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About Musiclover

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  1. No altercations today or yesterday....hopefully that will be the end of it.
  2. Yes he was just sitting there minding his own business. If that "kid" hits my son first then my son better defend himself. Last time I checked bullies don't need a reason to pick on someone. He hasn't walked into the school and reported it because he thinks he can deal with it himself. And funny how many messages I received on here with people knowing exactly who I am speaking about...2 of the 3 boys are already on probation. So it seems to me that these 3 boys are known trouble makers. But again my kid who is helping my brother out and earning a few extra dollars by picking up my nephew
  3. Yes I have already told him that as soon as he sees them heading his way to start recording right away. I started this thread because I am pissed that some punk ass kid thinks it is ok to damage others property and hoping just maybe his parents would see this and maybe have a discussion with them. I am sure that is wishful thinking. I am not trying to fight his battles for him and if MY car wasn't involved I would never have put something like this on here. My nephew knows the names of 2 of the boys in the truck and should they damage MY property I will call the Sheriffs Office. I guess a
  4. Well then I hope he uses good judgement and only fights if his life is threatened. I have raised 3 boys with him being the youngest at 19 and none of them have ever been in a fight. So hoping this will resolve itself without fighting also.
  5. So they throw bottles at his car off school grounds, he pulls over to check the damage, kids come back jump out of their truck and start fighting with him...he will get in more trouble because he isn't a student and he didn't start it??
  6. Thanks. I am aware of the consequences and believe me I have drilled it into his head tonight so HE understands the consequences. He is going to park elsewhere in the lot tomorrow afternoon so hopefully they won't be looking for him and he can get in and out without an altercation.
  7. I would tend to think that is fighting on school grounds. My kid is out of high school but picks up my nephew everyday. No way I would tell him not to defend himself should someone take the first swing. He doesn't want to fight..but he would never just let them beat him down
  8. Yeah well my kid is considered an adult and he is ready to handle to the situation on his own...had I not seen him put a baseball bat in his car I would never have known something happened. Which led to an argument about defending himself. He knows not to fight unless someone takes the first swing. They held up a stick of some sort and egged him on to meet and fight somewhere. It is my car he is driving and I would prefer some punk ass kid not dent it up by throwing bottles at it. This is the 3rd time in a week these kids have thrown something at him or kick his car in the parking lot while
  9. Well let's just hope they don't start something tomorrow...I am against fighting but if in self defensive then you better win
  10. So I suppose I shouldn't care when my son beats the crap out them?? Again bullies should be stopped right? My son doesn't go there...he was picking up my nephew.
  11. I suggest you have a nice long talk with him regarding respecting other peoples property. You think throwing bottles at my kids car and egging him on to fight is cool...think again. I know the kids names and will report to the Sheriff's office should it happen again. 3 boys...1 on crutches.
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