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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. We could get a bunch in the trunk, but they wouldn't make it out of Colorado.
  2. Weird Al!!! I'll go in your place! I love him!
  3. Agree with one change - a DULL rusty razor blade. C. Mark!!! Woo hoo!!! Good to see you, dude!
  4. mei lan

    OMG !

    I never know what's going on. :cluelessinacworth:
  5. Hey, Georgia peaches are good, and I'm the first to snatch a good one up. But I promise you - if you like peaches, you have not LIVED until you have had peaches from the Palisade, Colorado, area. It's near Grand Junction in Western Colorado. OH. DEAR. LORD. Those peaches are like Georgia peaches x30. Or x100. I am drooling right now thinking of them. We were out there a couple of summers ago, and OH. MY. GOSH. I promise...AWESOME. Anybody up for a road trip in a couple of weeks?
  6. Totally lovely!!! That was my first thought, too, Jenilyn. I've never given birth, but I can guarantee you, I would look nowhere near that good. I would look like I had worked in a field all day and then in a steel mill all night.
  7. hahahahaa Twins! When I was about 20, I was driving my mother's large sedan somewhere, and I had only ever owned manuals. So, when coming up to a light, I pushed in the clutch. YOWSA!!! That's a wakeup call.
  8. I could not agree more!!! I really treasure being able to carry on a legitimate conversation with someone who doesn't agree with me, because I can always learn something. I just refuse to get into a huge debate or discussion with someone who is determined to fight or be mean. RhondaW is a ginger and Jenilyn is my strange and weird cousin, but I do agree with the assessment of Beach Bum. HAHAHAHAA That would so be me (hitting a bad shot). hahahahaa
  9. I am for the death penalty IF it is administered correctly (which it is not here in the US at this time). 30 years on Death Row is just ridiculous, and the prosecution burden needs to be very heavy, IMHO. So I pretty much agree with stradial. And to those who say it's not a deterrent, I say it's a deterrent to that one. I totally agree. The very thought of it makes me ill. I don't have a problem with this approach, either.
  10. Yer late to the party. Sports Source started a thread about it already (it's not BPS is the title). But yes - WOO HOO!!! I'm telling you - the Cabela's I've visited beats BPS all to pieces.
  11. I'll tell you how they do it...they walk in with a vacant look on their faces, say ooh, I like this one! and when the sales dude says how much can you afford per month and they say $400, he just stretches the term of the loan to cover the $400. And if they're trading in something that isn't paid for, he just rolls that into the new loan. I know several people who are still paying (by my calculations) for their car like three cars ago because they keep rolling the balance into the new loan. You're right - it is INSANE. I saw a nice F150 the other day at the ball park for a promotion
  12. YES!!!!!!! Cabela's beats Bass Pro Shop in every way, IMHO. FANTASTIC store. They were slated to come to Adairsville several years ago but Sonny Purdue's revenoors screwed that up. I hear he's a friend of the BSP CEO, but don't know if that would have had a bearing. (She said with a straight face.) Bass Pro Shop is being built in the Lake Pointe ball park thingy at the Emerson exit on I-75 near the Love's Truck Stop, btw. Opens in 2014 as well, I think.
  13. OH DEAR GOD!!! :freshroundofsobbingandwailing:
  14. He may be blessed if it doesn't end his career. That was a nasty thing to watch. I loved the other dude's attitude, though. He was very sweet, as were the fans. And the way Hudson was standing, it really couldn't be helped.
  15. Bring plenty of rocky road ice cream, too. We may be here awhile. Oh, and Coco, too. Dogs always help when you're down.
  16. HA HA!!! Good ol' Trafficant. What a pistol! And that toupee was truly awful. hahahahahahahaaa MARVELOUS gesture by GHW. I am one who disagreed with VERY MANY of the decisions of both Presidents Bush, but I do believe they are kind and good people. Very sweet.
  17. :cray: Blondie, can you come over and sit with me for awhile? I'm so upset about this that I can't even sleep. :rockingbackandforthcryinginthecorner:
  18. Fellow teary-eyed dork here. I adore QEII, but Wills is very strong-willed, and I suspect if he wants it, he will get it. Queen Elizabeth realized when Diana died that she needed to go with the flow if she wanted the monarchy to survive.
  19. :beatingjustgettingbyovertheheadwithastick: Get. Away. From. Him!!! He's MINE!!!!!!!
  20. Great minds...I thought that as well. I found it interesting that that moron Charles had sense enough to word his statement to the effect that he and Horse Face Camilla were thrilled at the birth of "my first grandchild". But since Dianer's death, he's wised up and realized that he'd best change his image if he wanted to avoid mass revolt in the streets if/when he assumes the throne. (I personally wish the Queen would force him to abdicate - Lord knows she has enough crap on him - in favor of William. He told Earl Spencer years ago at his father's funeral that he (Earl Spencer) was fortuna
  21. Well, crap. I hate this so badly for that family. He probably didn't see her as a threat since their properties backed up to each other. That wacky religion of peace* at work again. * No, I am not labeling all Muslims. Just the wacko extremist ones who want to kill people.
  22. Yer killin' me here!!! I'm already in a coma...I might just die from all this cuteness and sweetness!!! Seriously - that is so adorable. I think it's precious that he knows she's a baby to be protected. Bless his heart. I just love that.
  23. Of coures you are all that and a bag of chips! ('Course I kinda hafta say that since we're twins and all. )
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