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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Allatoona 29 Paulding County 0 2nd quarter
  2. Why doesn't the bus line drop off passengers near a crosswalk? I can't tell you how many times I've had to dodge pedestrians crossing Austell Road, Powder Springs Street and South Cobb Drive. It would seem to be safer to drop off passengers at the red light knowing they can cross at a crosswalk rather than darting across a 4 lane road. Common sense is lacking. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/jaywalking-moms-appeal-denied/nR5Sq/ Nelson’s son was struck and killed by an admitted drunk driver – Jerry L. Guy – on the night of April 10, 2010, as she returned home on the bus aft
  3. https://paulding.paytaxes.net/intro/paulding/ My property taxes went down this year!
  4. I have no regard for the K-9 officer at Hiram. Just sayin'
  5. I used to love The Upper Crust at the Galleria. They've been gone for a while now though. Schlotzski's personal size pizza are pretty good. Big enough for one person only though.
  6. Wills High School... We were great in Basketball but awful in football.
  7. Heath may be a mud-slinging dirtbag, but at least he's paid his taxes. That's more than I can say about Bill Carruth.
  8. The school deputy now takes kids to jail for fighting. Back in the old days, we'd fight quite often. Every young man needs to experience at least one good fistfight, even if he winds up with a bloody nose. My son got in a good one on the school bus and another one in the locker room. He won one and lost one. It's better to get a bloody nose than to run like a coward. Back in my younger days, I got whipped a time or two. It's all part of growing up. Boys will be boys. Mom doesn't need to tattle to the teacher. Let him handle it. He'll be better off in the long run.
  9. Thanks for the kind words. I'll try to keep folks posted about maybe sending a care package or maybe even get some folks to send a card or letter. My cousin is an elementary school teacher in Douglas County and I'm sure her kids would love to draw little pictures to send.
  10. My nephew is in the Army and has received his orders to go to Afghanistan. He's scheduled to leave in November. Many members of my family have served honorably in the Army, Navy & Air Force and although I'm very proud of each of them, I'll be honest, I have a very sick feeling in my gut this time. I'm beyond ready for this war to be over.
  11. I don't like Carruth and won't be voting for Carruth. http://www.billcorrupt.com/
  12. Why would anyone vote for a candidate who won't pay his taxes and has hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax liens? If Carruth can't handle his own finances, why should he handle yours and mine? Heath ain't much better, but at least he pays his taxes.
  13. There are many folks who struggle financially. I can't tell you how many times I hear of folks who don't have money to pay his rent or fix his truck, yet had the money for a bottle of booze and a pack of smokes. Most of us folks don't mind helping out a widow or orphan or someone who is trying hard to make ends meet. But we are sick of giving money to complete deadbeats or illegal immigrants who are milking the system. Some folks simply won't work and we're tired of supporting them. A guy on my street went on Disability, next thing you know, there's a new boat in his yard, a nice truck,
  14. A cousin of mine did some research and discovered a relative of ours was shot by a yankee bullet in 1864 near Lost Mountain. Anyways, Charles was wounded in the summer of 1864 and lost his leg shortly thereafter. He managed to recoup and lived until 1905. Anyone else have any Civil War stories they'd liek to share?
  15. Americans have taken our plentiful food supply for granted, but if you study history, you'd see where there have been riots over food shortages. People that are hungry will turn violent. During and after the Hurricane Katrina disaster, people raided grocery stores and stole whatever they could get their hands on. We really don't know how many were shot dead by armed thugs. In parts of North Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, etc, food riots have caused countless citizens to be shot dead by police and military officials. Most Americans have a really hard time even imagining such a thing, but the tr
  16. Sunday beer is available in Hiram, but folks need to contact DAVID AUSTIN about getting Sunday Beer sales in the rest of the county? Why aren't the voters allowed to vote on it? We all need to contact David Austin! who's with me on this one?
  17. Big Brother is watching everything...every financial transcation, every phone call and email, they are even reading this as I type. Our society is no longer free and truthfully, we're in a mess. It makes you wonder if the BEAST in the Bible is on the horizon. I know a lot of folks scoff at stuff like that, but it does make you wonder... Who is able to make war with him? ... power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Any attempts to stop a match that has already been scheduled are futile. If nothing else, it makes you stop and think. Many folks ahve been bu
  18. I don't drink booze. I prefer some sweet tea.
  19. http://www.infowars.com/national-weather-service-follows-dhs-in-huge-ammo-purchase/ Why is the National Weather Service buying huge amounts of ammunition? Accoring to teh above-article, The National Weather Service is following its federal counterpart the Department of Homeland Security in securing large quantities of ammo. Back in March, Homeland Security purchased 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage, prompting questions as to why the DHS needed such a large amount of powerful bullets merely for train
  20. The thunderstorms rattled my windows and made the whole house shake. I live in Dallas near Merchants Drive. Was it storming at your house this morning?
  21. We ate dinner at Johnny's BBQ in Powder Springs on Friday evening. I had a baked potato so big, the biggest I’d had in at least 10 years. Man it was AWESOME! The stew & Barbeque were pretty good as well. It's starting to cool down in the evenings and it's a great time for some good BBQ!
  22. I'm ready to scream. I can't wait till this election is over. The robo-calls are beyond annoying.
  23. I have some kin folks in a little hick town called Hartford, Alabama....it's almost in Florida.... They grow a lot of peanuts down there!
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