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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. After I had posted about all the garbage, another poster came in and said that she and her (I think) family had gone there and cleaned it up. BOY, DID THEY EVER!!!! It looks great! Anyway, that's why I have not gone down there and I'm sorry if I caused a misunderstanding and wasted anyone's time. I thought you had seen it CC. Now I feel bad.
  2. Yeah! That's what you were thinking!
  3. I was going to post a thread about the accident involving the Governor's daughter and the 17 year old that was driving a Porsche. After typing it up I just could not bring myself to post it. That family must be at the breaking point with the loss of their son. I cannot imagine giving a 17 year old a Porsche to drive. It just does not compute with me. I am very very sorry for this family.
  4. Yup, KRM and I went on Saturday....$5.00 to park...LONG walk to the festival...hot...no shade. And between this one and the Cobb County fair I'm wondering where these folks get off charging as much as they do for food. At the Cobb County fair got 2 corn dogs, a coke and an order of fries and it was close to $20.00! However, that roasted corn is really really really good! I'll pass on BOTH next year. I don't mind spending the money but that was just a bit much.
  5. Oh.....was that YOU on that broom? j/k girlie.
  6. I renewed my "Golden Lab" tag cause I wanted to help the animals. It is a small thing but hey at least its something.
  7. I am so glad someone finally said it like it is at Ryan's. YUK! YUK! My horse trough is cleaner than that place. Deep fried sole of shoe anyone?
  8. Since the thread is about breast cancer, go get checked! There cannot be over saturation of breast cancer awareness. Period. GO GET YOURSELF CHECKED!
  9. Awwww hun, I'm sorry to hear this. Good vibes and best wishes being sent to you and you Dad. Good luck and be sure to keep us posted.
  10. Oh come on Momof 3, he is a superstar! At least he thinks so........guess he is trying for another 15 minuets. As far as I'm concerned, he is one of the main reasons that OJ got off.
  11. I just went through this about 6 months ago. I will tell you this much stay away from Ikea for your cabinets (JUNK!) I did not have to replace the cabinets but if you don't have a bunch to replace, consider getting them custom made. For the counter-tops, we went to Lowes just pick out what you want and they will take it from there. Backsplash, there are a bunch of discount tile places just pick what you like and they can refer you to an installer. Good luck. Oh, and figure 20% extra on the costs and at least 30% extra on the time. And remember this saying when you want to rip your
  12. Celebrate them! Be glad you had them in your lives. You will never ever lose them. Just cause their "shell" is gone does not mean that they are. They are in your hearts and minds all the time. Be sad about losing them but please think about the fact that they would not want to see you sad and heartbroken so...........laugh with the memories of them and be glad of the love you had for them. It is a gift you know.
  13. Hey now, I'm with you! Opening scene in The Big Easy...........swoon...get up and then swoon again.
  14. Well now that we have highjacked this thread (I guess I do that alot, don't mean to, just kinda happens) if you will do that and he wants/needs citizens to help I got a PM and another poster indicates that she would be willing to help too. I am very serious. If I can help, I will. BTW CC, you rock Big Boy.
  15. There are times you just have to ask yourself "Are you sure, really sure, that you want to do that?" Come on CC you know the guy, put a flea in his ear.
  16. Now THAT is an excellent idea. Ohhhhhh Cpl. Gurleyyyyyyyy, got a request.
  17. Not to be a Debbie Downer but we went there, loaded the dogs in the truck and found it (thanks to NG directions) and found soooooooo much trash down there! Someone has set up a cookout area and just bags of trash plus there is alot of it just thrown around. OK fine, we walk down to the "water" you call that a waterfall? Really? A waterfall? I call it a trickle. Some bonehead actually felt the need to break beer bottles on the rocks. Nice. I'd like to gather up some folks to go in there and clean it up! I really dislike litterbugs. Sorry for the downer but it could be pretty
  18. I saw the double one on my way to bowling last night. It was so strikingly vibrant. NOW I know what they mean about the end of the rainbow being impossible to find cause as I drove it seemed like the end of it was right there but as I got closer it just seemed to move further away. Pretty neat.
  19. I use him too. Zoo, this would be a good starting point. And I think he would see you pretty quick. Good luck hun.
  20. Huh? Of course it's part of Mexico and I would think a prime target cause of all the wealthy people that visit there. If you want close and safe how about the Bahamas?
  21. What a pretty young lady. Batten down the hatches! There's gonna be many boys swarming in a few years hun.
  22. None of those choices for me. I want to go to Moorea. Friends just went on their honeymoon and they said it was truly an island oasis. I would not go Mexico. It has really gotten out of control there. I mean if they are throwing bottle bombs into clubs in Cancun that's enough to keep me away.
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