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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Bless your heart...you actually think Holder is trying to get to the TRUTH of the IRS debacle (or if anything else, for that matter)? And that he will find it in the e-mails of journalists? The whole reason he went after the Fox's Rosen's e-mails was because he was trying to find out who leaked information about North Korea's nuclear program. The whole reason he went after AP phone records was because he was trying to find out who leaked information about a CIA operation in Yemen that stopped an airliner bomb plot. Neither of which has to do with the IRS, I might add. The IRS informa
  2. Yes - Sheryl Atkisson of CBS, who has been doing some great reporting on Benghazi and Fast & Furious. Wait - so you're FOR the seizing of information from the press?
  3. I just thought of another thing. Because our pool is not visible from the house mostly, we close it in winter. (I have a friend who has a lovely pool visible from his living room, and he keeps his open, which I would probably do as well.) Anyhoo, also because of that, we got a safety cover. They cost some pennies, but well worth the peace of mind, IMHO. Ours is mesh, so the water goes right through. And we don't have to worry about limbs falling in an ice storm damaging the liner, or MOST important, about kids falling in and us not knowing. And yes, we do have a 6' fence that stays lock
  4. Not just Fox...he has obtained a boatload of data on AP.
  5. AGREED. I would go with less bright lights, and more of them. I forgot about depth consideration. Ours is 6' at the deep end, so we cannot have a diving board. Which is how we wanted it. We got a large stone from that place in Hiram just south of the RR, and they put it down before they poured the deck. Actual pool depth is about 5'8". Perfect for what we wanted. - Also, another favorite thing of mine is that we got wedding cake steps. I LOVE THEM. - We also got an overflow outlet, so that if the pool gets fuller than normal, it goes out the overflow and we don't have
  6. What about pencils? Pencils can kill if used to stab someone in the heart. What about forks? What about tree limbs? What about...oh, never mind. Sounds like it was a good thing it was closed.
  7. My only recommendation would be to go with a saline system. We have an in-ground, and it's BEYOND easy to maintain, and feels great. No idee on the other stuff...ours was installed in 2009, and we haven't had any additional expenses.
  8. SCOTUS recently decided for Monsanto...unanimous decision. I'm all about patent and copyright protection, but this just does not seem right to me. http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/11-796_c07d.pdf SP - I ALWAYS enjoy your information on poultry. I was gonna make a post to you the other day before I got sick...I bought a bone-in chicken breast at Publix the other day (their brand), and just about fainted dead away when I saw the price. Something like $7.50. YE GODS!!!
  9. mei lan


    I'd say just give it time. I hate that feeling, though! I'm truly so glad you're feeling better. You are such a precious person, and I've been sorry to read about your being so sick. :bigbighug: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  10. Very, VERY well said!!! I'm sorry you went through that, but you are OBVIOUSLY at a healthy place now. Well done.
  11. My allergies won't let me work with the bat guano or mushrooms...if you'll work that part, I'll deal with the Chupacabra. He's really not that bad once you get to know him.
  12. I think Imma be sick...I loved that store! Say it ain't so!!! :sobbing:
  13. Pretty sure he's serious.
  14. We were caught up in the backup of traffic from the wreck, and we prayed for whoever it was. I didn't know Mr. Eberhart from Adam's housecat, but in reading your responses, it is clear that he lived a good life. How proud his wife and daughters can be of him. He was a good and decent and honorable man, by all accounts that I have heard. Well done, sir.
  15. OH - I shoulda asked me mum...she loves that book. I've never had an interest in reading it. Thanks for the info.
  16. Of course you would. 'Cause you are a sterling person.
  17. Boy howdy - if I had a boat, that's where mine would be, too (in the garage). Ain't no way I'd want to be out there with that many idiots.
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