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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Tell Hubby I hope he doesn't miss the rest of his finger too much. Will twinkies help?
  2. Nope, don't need it either. I am high on life. Ya gotta have a gimmick.........these kids just have too much access to money.
  3. Thanks alot dude/dudette, I really appreicate it!
  4. IDK will they let the dogs swim there?
  5. Animal? Who is this Animal you speak of?
  6. Well, how many passengers needed passports on those flights? Interesting stuff.....I've never heard about the passport question.
  7. Oh goodie! :rubbinghandstogetherwitharealevilgrin: I'll look forward to it!
  8. I know where that is. I will def. try it out. Thanks!
  9. Thanks Mark - that site looked promising. Thanks......it still might be an option.
  10. I know where that is. I wonder if they will let me in for just a day use. Thanks! I know the waterfall location has been posted here like a million times, but can tyou tell me where it is? Again? I was hoping for a place where I could get in the water with them. Do you think that would work here? Thanks everyone! Nevermind
  11. I would love to be able to take my dogs swimming but I don't have a clue where to go. Anybody?
  12. So many people would just love to have the opportunities that Lindsey has had. Her parents should be held accountable for not teaching her, early on, to surround herself with people who had her best interests at heart. Sad, Just sad. Smarten up Lindsey! Hope it is not too late.
  13. are you sure it wasn't an "insider" or a "friend" or a "source"?
  14. She looks great and I don't blame her one bit for getting some "help". She is a natural beauty anyway.
  15. Well once the "truth" gets out it better be good Animal or your reputation is shot. Have mercy on her soul? Really? Did you really have to go that low? Guess we will see.
  16. Gee, somehow her internet connection, as well as the photo cam would "just go away" Really, I don't know what happened........ Then, somehow I would find the care and love to parent my young child!
  17. Mom of 3, I hope all is OK and if you think I can help with anything please let me know. You guys ROCK! Really, just let me know.
  18. OK, I will be the one to explain the tunnels to you. It is a joke but the posts were written so well that it seemed that maybe they were real. Do a search of the word tunnel and you will see what I mean. BTW where the heck is TBAR? Or for that matter Footballbeerchick these days?
  19. Huh? It always just amazes me how people turn things into a North/South thing. It should be a small town mind vs a big city mind thing. Things are very different in a big city and you tend to have a more open mind when you live among many cultures who think differently than you do. However, I am surprised that this is being allowed through cause 911 in the hearts and minds of New Yorkers is still very raw. I will be interested to see if the building is vandalized on an on going basis. Then, of course it has the possibility of becoming a tit for tat type of thing. I just can't see the NY
  20. Do tell! As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck............ Almost forgot.....and if it posts like a duck...........................
  21. Yes, it is an aweful disease. Really difficult. I am glad she was found safe and sound.
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