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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Sorry CC, but that is just YUK! Want the perfect oyster? Go to Aspens. THEY have the perfect oyster BUT be ready to let go of some of that coinage!
  2. Now now Blue I don't think that's exactly fair. Soup Chicken drama can only be classified as Soup Chicken Drama when it is created by one of the "Soup Chickens" and I don't believe that the OP is a soup chicken. I may be wrong but that's how I see it anyway. BTW, who are the soup chickens anyway?
  3. Go ahead and call and let us know what they say.
  4. Maybe she is in that same boat, or maybe not not since her phone is disconnected maybe she just doesn't have easy access. Lesson learned huh? I think all of us have been taken advantage of at some point or other.
  5. What a great way to do it! It is ALL about the face right?
  6. Honestly, I have been here almost 25 years and this really is the first I've heard of not wrapping presents so I guess it can't be a Southern thing. Maybe it's a new thing. IDK
  7. I have never ever not wrapped presents! I can not even think of not wrapping everything and everything. I get behind some years but somehow, some way it always gets done. Is not wrapping a southern thing? I not looking to start anything but I honestly have never even heard of not wrapping Christmas presents.
  8. I am OK with everything you said. I just do not agree with the fact that a person should not be able to edit a person's post without a notation that the post was edited by........ I guess the majority of members don't have a problem with it. I do. You can delete the entire contents of a post and put in whatever you want and it shows under the OP's name. You know, like they had posted it. I think that it needs to be noted that the post was edited by ....... so that you can look at the post and see the OP and the editor are different. I think that most of the members here are good,
  9. I wish the post of Solo's was still around. It's gone now or at least I can't find it. I saw it and was shocked on how it appeared that she had said something so totally out of character for her. P.com is really the only message board I have ever been involved in and while it may not shock you, it shocked the hell out of me. From what I am reading it's the way of the world as far as message boards. I'll about guarantee you that there are more than a few members here that never noticed this happy little glitch either.
  10. Pretty much the same thing. Except for the quote box. But if you are new to the site and not aware....well you know.
  11. I'm just gonna take this as Beware of Interaction on the internet 101.
  12. I guess where I went wrong was getting to know people on the board IRL. You know, once that happens you kind of care what they think of you, I mean if you give a rats hinny about them anyway.
  13. Sorry, Solo's post (#15) in this thread make reference to another post. Look at it and let me know what you think.
  14. Nope. Queens, NY. OK, I'll make it "doll", is that better? Go up the thread to Solo reference that it happened to her in a post. I know it is confusing.....Go look and you will see what I mean.
  15. No hun, what you said did not bother me. I guess I never "caught" on to the fact that the originator of an edit is not shown. It also bothers me that posts can be edited, by whoever, and while they may get a bullet, it is not noted that the original edit was done by someone other than the OP.
  16. My point exactly! But hey don't worry about it, they will after all get a bullet. I don't understand why can't they change this. It used to be that if your post was edited, even by you it was noted, but its does not look like that is the rule anymore. I.don't.understand.
  17. Thanks so much for fixing that but I think the problem is how it originally appeared.
  18. I agree there is a difference but perception is everything and to Joe Paulding.com it appears that I have been quoted. Just another real good reason not to mix P.com with real life.
  19. Mark, you are too funny (sometimes) this is very scary! You can post under anyones name. That CRAZY! :wacko:
  20. Yup I've seen that too and to be honest, I didn't have a problem with it BUT this issue is different. See post #2 - it does not reflect Solo revision....it looks like I did it and I did not.
  21. Like I said, Post #5 LOOKS like it is quoteing me but I never put that post up. Perhaps this runs deeper.
  22. Under Monkeytails name there is a post which I did not put up.
  23. Maybe I am not being clear on what this issue is. I can't believe nobody cares about this!
  24. Whoa. I never knew that if you hit reply you can change an existing post to insert anything you want and it appears that that person is posting when it hits the board. I never knew this. I always assumed that everyone's post is "locked" Why is it like this I wonder?
  25. That sounds good to me but I won't be getting anything like that either.
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