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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Probable cause? That's if the officier wants to fool with it or not. I don't see the importance. If they have a case, chances are the records will be pulled anyway.
  2. :rofl: He really was fugley. smallhighjack: hey sweetie, hope you feeling great!
  3. No. Not really. I was told he had a big slong.
  4. I knew a guy who was just ugly as a mud fence. He did alright when it came to the ladies. This guy was "bad teeth" ugly. Sorry, but thats ugly.
  5. See, I disagree. I think you are putting undue pressure on yourself. Lesson learned. If it's a situation that you have a good bit invested, that hurts. Look at it and get over it. The longer you debate with yourself, the longer they have their hooks in you. It's all part of the grand scheme called "smarting up."
  6. Yes, that is creepy. I wonder why Stephen King hasn't put than scenario in one of his books. Or has he? My vote is for weather related.
  7. Save up your money and go on a nice cruise line.....it's sooooo worth it! I hate feeling like an animal being herded.
  8. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! OK, I went back in and deleted A BUNCH of messages. Hell Bells, thats an hour I'll never get back!
  9. In my dreams, I would have done the following: Thrown my head back, squared my shoulders and walk right up to her and ask her where did she get her white trash lessons? Did she get out of her cave often? Smile sweetly and walk away. In reality through I probably would have just thrown her a very very dirty look and walked away. There are lots of women like that around here. I'm sure she does her family proud.
  10. Hey Tow, it's funny, I was thinking about you the other day, ya know wondering if you would be back or not. Hope all is well for you and your family.
  11. Seriously John, if it punctured your skin and you have not had a shot (I think it's like 5 years but I'm not sure) it will/can make you really really sick. Why take a chance like that? It's a simple shot so GO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
  12. Forget the joint for the time being. How long has it been since you had a tetanus shot? I can't even THINK about JLH0101 with lockjaw. I mean dood....think about it! Of course, it will not affect your typing ability.
  13. Double checked and my inbox was full! No one ever sends me squat so I'm not sure how that happened....just my fault. Anyway PM me please?
  14. Yo girlie! Let me assure you that you are NOT blocked nor is my inbox full. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow. I'll get more aggressive on getting in touch. I have not renewed my membership.....IDK if messages are limited under those circumstances. So......you pull manes?
  15. That's good news Solo. Please tell her that she is in my thoughts. :wub:
  16. Here goes: Louise - Black female Ralphie - GSD Theodore - Golden LOVE them all.
  17. The sweater and boots thing is very very unflattering if you are a big girl and if you are older and big it really looks ridiculous. Too all the big girls out there, you do realize that when you bend over in these ultra short dress that everyone can see all the cottage cheese you are carrying around right? Also, I wonder, what is with the shoes now? I mean, number one, just how are you walking in them? Number two, not for nothing but what are hookers wearing these days? I want to tell them "the hooker union called and they want their shoes back!"
  18. I truly love and adore Anita (bear in mind I'm a Yankee and I just don't say this stuff) she is a very very kind person. Glad everything worked out OK and everyone got home safe. Yo! Anita, just so you know, you do ROCK! :p :p
  19. I'm happy for you Surepip, you hung tough and it looks like there might be light at the end of the tunnel so that you and your family can get back to normal. To anyone who is telling you to pull up your socks, well all I can say is that YOU have NO idea the wear and tear this kind of situation puts on you. Imagine you being in a like situation, where you felt you were getting the dirty end of the stick, and having to watch while the other side goes about their business while you are stuck feeling completely frustrated and ignored. Case in point. Joe farmer and his wife have owed their "
  20. That will teach them to steal in Paulding County. Stay in DeKalb!
  21. Gee, it was needed and the County actually planned for it. Image that.
  22. WHAT???? You actually saw someone do this?
  23. Going into the local store and seeing pig women. Don't you have any pride? I mean we all get stuck sometimes and have to run out without any "prepping" but these women look like they are just pigs all the time. I just want to walk up to them and ask if they look at themselves in the mirror. I mean, like EVER? And BTW, your car looks like you live in it. Lazy, is my take on most.
  24. I think you would be amazed how often this type of thing happens. I had a neighbor (who I called "Redneck Ho") that would scout out people that she could pawn her kids off on all the time. She didn't care if the kid(s) were safe, all she cared about was that she was FREE for a few hours. She never kept her word about what time she would be back, how she would return the favor, etc. No account low life who only has her own wants and needs in mind. I used to think, ahhhh, she just had her kids too young but quickly realized that this is the way she was brought up and she really saw no pr
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