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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Good luck! I hope it goes great for you!
  2. OK, I read the physical requirements and you are nuts if you think you OR I could do that girlfriend. They would have to retrieve us from the middle of the zip line and I think I would have to use the bathroom before they would be able to reach us!
  3. Hey, I'll go with that! Happy Birthday.
  4. I'm sorry you are feeling bad but if you can't take a nap....eat grease! OR, as the saying goes If you want to dance, you gotta pay the band! Hope you feel better.
  5. Ahhhhhhh.......so, I have to ask, what were you thinking anyway?
  6. LOL, but I don't think you should feel like a big wussy just because there is some nutjob wasp whisperer out there in cyberland. We have to deal with these nasty critters all the time. When I mow, I feel like I need eight pairs of eyes to be on the lookout for them so I don't run into or over them. In any case, SPECTRACIDE PRO, this is the only spray that we have found that works. It is sold only at Home Depot (that we have found anyway.) We spray at night and try our best to get it in the hole! Good luck! Last nest I killed was in our driveway and I was able to spray it from my
  7. Sugar Pie - that was Mrs. B not Mrs. G. you.just.crack.me.up
  8. Ah come on don't ask her to do that...she is about the only one who doesn't slice and dice anybody and everybody in that forum. The balance is needed.
  9. Nah, I think she was referring to the little old lady begging (or selling flower arrangements depends on how you take it) in the parking lot of the store that roars that drives a newer jeep and take the money to play the lottery.
  10. This is the first I've heard of diabetes being linked to Chantix.....honestly, my doctor did not say anything about it nor did my husbands doctor. The only information I could find on the net was concerning lawyers and lawsuits. That's just bizarre.....I am going to look into it a bit further.
  11. Well, thank heavens you did not forget the Ouch, my side hurts from laughing.......
  12. WTF? I have heard nothing about a link between Chantix and diabetes.....since I am on Chantix I sure would appreicate more info. I googled it but found nothing. Beside, you are pregant and I am willing to bet there is no way your doctor would let you have it.
  13. Back at ya Madea! Hope all is well for you and yours.
  14. See, the way I see it is that you are putting your child in danger by exposing them to cigarette smoke......if one whiff of smoke can bring on an asthma attack then you should do the right thing and keep them on your property where you know there is no chance of them being exposed. The suggestion works well in another regard too. You may throw a dirty look at the wrong person one day....... I'm just saying. And I'm half joking, but this blah blah blah about smoking outside is just a vehicle for people to whine about something.....anything...just so they can whine.
  15. I was at an airport in NYC outside in front of the building standing in the outside smoking area. As a bus was pulling up, along comes a women with a toddler in a stroller. She actually threw the people that were smoking dirty looks because they were infecting her child with cigarette smoke but did not seem to have a problem with the rather large cloud of diesel smoke coming out of the bus tailpipe as it pulled away from the curb. Some people need an issue like smoking so they can feel better about themselves. You know, somehow I am better than you because I don't smoke. And for the
  16. Sorry NC but I could care less about cell phones, I phones, threaded whatever...... I like life in real life.
  17. Oh. I went by it last night and it looked packed so I thought it was open. I hope it's good too.
  18. Oh, for the love of all that's holy..... That will teach you GLW to start a thread to warn people about a scammer. Baddddddddd girl!
  19. So...........who's been to the new pizza place on 120? Any good? I'm hoping and praying ..........................
  20. I'm sorry hun. Really. Sounds like a very very tough row to hoe.
  21. Not to worry hun, you have lots of company me and JLH10101010101 and me to be exact. It really does stink but I am on day 9 and I haven't killed anyone yet so.......hang in there, you can beat this. PSA: Chantix = divorce.
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