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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. My fat basement cat would steal someone's soul (and sole), but she'd have to expend a little too much energy. If someone were to put their soul/sole right in her paws, though, she might give it a gnaw.
  2. Well, now you just got us all curious.
  3. Thank you for thinking of us troglodytes. You know, he is making some good progress, it seems. It just may be that his little brain just needs time to REST and heal. Very interesting to watch. Edited to add that with my then-16yo nephew, EVERY SINGLE DR. at a teaching hospital told brother and SIL that he would be a vegetable, and one neurologist who had had a similar head injury and recovered was the only person who gave them hope. He was the one who contacted Shepherd, and the rest is history. Full recovery, and is a normal productive citizen today. :wub: Sometimes you jus
  4. That is absolutely precious. :wub: Oh, my!!! How afraid your parents must have been for you! That is wild! Way cool, though. As with the poster above, how afraid your mom must have been!!! Bless your heart, and hers. OK, that made me cry. Excellent question, OP!!! My earliest memory is of standing in the house where I grew up, as my parents were looking at it before purchasing. It was empty, and I can still see the realtor and the old lady who owned it (who had built a new house down the road). I would have been th
  5. Precious!!! I LOVE seeing happy babies. You can tell she knows she's loved. :wub: :wub: :wub:
  6. Amazon has a Seagate internal 250gb hard drive for $34.95. I'm guessing prices vary with processor speeds and storage capacity.
  7. My default answer is always the land belongs to somebody's BIL and he'll make money off it. That's also my answer for why they're building a $10M road connecting two roads (Cedarcrest and Hwy. 92) that intersect a mile down the road.
  8. mei lan


    Yea!!! So glad he gets to stay! Yeah, we've done hunt-the-lizard, too.
  9. You are correct in that last part, and if the first part is true, that is NOT a basis for a sound relationship.
  10. Thanks for that explanation, 'cause I totally didn't understand his note otherwise. OK, time to tell my favorite sexual harrassment story. During the time of the Clarence Thomas hearings and the Anita Hill testimony, I was working for a Dow 30 company as admin support for a large marketing group. One day while I was standing in the bullpen area waiting on a secretary to hand me some stuff, one of the senior staff members sidled up to me, put his arm around me and hugged me to him tightly and said, "How about a little sexual harrassment, baby?" I laughed hysterically, and to this d
  11. I neither envy nor dislike the rich. I don't care how they got their money (as long as it was legal), and comparing myself to them is just counterproductive. Besides, I wouldn't like most of their lives if I had them anyway. Having money is good, but not at the expense of my peace of mind (on many levels).
  12. Well, that makes one of us, buster. Agreed. She was a tragic figger (as Prince Charles would say), and her life would have been so different if she'd stayed with Joe and shaken off all the other creeps around her.
  13. I say have it reprinted with half the cost paid by whatever staff advisor was in charge of it and half paid by the student who did it. Also, if it were my kid this happened to, I'd tell him to suck it up and go on with his life. He may as well learn now that mean people suck and life is not fair. It'll make him a stronger man in the end, and if he laughs it off, he takes the power away from the person who tried to make him look bad.
  14. Very brave choice, IMHO. Gotta give props to Brad for backing her on it as well. I like this girl.
  15. I agree, EXCEPT I would use the word "decision" instead of "mistake" at the end. A mistake is putting one too many eggs in your cake batter. Robbing a bank is a (really bad and foolish) decision.
  16. Happy Birthday, you sick twisted freak of a cousin! I hope you have a wonderfully marvelous day!!!
  17. I can see both sides of that, tundra. Either which way, this is a horrible, terrible, no good week for the Obama administration. Benghazi isn't over by any stretch, the IRS mess is just beginning to roar, and now this...and this is HUGE. AP is not happy. I wondered when somebody in the press was gonna realize that they were among the most likely targets of a corrupt regime when it suited the regime to target them.
  18. I agree, TJB. I think Pubby is a little whack these days (he knows I love him), but he provides a great forum where we are all FREE to discuss. I choose not to go into the more volatile discussions most of the time, because homey ain't got time fo' dat, but I appreciate everyone being free to discuss their views.k FREEDOM - our most prized possession.
  19. No, but I grew up out in the country and never went anywhere that my parents or similar adults weren't there with us.
  20. Excellent! You sound like you feel well. I'm glad. And down time is great!
  21. This is quickly turning into a major issue for the White House. When even liberals are lambasting them (Dennis Kucinich, MSNBC crowd, et al), you know it's bad.
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