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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I voted already and I voted AGAINST every incumbent that had an opponent... since David Austin was the incumbent, I voted for Tony Crowe. I voted against Paulette too. I don't know who'll win, but I'll be glad if the T-Splost fails.
  2. I never said the victims brought this on themselves. I meant society turns a blind eye towards all manner of violence. This will be old news in a matter of weeks and the criminal who committed the murders will never have to pay with his own life because killing him would be just too cruel in many folks' view. What ever happened to an eye for an eye? He should be lined up against a wall and shot, but that will never happen. At best, he'll sit on death row till he's 66 and then just maybe he'll get a sleeping potion and he'll drift off to sleep. Look at the pain he's inflicted, yet there will be
  3. Do you really wonder why this tragedy in Aurora happened? How many video games do we have where the object is to kill? or steal? or destroy? Think of Grand Theft Auto, Diablo or even James Bond, just to name a few. We, as a society, are ok with violence in general. In nearly every television show on television, there's a robbery or murder. In every newspaper or book we read or movie we see or song we hear, we hear of violence, drunkenness, and all manner of lewd and sinful behavior. We live in a society that glorifies sin, death and violence and we mock those who take a stand against su
  4. Years ago we'd have moonshiners, bootleggers, and an occasional cock fight make the news. But I suppose the Old South days are Gone with the Wind... It wasn't that long ago that Lonzo even had a cross burning in the field past Roses store before you get into Draketown. I remember when there was only one traffic light in all of Paulding County and most of the roads were dirt roads. We had the highest concentration of 4 wheel drive vehicles anywhere in America.
  5. I live in Dallas near Captain D's, Krystal, Ingles, etc.
  6. http://www.thepolkfishwrap.com/view/full_story/19478427/article-Plane-crash-near-Treat-Mountain--early-reports-state-pilot-is-dead?instance=home_news_1st_left I surfed across this and apparently this is breaking news. I have no idea where Treat Mountain is.
  7. 42 day till the Dawgs kick off... what's going on in 6 Days?
  8. I usually buy a couple of thing at a time when I go shopping, usually a gallon of milk, bread, Totino's etc. I haven't been actual grocery shopping in ages. My wife usually goes to Ingles or Kroger for groceries, but hits the Big Lots or Dollar general for non-food items like laundry detergent, shampoos, etc. She clips tons of coupons from the newspaper & internet, so I hate to be ignorant, but I have no clue how much we actually spend in a month on groceries. I just let the wife handle that. A couple hundred dollars I guess? But from what the experts say, it looks like prices ma
  9. My boys went to see The Dark Knight Rises last night at midnight. Then I hear about the movie theater shooting and I feel a sort of relief that my boys weren't anywhere near that place in Aurora, but a great deal of sadness knowing it could happen here just as easy as out in Colorado.
  10. We are being strangled because of our dependence on foreign oil and foreign food supplies. We import a vast amount of food from Central and South America. We need to increase domestic production of food and find alternative fuel sources for our ec onomy to grow. Today we're talking about oil & food.... in a few years, we'll be in a war over them both if we don't address the shortages NOW!
  11. http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-07/corn-prices-will-continue-rising.aspx?storyid=156373 ...the drought in the U.S. Midwest is obviously driving up corn prices. It does not show any signs of abating soon. There has also been a terrible heat wave in the United States that has claimed a number of lives in addition to punishing the corn crop. Over the long term, corn will benefit from a number of cogent factors. The price for oil will eventually rise as demand picks up from greater global growth. As a result, more corn will be diverted to ethanol production again. That will further
  12. I voted early and I voted NO! Folks gripe and fuss about the democrats and Obama, but it is the REPUBLICANS who are pushing this multi billion dollar tax increase. You want to make a statement? VOTE DEMOCRAT and then the GOP might get a wake up call.
  13. The kids I know who never broke a rule don't have nearly as much street smarts or common sense as the kids who've expanded their horizons. When I was 18, I thought that being bad was more fun than being good. I came from a broken home and I got away with a lot of stuff back then that I don't have the nerve to try these days. Sure, my buddies and I got drunk a few times when we were teens. Each of us have been on a ride in police car, each of us even smoked a few left handed cigarettes, but those experiences made me what I am today. For the record, after getting booted out, I HAD to get a job
  14. So... when can a jury hear the case and award a jackpot payout to The Morrison's? I'm sure any judgement will be appealed for another 5 or six years.
  15. I was 18 and thought I knew it all .... got booted out by my mom... There's no better education than the school of hard knocks. I suppose it took me about 4 or 5 years to get over it and sort of get back on track, but looking back, I suppose that was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I could ramble on about my journey, but tell me about yours. Have you ever been booted out? How long did it take till you got over it?
  16. I voted today and neither Carruth nor Heath got my vote!
  17. Gays have been here for thousand of years. They aren't going away. That being said, they all need to stay the heck away from me. They give me the creeps. Especially butch women. Eeeww.
  18. Not so. Rich Golick was the author of HB 87 which requires the extra red tape.
  19. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/new-law-causing-hours-long-wait-dds-offices/nPnDw/
  20. This is the idiot who wants you to stand in line 7 hours to get your drivers license. Please flood his office with phone calls and emails telling him to stop this madness! Representative Golick’s Email rich.golick@house.ga.gov 218 State Capitol Building Atlanta, GA 30334 Phone: 404-656-5943 The Office of the Governor, State of Georgia 203 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 Phone: 404-656-1776 Fax: 404-657-7332 Capitol Web mail http://gov.georgia.gov/00/gov/contact_us/0,2657,165937316_166563415,00.html
  21. The ruling is a Big VICTORY for President Obama!
  22. http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/vicious-wildfires-spread-to-1463375.html Many separate wildfires are burning in parts of Colorado. Several years ago, my wife and I spent a nice vacation in Estes Park, Colorado near the entrance of the Rocky Mountains National Park. Now much of the area has been devastated by out of control wildfires. There have also been wildfires in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
  23. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/roger-clemens-verdict-not-guilty-six-counts-204828190--mlb.html After eight weeks, 46 witnesses, two dozing jurors and an estimated $2-3 million spent in taxpayer money, the Roger Clemens trial is finally over. The verdict: Not guilty on three counts of making false statements, not guilty on two counts of perjury and not guilty on one count of obstruction
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