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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I hope he wins the election. I don't like his opponent.
  2. I feel sorry for this guy. Those women wanted action, they got it.
  3. http://www.ajc.com/news/judge-allows-east-paulding-1439474.html U.S. District Judge Harold Murphy in Rome granted a preliminary injunction that allows Jake Zimmerman to attend the May 26 ceremony. Zimmerman, who had participated in an early-morning spray-painting raid at the school, had been barred from graduation ceremonies when he appealed the school system's decision to suspend him and send him to another school. "We felt the school board upped the punishment on Jake -- barring him from graduation -- simply because he appealed the decision and talked to the media about it," Lester T
  4. My wife and I were riding thru Hiram on 278 near Jim & Nicks/Cheeseburger Bobby's around 7:15 tonight and I heard a loud gunshot. Sounded like a cannon. About two minutes later Three Hiram police cars and a Sheriff's car went flying past us, blue lights, sirens, etc. Anyone know what's going on?
  5. Put the new swimwear on and post pictures please
  6. We had a great time at the Relay For Life last night... The little torches and bags with a candle in it were especially touching. If you know of someone who's life has been affected by cancer, you should plan on coming out next time and see what all the fuss is about. It's truly a great cause. I saw a few p.com folks there too.
  7. We got the police report today and found out the other driver was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Also the police officer noted excessive speed on the other driver was a contributing factor. So, yes, my son apparently didn't yield the right of way, but the other driver was speeding and under the influence of alcohol and drugs. So just maybe there's some wiggle room there.
  8. My teen was involved in a car accident. He had stopped at a stop sign and then pulled into traffic and got hit totaling both vehicles. The Police charged my teen with failure to yield/stop. The other driver did have the right of way and did not have a stop sign. Upon further investigation, the other driver was arrested for DUI and taken to jail. My son was charged with causing the accident even though the other driver was DUI. Something seems very wrong with that since the other driver was DUI. Should we just pay the fine when we go to court? or argue to the judge that if the other
  9. You get what you pay for. When you pay the workers a better than average salary, you'll get better than average productivity. When you go for minimum wage workers, you get poor customer service and of course the "attitude". You'll lose customers in the long run.
  10. It's not lying if you keep your mouth shut. Under the law, you have the right to remain silent. I've told my folks to NEVER talk to the police. The police act like they'll take it easy on you if you speak, but they're lying through their teeth. Been there, done that!
  11. The kid's main concern should be getting the charges reduced to a misdemeanor and trying to work a deal BEFORE it goes to the grand jury. A good lawyer will try to work something out, maybe a fine and community service, pre-trial, etc. Also, the attorney should make the deal beforehand to be able to get the record expunged. If you wait till after the indictment, you may not be able to get it expunged. (Been there, done that!)
  12. I disagree 100%. I feel great whenever a snitch gets an old fashioned beat-down. Snitches get stitches! I've told mine to NEVER talk to the po-po under any circumstances!
  13. i usually pay-at-the-pump and rarely even enter the store.
  14. I saw one of my favorite waitresses mugshot in there. Naughty naughty
  15. Broncos will sign Peyton Manning to be their QB... http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/19/sport/peyton-manning/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  16. Well it appears I have prematurely pitched a hissy fit and now I'm eating crow as ALL of the students who were arrested for vandalism were expelled for the remainder of the school year. Although I wish no parent had to endure the headache of dealing with this, I'm extremely glad the school system was consistent in their decision to expel these kids.
  17. How many got expelled for the rest of the year? How many got 10 days ?
  18. Some of the kids got 10 days suspension! Similar incidents at other schools have resulted in immediate expulsion, failure to graduate, etc etc.... I'm beyond pissed!
  19. I have a junior at East.The kids who got arrested are still in school. I'm asking for consistancy.
  20. If the sheriff has criminally charged 24 kids, a warrent issued, bail posted, etc, then the school already knows 24 kids were involved and IMMEDIATELY expel them. Duh... Duh
  21. I have contacted both The Atlanta Journal and WSB TV. I want to know why my son was booted out immediately for a Level 1 offense in 2009 at PCHS, yet NOTHING is happening by to the 24 kids who did $40,000 damage at East Paulding. We'll now see if the school will continue to sweep this under the rug.
  22. My son was booted out of PCHS for something far less the $40,000 in damages!. He was also an honor student, beta club, band, perfect attendance etc. ! The school didn't give any leeway! Why aren't tehse kids expelled yet?
  23. My kid was booted out immediately in 2009... Is it fair that they haven't already been booted out?
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