if Jacob was still there, he'd call the police. Jacob sent an e-mail to Roderick asking for somebody to come meet them; Roderick wrote back and told him a place to meet and that he'd take them to wherever it is Joe & Co. are staying. Jacob tol
  3. Woo hoo!!! Puttin' the feeder out after the rain!
  4. I'm sure most of those details can be found if you want to backtrack and read all the local news and blogs since last summer. As TJB says, she was unconscious and therefore could not give consent. End of story.
  5. From what I have read, she was driven in a car by these guys, and she had already thrown up and passed out from the amount of alcohol she had consumed. She was not dating anyone at the party. I believe the original drinking party was at an asst. football coach's house. Would you also like to know what she was wearing and if it was provocative? Because I'm sure she made them do it, and deserved everything she got.
  6. They could have been charged as adults, but the local DA is the mom of another football player, and she had already persuaded everyone (this is from waht I've read over the months, btw) that the poor widdle darwings should be charged as juveniles. She also tried to persuade the girl and her parents not to press the issue, but the girl's parents wouldn't back down (thank the Lord). Two additional investigations about similar things with other girls are going on as well (they happened before this incident, but this incident caused one of them to come forward and people told about the other
  7. I hate you. Hey, at least my hate is not because of your Britishness or non-Britishness, or political views. My energy level is just not the same as other people's. Hypothyroidism (even with med) does that to a body, and I wasn't the type to set the world on fire before that. I refuse to do anything cleaningwise outdoors, though, until after the stupid pollen mess. But congratulations on the clean house. That does inspire me. (She said from her reclining position. )
  8. Yes, dearest, but how many years have you put up with this rubbish by now? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 30, IIRC? Nobody can do anything about your situation except you. He chose you because he knew intuitively that you wouldn't stand up to him. But if your life is to change, YOU are the one to make the change. We can commiserate with you all day long, but that is mere feelings and words. Action must come from you. I highly HIGHLY recommend talking to someone at Shepherd's Rest. HIGHLY. If you prefer to go the church route, call West Ridge. They shouldb e able to offer you someth
  9. HAHAHAHA You be whack, girl. momof3 - Way excellent!!! I agree on the washing machines...I still have my top loader from about 12 years ago, and I'm happy wtih it. What a great deal.
  10. Well, the stress on his mother is simply enormous. It's enormous on his father, but in a different way. This is a Very Long, Hard Road they're traveling.
  11. It is correct. It's such a huge issue, they figured they couldn't handle all the extra voters if they included it on the November ballot, so they had to hold a special election just for it. Just like the school bond election.
  12. It's available, but if I were charged with something, I'd do everything in my power not to depend on legal aid. The level of representation is generally lower than I would prefer.
  13. Surely not. And yes, any ship could have difficulties, but this many ships in this amount of time on line line? It's systemic.
  14. Like I said - this is nothing about this case that isn't horribler. I love how the football coach is just rooting for them, and even told the one kid he'd make it all go away at the beginning. Ye gods. What a corrupt, vile bunch of people. Their real estate values have to be in the toilet. Who would EVER want to live there?
  15. ME, TOO!!! I was thinkin' hey, you didn't strike me as a 70yo, but that's ok...70 is the new 50. And now she's not even gonna be 70.
  16. Not many one-level houses in Pickett's Mill or Pickett's Lake. A few master-on-mains once in awhile, but mostly not.
  17. I can still see those orange and purple seats.
  18. I have frozen my hiney off more watching baseball this year than I ever have watching football games.
  19. I got nothin' on the actual topic, but I did have to guffaw here. Bless your heart.
  20. Incidents, plural, please. Let's see: - Costa Concordia (run aground by negligence, 30 or so killed) - passed by fishermen stranded at sea - last year's engine fire - ship's shore excursion robbed at gunpoint in Mexico - last month's engine fire - this episode
  21. Truer words were never spoken. And this is probably insulting to Motel 6.
  22. While my first choice would ALWAYS be Alaska, this is something to consider. Perhaps a cruise would mitigate the biting rascals somewhat.
  23. I'm pretty sure this would be my choice. Too many things to go wrong would bug me, personally.
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