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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan

    Dang it!

    You are not in the wrong on this one, and their slapping the $75 charge unauthorized on my card would have sent me. I would just make SURE the counselor knows that you are not leaving becuase of her, but because of her office people. There's no reason to put up with that sort of crap.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised; HOWEVER, my brother lives in TN. His house is worth three times what mine is AND he pays city and county property taxes, and yet his property tax bill is lower than mine. His sales tax is 9.75% (what...nearly 3% higher than ours?), and he has no ad valorem tax (which we don't now, either...I'm just comparing).
  3. Well, she is cute, but the rest - HAHAHAHAHAA. In general, your points are valid, but to discuss them with regard to DGITW is frickin' hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. :wipingawaytears:
  4. Ooh...Imma hafta look into that attachment thingy for ours! Thanks!
  5. Dollar General has them all the time under the name Mint Thins. Happy, happy, happy.
  6. Excellent. Well, tell her to stay strong and do not give him the satisfaction of winning. Tell her I said to pretend he doesn't exist, and for heaven's sake, don't try to "just be his friend". He has proven he can't be trusted. I'm glad you're going to talk to folks. I'll keep her and you in my prayers.
  7. She is one weird girl, but then we already knew that, didn't we? This Kate Upton chick would be ok if she didn't have that weird bellybutton problem. I think she is frickin' gorgeous, and I'm so thrilled to see someone who isn't a stick figure be popular.
  8. Eh, it's one o' them new-fangled things you don't need to worry your pretty little head with. You just go back to listening to your 8-tracks and forget about it.
  9. Agreed, and she needs to work on self-confidence and projecting assertiveness. This walking around crying because of something some dilbert scratched on a wall in a park bathroom doesn't cut it when dealing with psychos. She needs to get a "oh, hell no!" attitude. Stop acting wimpy. Stop leaving phones out for him to mess with. Make sure she's with people at all times. Ignore him. Be happy. All while doing the other things mentioned.
  10. Thank you. I don't care what they used to be - this is stalking. And believe you me, I'd make a believer out of his punk arse. Also, I'd make a believer out of the school admin, too.
  11. I should think the SS would make sure everyone in attendance is unarmed.
  12. They do have good chocolate pie. I love me some good Waffle House - esp. the ones at Brookstone and Crossroads (i.e., not grody). Since I don't have a significant other, not on Valentine's Day. But occasionally otherwise!
  13. I'll have the Iwate Japanese Beef with Oxtail Jus, please, with Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee' for dessert. Water to drink, but you may recommended a wine (since I remember what you said about wine with meals).
  14. SP - How do you grind your beef? With a hand-grinder, or some other way? I make a list, but I like to shop for things that are on sale and stock up so that we're not buying everything on an as-needed basis at full price.
  15. Another girl who agrees with this. I personally like the loosey-goosey moderation here, but I'm a big libertarian (little "l"), and am pretty much live and let live. If I don't like something, I just don't click on it any longer.
  16. I'm way late to this thread, but I would just like to vouch for my twin stradial here. I didn't take the word to mean what apparently others did, but no matter...I would bet my paycheck that stradial would NEVER write something meant to be truly offensive, and esp. to a woman. Just wanted to add my $.02 to the fray.
  17. Doesn't Tyler Perry have one at/near Greenbriar Mall as well?
  18. You can order extra tiles on Amazon for pretty cheap, I think.
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