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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. They don't make everybody do that. You have to be "specially selected". I was one of the chosen few, but it was relatively painless. I just had to show up for 4 workshop type things and bring my job search sheet. The job search sheet had to show at least 1 "contact" per week, which isn't seriously looking for a job, and we watched a video most of the sessions and none lasted more than an hour. I haven't had to do anything since. I can see where these sessions would be helpful for someone who hasn't put together a resume or interviewed before, but if you aren't getting any calls or interviews
  2. I have the 3 gs. Is the 4g really more magical? I havent really read the book that came with it. It probably does all kinds of fabulous things. I use the calendar and text and surf and all but what else really good do these things do?
  3. Thank you. They probably wouldnt let me bring my dog either! I reckon I'll just stick with my $330/week "free" money.
  4. I think if farm owners had hired people who were eligible to work in the US in the first place, the agricultural business wouldn't be in trouble now. But I digress. Where are these farms?
  5. Where are these farms?
  6. Well you just have to be a special kind of stupid to pull something like that with your own camera right in your face.
  7. I vote for urinary tract/kidney infection.
  8. My favorite fall smell is "wood burning fireplace", but I don't think it comes in a candle!
  9. Oh, that makes me want to shower.
  10. Yeah it's the oil settling down thing. I love coming into threads like this and seeing that all the chicks have it handled!
  11. I am perfectly willing to have ANYONE give me a pedicure and scrub my sad, scaly heels. Please form a single line to be considered.
  12. Yep in pots. I have a jasmine in a pot on my deck. It's pretty tough. I cover it in the winter if it going to freeze and it always comes back all green and pretty in the spring.
  13. Mums. It's about cool enough for pansies, too.
  14. I did. It jumped right into the story but showed enough "flashbacks" to let you kind of know what was going on. I think it will be like that on every show. It was enough to pique my interest, though. Or else the unemployment and boredom have begun to kill off the remaining brain cells I have. PS. It's on Hulu.
  15. Is he still your fiancé?
  16. Poor panda. All the other pandas making fun.....
  17. Thank you, Blondie. I will never be able to hear this song without seeing Brian Griffin!
  18. That percentage of kids in one family with any particular disorder would make an interesting study. I wonder if their doctors have done any sleuthing?
  19. Midland is one of those shady "businesses" that buys really old debts that may or may not exist and then tries to harass and scare people into paying them. Don't even talk to these people.
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