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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Sorry to hear that, I will try and send business your way !!
  2. Has to be approved by the goberment before treatment, then it will be paid for, so, who do you think is in charge????
  3. It's because of Obozos economics that they can't afford the drug, they've spent all of OUR money.
  4. More money in Guberment hands the more they spend and waste......
  5. Merry Christmas to all you Pcommers out there, be happy, be safe !!
  6. Exactly !! Has also helped run manufacturing out of the US, damn tree huggers....
  7. WOW, nice piece of change.
  8. When I first joined I made $68.00 a month, no extras, and I had money left over at the end of the month...quite a few years back..
  9. Yes you have, I think all the other YT's have clogged up the server...
  10. Merry Christmas to you Nick and your family !! Thanks for helping me out this year, Lap top is working just fine !!!
  11. Don't think the upgrade is working out too well, you can click on a topic and go have breakfast, it might appear when you return. Anyone else having the slow response??
  12. I believe that the +/- buttons have been disabled for the protected certain Poster......
  13. Is that in pill form or liquid? But I don't want it to be too fast..
  14. "OFF TOPIC" SOLO, what happened to the Chrome topic, I was replying and puff...it went away....hate that!! Sorry for the interruption, carry on....
  15. xxrsellars


    I was thinking about getting chromed once, wonder how that would work, Hmmmm
  16. Oooops ! Demon big dog huh....sorry Demon..
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