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Jamie Weaver

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About Jamie Weaver

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  • Birthday 07/04/1978

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. So until your criteria is met...Kill all the babies you want? With respect to control, no one is telling you that you cant collect rain water in a barrel. Its more about the whole butchering of innocents. Typically it is looked down upon kind of like drowning puppies.- Jamie
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-gov-brian-kemp-signs-controversial-heartbeat-bill-into-law - Jamie
  3. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/gov-kemp-closes-all-state-offices-closed-tuesday-due-to-incoming-winter-weather/911061558?fbclid=IwAR3_muTpYDoLqSBTmJegsrB22vNVpNRzu7eTwYf1GLSa2C5BwntgwA_E0Oo
  4. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/27/nato-members-increase-defence-spending-100-billion-donald-trump/ So it would appear rather than destroy NATO, Trump's calling out of Allies not pulling their weight has had the desired affect. - Jamie
  5. You see a sly remark...I see projection. My last response...I've already given this thread more attention than it deserves. I read the article in its entirety. I walked away with the knowledge that GM has decided to cut production lines on automobiles that aren't as popular. They're "shifting" their product line as the market place is changing. Who is spinning....You or Baghdad and Freddie?. - Jamie
  6. Did you even read your own article? All the answers to your relevant questions are actually there. I can quote the article for you if you like, but it’s your article. - Jamie
  7. Lame... GM is pulling the lines. The automobiles aren't selling. Head back to HQ for a decent talking point. - Jamie
  8. There isn’t a need for talking points. Your article actually spells it out for you. Certain automobile lines aren’t maintaining the level of profitability that GM wants to maintain. - Jamie
  9. Kemp posted pictures along those lines... I wonder if they understand that Abrams wants to take those guns away? - Jamie
  10. I’m at the polling office now. Weather is gloomy, but not raining. The crowd isn’t bad at all. 30-40 deep outside the station. Now is a good time! - Jamie
  11. How are the polls looking today? My polling place is the courthouse. - Jamie
  12. Funny you should mention that...His brother was the President of the Massachusetts Senate (Democrat) until his commmunications with Whitey came into question.... - Jamie
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