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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yeah, I gathered that from the summary I read. I'll add it to my "Movies To Watch" list.
  2. Well, I didn't get it. Had to look it up (didn't see the movie). But I'm prosecutorial overreach is a real concern in many cases, IMHO.
  3. The salt water really is amazing. She will love it. Can't speak to the ionizer system, but Guard Dad seems to love it.
  4. The salt system generates chlorine.
  5. OK, this might sound stupid, and I promise I'm not dissing you, but what prompted the idea of putting a pool in a carport?
  6. I'm guessing they won't do the next round of chemo if his white cells are still down. Still prayin'...
  7. Demolition peeps be messin' their britches right about now. Holy crap.
  8. I'm sorry, but that is just PATHETIC. I can say with confidence that I would never forget one of my nephews, because I never leave them somewhere that I am not! I had my doubts about letting 16yo nephew and his friend walk around the aquarium without us, although I did do it...we did text a few times, though. He's a third-degree black belt in karate, so I wasn't as paranoid as I generally am, and we were in the same building. Call me crazy, but when I have priceless treasures to look after, I do NOT go off and leave them.
  9. Thank you, dearest. PM me with updates if you'd like.
  10. My prayer buddies and I were just wondering how our man Spencer is doing this week. :wub:
  11. Thank you. The recall is finito as soon as the signatures are verified and the appeals for recount or whatever are exhausted (which I think they have a week or 10 days to do). So he's outtie. There will be a special election to fill his seat, but he is gone. Interesting info from Mrs. Howard's article: Ironically, Senate District 11 was gerrymandered specifically for someone like John Morse, carved out of conservative El Paso County to provide a senate seat for liberals. The district is unique, containing liberals, libertarians and conservatives in roughly equal portions. District vote
  12. Looks like a phone company to me (from reading their web site).
  13. And I'll back you up, chickie! I ain't got no black belt, but I defend my friends (and weirdo cousins)!
  14. More on the Utah data center Pubby mentioned (ribbon-cutting was this week, I believe): http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/ff_nsadatacenter/all/
  15. Oh, you are so cute, TP. I don't drink alcohol in any form (personal decision based on some life events in close family members). I was actually drinking Sprite. But whatever.
  16. COULD NOT AGREE MORE on this. We have a Polaris 280, and his name is Pablo ('cause he's our pool boy ). TOTALLY worth the money!!! Because we have a mesh cover, we don't have to drain the cover, and the overflow outlet takes care of any water that gets above normal levels. When I close, I drain the water down below the inlets and close them off. By spring, the pool is completely full again. I take the drain plugs out of the pumps (one regular, one for Pablo) and the filter. I also put RV antifreeze (IMPORTANT not to use regular antifreeze!) in the water lines from the skimmer
  17. IKR?!?!? And what up with that stupid smirk on his face in the booking photo? I'm guessin' that'll be gone soon. Moron.
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