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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Oops, forgot the big, drippy, chargrilled burger. With bacon. With no pickles!
  2. Shrimp, scallops, crab legs, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, birthday cake with that crisco icing, fried chicken, BBQ pork, a nice juicy steak, broccoli cheese and rice casserole, squash casserole, ribs, country fried steak with that white gravy stuff, oysters, field peas with snaps and butterbeans like gramma made, any other seafood, a chick-fil-a sandwich and a diet coke. Hahaha! Just kidding. I hate diet coke!
  3. How in the world do these companies think they are going to collect a cancellation fee? Especially if you don't have a contract with them. and why should you even have to sign a contract to get garbage picked up?
  4. Oh. Dear. God. I'm sorry but I am judging. No, I'm not sorry. I am judging.
  5. Sounds like me. Oh yeah I'm 47. Don't let everybody freak you out. Any 5 year old that sits quietly and does as he is told is the one to worry about.
  6. I'm scared to look at my statement, but I feel confident that I can outrun the zombies. And that confidence will most likely be my downfall.
  7. how long have you been in your house? when I moved into mine there were 2 pieces of rebar in the ground on each side of my front yard and 2 small wood posts with pink ribbons (long gone) in the woods in the back yard.
  8. I saw that yesterday. I've only done a drive-thru and never actually parked there. Is there enough parking for something like this?
  9. And also, please avoid the sprinkles at any buffet.
  10. Great, now y'all've got me reading her entire collection of funniness. This ain't helping me find a job! hahahahaha!!
  11. And P.S. When crap like this actually happens, how about telling WHERE. Not "Paulding county". It's a big county how's about narrowing it down some. Like to the neighborhood or crossroad.
  12. I started mine on cereal at about 3 or 4 months I think. Dr said not to start until they eat it off the spoon and not put it in the bottle because it could be a choking hazzard.
  13. I'll take some, too if you still have some.
  14. pawn shops can tell you who they bought stuff from when you buy it? oops, Happy beat me to it!
  15. Sly Dial: 267-SLYDIAL (267-759-3425). free, awesome. takes you right to voicemail so you don't have to talk to anybody. but the caller ID shows your phone number so if you don't want anyone to know its you, call from a phone in somebody else's office! not that I would do that...often.
  16. My favorite part: "without the victim's permission."
  17. One banana, two banana, three banana four!.......
  18. So you call your kid's doctor first thing in the morning with an emergency, they agree to fit you in the same day within a couple of hours and you have to WAIT for the doctor to finish seeing other patients who probably made appointments in advance?! Poor princess. Try Grady next time.
  19. I just wish someone, anyone would bring us a place to eat and not ply the citizens of Paulding county with sugary goodness. Perhaps someplace with good wholesome food......
  20. This is advertising by "the evil landlord".
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