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Everything posted by akre0023

  1. This legislation will make these yahoos either give up their drugs or give up their government assistance. I don't mind helping those in need and I understand that people fall on hard times, BUT.....nothing erks me more than to see a person that lives in publc housing and/or using and EBT card live better than I do on MY money. Doing drugs (wether it be crack, pot, or even cigaretts) is something you do when you have Extra money...it is a "can do" as we say in my house, not a "have to". If they have this kind of extra money, then they need to give up the government assistance and let
  2. My son just paid $196.?? for his Nook that he got from Amazon.com. He the Nook, a case for and a light for it.. He said the shipping was free. My son is 17, a Sr at HHS and will be using his for his summer reading assignments at the very least. I'm looking foward to trying his and maybe getting one of my own eventually.
  3. I hope everyone is okay. I find this odd that there is an accident there on the day there is no high school drivers.....and they are the ones that tend to get a bad rap when it comes to driving.
  4. I'll be taking the Princess to dance classes this morning, then working on our boat after DH gets home from work. Tomorrow, church and not sure what else. Our neighborhood pool opens this weekend so I'm sure we'll be spending some time there. Now that DS is officially a Sr, he will be calling his Navy Recruitor on Tues to set up a time to go take the Nuke field test. HiPlains, Please tell your son Thank you for us.
  5. I am soooo sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.
  6. I wouldn't know how to feel to have an electric bill under $100 any time of the year and $300 during the summer.. Keep in mind that I do live in a mobile home. I was told earlier this year, when someone came out to check my roof for hail damage, that my home only has 2 vents to let the heat off/out off the roof and new homes have at least 6. I also have no doubt that a lot could be done to insulate this place better. These are all the reasons I am working to get our credit in shape so that we can sell this place, for next to nothing, and buy us a bigger place....which I expect to have
  7. We got DD's ears pierced when she was 3 months old. I don't regret it for a second.
  8. We'll be staying around home this year. We are hoping to have our boat ready by then...if so, we'll be taking it out to Lake Allatoona for a day so that DH an work out any problems with the motor. If the boat isn't finished, then we will be working on it and getting things ready to leave for 9 days of camping and boating towards the later part of June.
  9. My Dad is visiting a friend of his that lives in a suburb of Orlando FL and he says that the gas in FL....big tourist areas...is cheaper than we are paying here. Something is just Majorly wrong with this picture. We are just getting RIPPED off here in GA.
  10. New Cajun cafe where the City Cafe used to be......is it open on Mondays?
  11. Hijack: Did your son get his test results today? My son is also a Jr. at HHS and he is telling me that they are not getting their results for another 2 weeks.
  12. I Completely 2nd Pat's Appearl. They are wonderful there!!!!
  13. My husband, who also does not do PCom, suggest for him to look for the manual release on the pump itself and make sure that it is closed all the way. Whay type of boat is it?
  14. WalMart and Dollar Tree are both open
  15. Is this the same Griffin White that used to or still does build houses in this county?
  16. My husband got dentures done from Afordable Dentures about 10 years ago. He has not been able to wear them for the last 2 years. He says that they never fit right and in fact did damage to 2 of his other teeth. My Mom also got dentures from this same place and she was not able to wear her's. Be careful. I honestly believe that you do get what you pay for in this situation. This is one reason that we are coughing over the big bucks for hubby to get a complete plate as well as other work this time. In the end, it will be well worth the money.
  17. When are you closing? What is the last day of your sale? Do you have any little girl sizes 6/6x-7?
  18. I completely agree. The Powers that Be of Dallas need to realize that times are changing and they have competition for the $$. Unless they want our little down to die, they are going to Have to change their tolerance of outdoor dining and enjoying the weather. Where there are college kids, there is money to be spent...to some extent. I would LOVE to see an icecream/coffee shop come to downtown Dallas....and have it open later in the evening. Shoot, who knows, my and the hubby may even slip off up there in the evenings after we get the Princess to bed (have her big brother stay at home
  19. I could not have said it better. I lost my mom just a little over 2.5 years ago. Even now, I almost dialed her number the other day to tell her something and just the other night, cried myself to sleep wanting to talk to and hug her. Both of you will be in my prayers. I'm here if either of you just want to talk....sometimes that is want you need most...to talk about and tell someone about her.
  20. Prayers being said for Johnny J.
  21. Joanne, I am sooo sorry to hear about Rickey's passing. You will be in my prayers.
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