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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. It's all downhill from here. Every day gets shorter, the daylight vanishing more and more, until ZAPPO! We are but nothing.
  2. What fees does a paper check option entail? And if an employee doesn't have a checking account, they can go to the bank the check is written against and cash it there, and I've never known of a bank charging a fee for doing that. Either which way, I think this is a pretty dumb move by the franchisee. I'm guessing he's getting a good bit of heat from McD corporate over this. I wouldn't have sued over it, but I don't think it's a good policy.
  3. Oh, now see - you made me go and do it. (I'd do it if it was referencing a Republican, too...it's just dang funny.)
  4. OH EM GEE!!! I'm a witch and I didn't even realize!!! (Twins, as usual.)
  5. What they said. Quickest way to get rid of me is to lie to me. Serious bidness.
  6. You find oil on my land, I'll call you whatever you want. As for folding fitted sheets, nah, that don't make you a witch. It means you are naturally organized, or you've watched a how-to video on YouTube.
  7. Interesting concept. Pubby, sending you a PM.
  8. I don't live in either, but I've never heard of the Next Door thingy. I just checked it out...interesting!
  9. Agreed. And agree with Ms. O'H. that the officer is probably devastated. The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. RIP, Spartacus.
  10. You handled that really well (esp. with the lawyer in a later post). Very smart move. OP - It matters not a hill of beans what a bunch of people on the interwebz thinks about your problem. Talk to an attorney. If it's the original condition of the property, I'm guessing it is what it is, as JTH said. If they improved it and that improvement damaged your property, then you could have a complaint.
  11. Good heavens. I hadn't thought about that stupid stunt in years. Yes, I think it had to do with a contract dispute and wanting to get fired.
  12. I absolutely adore Tyler Perry. Thanks for sharing, low.
  13. I live in a no-street-lights subdivision as well. I LOVE IT. Reminds me of growing up out in the country. Several people have installed their own lights at varying spots in their lawns. I can't think the vast majority out here would sign a petition for street lights.
  14. And I'm guessing there were some who found that funny. What losers. All I can say is this proves a) what low character they have, and 2) they have never known health hardship.
  15. I have no doubt this is true, but this project has the backing of powers that be, and absent some calamity, it's a go. This project is WAY WAY bigger than just Bass Pro Shop. We're talking 20,000 jobs by the time all is said and done in 2020.
  16. Boy, howdy. That was a painful lesson learned.
  17. Agreed. Sickening and evil. We saw a pretty big one recently in the road in our sub...we stopped and shooed him to the side of the road where he ambled on down to the little creek. Then, the other day I was on Old Stilesboro, and a HUGE turtle was in the middle of the road. Just as I saw it, I noticed a girl who had already stopped. I stopped and turned on my flashers so she wouldn't get hit by anybody behind me. She was a petite little thing, and she just picked that sucker up and hauled him over to the side of the road and pointed him towards the creek. I loved that. We always sto
  18. Looks like opening set for Spring, 2015. Lots of stuff going on in Emerson. LOTS of stuff. http://romenews-tribune.com/view/full_story/22735655/article-LakePoint-Sporting-Community-and-Town-Center-design-is-a-work-in-progress--Terminus-Wake-Park-scheduled-to-open-in-August?instance=article_results
  19. Ooh - Twins are we! Yeppers...I do go to both Kroger and Publix, but only because they are a mile apart. Usually not on the same day. But I can get great deals by watching what each store has on sale for the week. And as barbed wire says, if you stay stocked up, you don't have to buy the emergency foods and can buy things BOBO or whatever. I love my Publix.
  20. And blatantly defied a SCOTUS order not to send the Cherokees to Oklahoma, and instead forced them to march the Trail of Tears, during which half of them died.
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